Indoor Come visit Wild Bill's Medical Grow Room!!!!

Well, I didn't do a damn thing!

I had a little "mixture incident" with the Swordfish today! I mixed the latest three girl all THC live Rosin Will some THCA extract from the local Vape store. I overdid it a fair amount and had to hit some CBD pretty hard.

It's pretty good thing nobody really needed anything immediately. :funny: :funny: :funny:9
All the potted girls got fully watered!
They got hit with a pretty good biological witches brew!
Both Rootwise Inoculates and three milliliters of Enzymes per gallon
Medina horticultural molasses at 1 tablespoon per gallon
Finished off the bottle of Fermented insect frass with three tablespoons total
BAS Build a Bloom at one teaspoon per gallon
I pre warmed the water and brewed the whole concoction for a little over five hours.
Once brewed, I added the surfactant and my FJJ at 1 1/2 tablespoons per gallon.

All got heavily top watered, waited 30 minutes and then came back and finished with bottom watering in the tray.

4x4 tent
I think these girls are enjoying themselves quite a bit !

The big potted girl sure is doing great!!

3x3 tent................ A different kind of fun is being had there!:eyebrows::eyebrows::eyebrows::eyebrows: :funny: :funny:


Alright, take a look at this bud and tell me what you guys think if I can go ahead and pull the reversed females out of the tent. It's pretty much like that all over both girls!
You can even see swelling where seeds are being made!
Very noice 👌
Thanks man! Much appreciated!!
I think I'll have me a quite a nice supply of Bud from the 4 x4 tent and probably a pretty unreal amount of seeds from the 3x3 tent.

I think CBD Skunk Haze have seen her last Light cycle . It's almost a crying shame to Fresh freeze the buds with them looking so pristine and pretty! I think she will produce quite a nice bit of hash from a dry ice shake!
Coming to Wild Bill's Grow Room in January 2025!
An exclusive grow with only strains from

I don't see's logo.jpg

In all three tents

And three of the following strains!
New release.jpg

Auto Moon Rocks is already picked!
And Growers of will pick the other two!

It will be an all Earthbox Jr. Grow!

The poll
So following tradition in a famous
John Wayne movie
I chose to do the following!

Sir!... Sir!... Here's a good stick, to beat the lovely lady.

So I turned up the exhaust fan to create a negative pressure . I opened up the tent slightly, just enough to get a bamboo stick inside the tent .
I then proceeded to whack on the reverse girls with clouds and clouds of pollen going everywhere!:naughtystep::naughtystep::naughtystep::naughtystep:

I think I'll go ahead and pull the reversed females out of the tent tonight and give it a couple of days in the tent and I'll wash everything down with water.
Little miss CBD Skunk Haze will be in the freezer this morning .
@Antonio_DutchPassion I'm extremely happy and satisfied with this girl! She smells absolutely delicious, but I do not smell any skunk! She is extremely frosty, especially for a THC/CBD girl! We'll see how well her medicine works. She looks like she's going to produce quite a bit of hash and then the worked material should make quite a bit of very potent coconut oil.


We now have new living arrangements!:headbang::headbang::headbang:

The reverse girls Definitely did their job ! It's almost a shame to just trash them! If I had someone close, I would probably try to save the pollen for them! I am extremely ecstatic with how well the reversal went!
@Twenty20 Adam Your reversal spray is an excellent product!

I sprayed down the 3x3 10th pretty thoroughly. There was quite a bit of junk on the floor of the tent from the two reversal girls!

After I pulled out CBD Skunk Haze, I place one of the seed making Asian haze into the 2X4 tent. I adjusted the exhaust fan to slow the intake of air and to raise the temperature and humidity. I don't let it stabilize at that level and try to match it with what the other girls are running currently. Then I'm going to adjust the air conditioning unit UP a few degrees at a time and readjust the exhaust fans to get the tent conditions where I want on all the tents.
Her funky little tentmate is CrazyS1 That was taken a little too late and she reveged and then started to flower.


The 3x3 tent

The other CrazyS1, that fared a lot better during a reveg period, got a little bit of training. I elevated her a little bit to get into some better light.
The Asian Haze Was leaning quite a bit, so I gave Her a bamboo pole to stabilize her.

I could account for this if these girls were from seed and just a different expression. These girls are all clones, though.

The 3x3 Tent and the 4X4 tent were ran with the same parameters for the environment and have ran with extremely close temperature and humidity. The only difference is the lighting and size of tent in relationship to the girls.

The two recipient girls exhibit much smaller fan-leaf structure than the girls in the 4x4 tent. Bear in mind, all these clones did occupy the 3x3 tent at one time.

I began to notice the difference roughly two weeks ago I think. I think it comes down to lighting, both direct and reflecting. I haven't sat down in rabbit holed The calculations of watts per square foot on the single plane or watts per unit of volume. There is a total of 350 watts in the 3x3 tent and 650 watts in the 4x4 tent with both having the same height. More light, direct and reflected, must be the reason.

It is probably too late on the girl I put in the 2X4 tent to see any different results or enlarging of the fan leaves to see if it is maybe spectrum related.

I haven't a clue to the source of the difference, but is definitely there.

Any opinions on that?
I think CBD Skunk Haze gave me quite a nice haul!

Since I have cut her up, I do smell some skunk coming out! :headbang:

Thanks for the slap Tom! and info too

Well, here's a nice pile of "fresh froze trim" buds :headbang: :woohoo:

Man she was absolutely sticky! :woohoo::headbang::headbang::headbang:

I think I've got a pretty damn good haul out of this girl!

It's either three or four full gallon bags. I fill them with enough for just one round of shake. That makes it pretty easy to get the Bud down to the temperature of the dry ice when I put it in the little ice chest.

That nice cold Shiner beer went down pretty damn good in celebration!:headbang::headbang::headbang::cheers:


Edit..................... for S&G's I weighed all the buds.

I divided them out into three bags and there was a total of 700 grams for all three.
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The girls are definitely liking the higher temperatures!
I'm trying to sneak up on things to the point I want to get.

I've been using the exhaust fans to get to a decent point. I'm now going to start raising the AC temperature A degree at a time and let things stable out.

Currently all three tents are averaging 1.4 VPD with a running temperature of 80*F. I think I'm going to try and hit and keep a stable 83*F while maintaining the appropriate VPD.

I'm still currently pushing the girls with a higher ppfd in the 4X4 tent running at 1200.
That comes out to a DLI of 51.84
They are just absolutely bulking up! :woohoo: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

The seeded girls are doing quite well! All over the bud sites you see nice swellings of developing seeds!

Be sure to zoom in!!!
