Torture Gardens

Week 4.
Dwarfism continue also with the soil plants.
First time using LED, and wondering if the blue spectrum over the red is responsible of the short stretch.

Difficult to maintain a balanced nutritional parameters for all the plants.
EC 1.6
PH 6.2
28-30C light on
25-29 light off now with dehumidifier
Rh 55-70% ( I will add extra ventilation)

Apologies agayfor the photo quality. My camera is in it last days.





Week 4.
Dwarfism continue also with the soil plants.
First time using LED, and wondering if the blue spectrum over the red is responsible of the short stretch.

Difficult to maintain a balanced nutritional parameters for all the plants.
EC 1.6
PH 6.2
28-30C light on
25-29 light off now with dehumidifier
Rh 55-70% ( I will add extra ventilation)

Apologies agayfor the photo quality. My camera is in it last days.

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Once a plant is stunted it rarely grows out of it.sometimes they can still produce some decent bud, but stunted is stunted!
Week 4.
Dwarfism continue also with the soil plants.
First time using LED, and wondering if the blue spectrum over the red is responsible of the short stretch.

Difficult to maintain a balanced nutritional parameters for all the plants.
EC 1.6
PH 6.2
28-30C light on
25-29 light off now with dehumidifier
Rh 55-70% ( I will add extra ventilation)

Apologies agayfor the photo quality. My camera is in it last days.

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Once a plant is stunted it rarely grows out of it.sometimes they can still produce some decent bud, but stunted is stunted!
Once a plant is stunted it rarely grows out of it.sometimes they can still produce some decent bud, but stunted is stunted!
Thanks for the comments.
For the Coco coir I am perfectly agree with you. My bad no other excuses.

But for the soil, environmental parameters are quite good. RH a bit high, but not a problem for the soil stage. Nevertheless they are dwarfs.

Genetics are solids.
Ppm is low, but I would assume a stretch not the oppoy.
What I did wrong now? :)
Thanks for the comments.
For the Coco coir I am perfectly agree with you. My bad no other excuses.

But for the soil, environmental parameters are quite good. RH a bit high, but not a problem for the soil stage. Nevertheless they are dwarfs.

Genetics are solids.
Ppm is low, but I would assume a stretch not the oppoy.
What I did wrong now? :)
Ill have to go back and read what you e been doing. I had a couple dwarves when i first started autos. For me it was letting environmental conditions drift in the first couple weeks. I have had alot more success keep a close eye on temps and humidity and try my hardest to keep it perfectly dialed. I dont know how you are watering either. I like to give my seedlings just enough water to get to the next watering, about a cup at a time, slowly working out from the center keep the outside dry to encourage root growth if that makes sense. Basically just watering a 4-5 inch circle around the sprout and try to keep it moist until about 2wks and then i start watering the whole pot and let it dry back before waterings. I use happy frog soil so i dont start feeding until after 3-4wks and just use distilled water. Hope something here helps.keeping the environment dialed, and not overwatering is key to a good start in my opinion. Its alot of work in the beginning but isnt anything good worth the work?!