Indoor Come visit Wild Bill's Medical Grow Room!!!!

I adjusted the lights on all the tents this morning. All of them are running between 850ppfd and 950ppfd.
With the malfunction of the smart plugs, I'm gonna give up on the graduated flipping to flower. With using the CO2, I'm just going to keep bumping up the lights. Now whether that is letting the plants grow into it or moving the lights. In the 4x4, I think the girls are gonna take care of that themselves by growing into it. Especially Crazy S1. I think I'm just gonna have to start training her secondaries, as they are the ones that are sticking up.

In the 3x3 tent, I raised the girls up with blocks in the sword. The packing foam for my carbon filters makes a great method to raise a three gallon pot!:biggrin:Nice and very stable!

I thought it best to raise the girls so that I can leave the clones in that tent at a much lower level of light. Once they take root, I'll take them out of the AC Infinity lighted Dome set up and put them in the small wood gallon disposable bags that I bought. I think they're one gallons. I'm going to try to take quite a few and then just pick from the best. I don't know if I will step up in pot size from that. I'm just going to kind of play it by ear. I'm quite sure I could get a sizable plant so that I can reverse and make seeds.

Speaking of clones, I was going to take a bunch of clones and let them sit in the water for about 24 hours. List just to ensure I don't have a hollow stem on any of them. But I think really all I'm gonna do is soak the pucks in by RootWise solution with just a touch of soluble mycos.

I think I'll take the clones and set them in the water for the time being as I am soaking the pucks. I don't have any cloning jail but I have some cloning powder. I'll trim them up and slightly shave the angle cut and dip them into the powder then into the puck. The room temperature is running about 75 degrees, so I don't think I'll use the heating mat. I think the lights go by power level so I'll set them at the lowest. They do generate a little bit of heat so that's why the mat should not be needed.

Well, seems like the outside girls really are doing well. While not the absolute optimal position for light, it's a bit better than when I grew outside a couple years ago. We'll see how things go!

If I see decent reactions from them, I'll fix them up with a nice top dressing and some straw.

Well tomorrow they will definitely be getting flipped to 12/12! I'm almost scared to see what Crazy S1 will do in the stretch! I Trained some of her secondaries that were just jumping crazily!

Asian haze got her clones taken in just a little bit of cleaning up.

You know what I said that probably wouldn't have to do a flower top dressing with as much as I put on a Nutrient mound. There is a distinct possibility I could be incorrect. :biggrin: :gassy:
There is quite the explosion of some big hairy white roots coming to the top! When I pulled the cover off come I saw a bunch of worms running away from the light. I think that I can attribute this at this stage to the Rootwise. I did put it fairly large nutrient mound on top. I definitely didn't expect it to be that much this soon.

I did take plenty of clones!:biggrin:
Here they are sitting in the lighted AC Infinity Dome. I just have the light set to three.
I just soaked the pucks in a solution of Rootwise.
Well, I have empty reservoirs! All of them! The only thing I'm not watering today are the two autos in the three gallon pots and they get water tomorrow. I think they need their flower top dressing. I think I'm going to give them some more build a bloom.
Yeah, someone's stinking in the auto tent. I'm pretty sure it's Sour Stomper.

The clones are quite happy in their new environment! They are all standing tall this morning. Lift the dome every time I go into the grow room to make sure they have fresh air. I have one of my small pump sprayers set up with RO water to give them a spritz every now and then. In a couple of days I'll mix up a very light feed to foliar hit them.

I think once I get these rooted I'm going to make some clones of Bob the Ivy. I really really need to repot him. I need to go find him a nice new pot. He's got to be approaching 30 years old! It's been a very long time since I've repotted him!
Well, I was slightly mistaken. Everyone got fully watered today! Bluestruttin

The two outside girls got fully saturated pots. I did hit them with a good bit of Fermented insect frass. Maybe I can help toughen them up a little bit before any bugs get ahold of them. I gave them a dose of aminos and some of Howard Garrett's compost "Garrett juice" with some fish. I tested this stuff way back in the 90s for him on tomatoes specifically. It worked quite well on tomatoes. I think he still has a Radio show, but since he left WBAP I haven't listened to him and don't know if he still has one for sure. I used to call into his show quite a bit.

So I gave the two three gallons autos the same concoction.

All the Earth Box Junior Girls got the reservoirs filled with RO water with humic acid and a dash of surfactant.

Well, the Photo girls are going to sleep here in a few. They are going on 12/12.
I have been hitting them pretty hard! Crazy S1 is seeing just under 1000 ppfd and Asian Haze right at 880.
The two girls in the 2X4 tent are seeing just over 900ppfd.

With the CO2 levels running right at 1400, they are eating it up like crazy! Now I am just a little bit apprehensive flipping in the flower and then these girls really kicking it in gear! I'm going to keep pushing them but I'm not going to go a whole lot higher than I am right now in the lights. I think what I will do is bump the temperature up a little bit to make sure I keep up the microbial activity the levels of the CO2 allow me to do both

I really think I'm gonna be able to fill the whole damn tent with these two girls.
Way less than 24 hours and both reservoirs of Asian haze and Crazy S1 are dry!:headbang::headbang::headbang::headbang::woohoo:
The pots are still too heavy to refill, but that will be first thing in the morning at first light.
I think that was a good move in getting the two biggest plants in the same tent............... And also moving out the two big pots.

Sour Stomper is showing her traditional generosity with her trichomes!
Good God I've been rabbit hole in for about an hour intending to post this. That latest coconut oil made from Aunt Jeannie's Elixir is pretty damn potent! :funny: :funny: :funny:

I don't really think I can really capture how pretty this FAA is turning out. I have not stirred this since applying the sugar cap and I have built on to the sugar cap also. The amount of beautiful oil coming up to the top is pretty crazy! I have looked for my damn ph paper and can't find it and I keep forgetting to try and get some when I'm out and about!
But I want to take one of my tiny beakers and get a little bit of that beautiful oil and use it today. I think I'm going to pull off 4oz. I'm going to measure off compost and earthworm castings for a reasonably light Top dressing for 4 Jrs. I'm going to put the oil in some ro water with a very small dose of Root Wise and the Root Wise Enzymes.
I'll mix the water into the compost and earthworm castings to form a wet slurry. This is the easiest way to make sure that each junior gets the same dosage. All I've got to do is apply the same amount of slurry between the four girls.

From what I've been told, this would be quite loved the mycorrhizae in the ecosystem. With all the big beautiful hairy feeder roots that are in that nutrient mound, I think this would enhance it quite a bit.

With the two big girls in the 4x4 tent, this would delay the reservoir filling probably until the morning. I'll kind of have to play that by ear with what memory weight I end up with after the application. If it feels too heavy after the application I will delay the reservoir filling. If it does not feel too heavy, I will fill just before lights off. Still want that slight dry back.
The two girls in the 2X4 tent will probably just be delayed in filling to late tomorrow. Both of their reservoirs went dry during the dark period.

I don't think I'm going to add any to Sour Stomper. She's too far along in flower for the nitrogen that should be in the oil.

This is gonna be a pain since I have to pull the girls out of the tent and undo all the training. For the girls and the 4x4 tent, this could very well be the last time they come out. They're just getting that big.
I have to do this on the floor too since I have the clones up on my desk/workarea and it would be too much of a pain to move it with the lights on it.
I need to harvest some more worms so this would be the perfect opportunity to add some and also I have 2 avocados to give each girl a half one. That's just mainly to keep the worms happy. It also should become beneficial when they go into flower. They've already ate up the vast majority of the defoliation I had chopped up. I need to mix up some more worm food. I have the material from the latest oil I made two mixed with the old material I still have from making the FFJ. I have to be careful adding the material from the FJP , as it will heat up we have placed in the worm bin. Those microbe really love that environment and so do the worms. I think this is the absolute best way to reuse this material. He should definitely make some good worm poo!

Here's this oil!:face::haha::haha::haha::haha:
It's still active. There is still fermentation going on. I think in the more reddish picture you can see the bubbles fairly easy. I just need to find or get my pH paper to see where it's sitting. It's still kind of just a gage because there's obviously still more fermentation going. That's CO2 coming off of it. By knowing the ph, I can kind of gage how much further it needs to go. I kind of want to only stir in the sugar cap and everything up until I'm about two weeks away from jarring this up. It'll be OK if I jar it up Early with activity still going, I will just have to watch the lids and burp them if they need it. I still had to do that for a while with my first batch of FFJ. All those jars have a beautiful red color.
So I mixed up my top dressing yesterday. I went ahead and stirred the FAA. There are still some chunks of pineapple and some salmon, but most the salmon has been broken down. There is definitely still fermentation going. I think the stirring may have bumped it up in high gear for that time Or it may just help release the CO2. A couple of minutes after stirring you could see massive amounts of tiny bubbles.
I made up enough top dressing to do all the photo girls, including the two outdoors.
Here's what I measured out for each girl, just multiply it by 6.
One handful of BAS Build a flower
One handful of EWC
Two handfuls of Coast of Maine Lobster compost
One teaspoon of Build a Bloom
One teaspoon of aminos
One tablespoon of Montana volcanic silica
I mix that all thoroughly while dry and then added my water to the mix. I added 1/2 teaspoon of Root Wise to the water and I added one ounce of FAA for each girl. I added enough water to form a wet slurry a little shy of dripping point.
I only had time to do the two girls in the 4x4 tent with the training that I had planned for them.
All four photo girls in Earth boxes got their reservoirs filled again With plain RO water.

Since my clones were sitting up on top of my workstation, I really couldn't get any good pictures of the roots on top, but it was pretty crazy with the amount and the hairiness.

This morning, It doesn't look like I even touched the two girls, especially Crazy S1! That girl is going to be an absolute handful when she gets into flower! The hormones are definitely shifting with the Flip to flower. I could see a couple of pistils On Crazy S1 and all the bud sites are definitely changing on all the girls.

Crazy S1

Asian Haze

I'll get the girls in the 2X4 tent done this morning and hopefully also the outdoor girls. The outdoor girls have definitely shown signs of quite a bit of improvement. I think the Super Trainwreck Is gonna do quite nicely it should be fairly easy to train today.
The wall to wall 2X4 tent
RUCU CUCU On the left and CBD Skunk Haze On the right

Yeah , this tent is going to be a handful!:biggrin:

All the defoliation All of the girls have received is Just a clean up of their bottoms. I think I'm not going to do any heavy defoliation For probably around a week to 10 days from now. Just from the looks of things and their structure, it's gonna be a pretty heavy one with me picking out all the losers so the winners can do their thing. I don't think I'm gonna be in any sort of short supply of the winners!:funny::funny::funny::funny:

I had the clones sitting under level 3 on the light, but there was just too much new growth coming in a lightning of it, so I backed off the light to the lowest level. I did add some aminos to the water that I've been spritzing them with, but I don't think there was enough. I think with the combination of lowering the light and giving a bit more food, hopefully those areas will green up a bit.

I really think this will probably be the last time I top dress on this grow. If they need anything additional during flower, I will just use Blue gold and Build a Bloom in liquid and spray on top of the mound.

The autos are way too far into flower, but I'm going to a foliar feed All the other girls with some kelp today. That very well could just pour gasoline on the fire and make them blow up even more, but I'm game!:eyebrows::eyebrows::biggrin:
RUCU CUCU and CBD Skunk Haze got their bit of of the top dressing .

RUCU CUCU Was trained but this morning she looks like I didn't touch her.

CBD Skunk Haze got untrained! :yoinks:
I undone all the pulls I have taken on her. I noticed an odd formation on one of the mains that I had a hard pull on. I haven't quite seen this reaction on a girl before. It was a fairly hard pull, pulling down and outward. It seemed like the branch stopped getting it's growth hormone. Instead of growing upward, it sort of bushed out with a tight group of bud sites. I know there's a couple of other branches exhibiting similar reactions, just not to the same extent. I'm gonna let her run unbridled for a few days to see what her reaction will be.
It just seems an odd formation on a girl that is raging pretty healthy.

CBD Skunk Haze
Beautiful roots

The odd branching at the end of a main branch. Note the small amount of upward growth after the pull point.

Very similar structure on another main branch, but more upward growth after the pull.


RUCU CUCU Showing first signs of flower. I tried several times to get a decent shut and this is about as good as it gets. Both girls in the tent exhibit the same degree. I expect Asian haze in the next couple of days to show it also.


here's the 2X4 tent afterwards

The outdoor girls got their bit of top dressing. Since this is the last time dressing these girls will get, I added a very thick layer of Alfalfa hay. I have plenty of alternatives to add to the water for their nutrition . Absolutely no signs of any bugs on them or has been on them.
Both girls have turned around quite nicely and have reacted to the outdoors and feedings.
Super Trainwreck got her training. I think she will react quite nicely.
CBG ForCE Is showing nice growth and improved health.
This particular location has very good light from roughly 10:00 AM till sunset. While not fully optimal, it is much better than the previous outdoor grow. Well their budget structures may not be perfectly ideal, they are going to be fresh froze and dry ice shaked. as I do with all my Medicinals. These are seven gallon pots I believe and should produce a fair amount of Bud.

Has anyone used coconut water to Foliar feed their clones while they get rooted?
I have lowered the setting on the humidifier to sixty-five percent. Water uses has gone down considerably in the last few days and at night I'm going to have to turn on the dehumidifier.

And the two girls in this tent are the main reason why! :eyebrows: :eyebrows: :eyebrows: :eyebrows: :headbang::headbang::headbang:

You sure as hell picked a good name for this Strain! She sure as hell lives up to it! Better be good medicine because there's going to be a lot of it!:headbang::headbang::headbang::eyebrows::eyebrows:

I am loving your Crazy S1!!!:headbang::headbang::headbang::headbang::headbang::eyebrows::eyebrows::eyebrows:
She's being an absolute beast! I'm extremely happy with the results so far!
With it being a S1, How many variations have you found so far?

With it being such a beast, I think I'm gonna try to grab a couple of clones today. It'll be a little bit of insurance in case the meds she makes are especially good or if you see something that you want preserved. Once I get my walk in closet a bit more reorganized with the wire rack I'm putting in there, I'm sure I can run a mom tent with the old Mars 2.3 X2 .3 tent in that space. I'll put a couple of Asian haze in there also. I assume there's some sort of company out there that offers packaging where I can overnight you a clone if you think you want one.

Crazy S1

Asian Haze

Full tent
I have lowered the setting on the humidifier to sixty-five percent. Water uses has gone down considerably in the last few days and at night I'm going to have to turn on the dehumidifier.

And the two girls in this tent are the main reason why! :eyebrows: :eyebrows: :eyebrows: :eyebrows: :headbang::headbang::headbang:

You sure as hell picked a good name for this Strain! She sure as hell lives up to it! Better be good medicine because there's going to be a lot of it!:headbang::headbang::headbang::eyebrows::eyebrows:

I am loving your Crazy S1!!!:headbang::headbang::headbang::headbang::headbang::eyebrows::eyebrows::eyebrows:
She's being an absolute beast! I'm extremely happy with the results so far!
With it being a S1, How many variations have you found so far?

With it being such a beast, I think I'm gonna try to grab a couple of clones today. It'll be a little bit of insurance in case the meds she makes are especially good or if you see something that you want preserved. Once I get my walk in closet a bit more reorganized with the wire rack I'm putting in there, I'm sure I can run a mom tent with the old Mars 2.3 X2 .3 tent in that space. I'll put a couple of Asian haze in there also. I assume there's some sort of company out there that offers packaging where I can overnight you a clone if you think you want one.

Crazy S1
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Asian Haze
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Full tent
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I would say at least 3 pretty distinctly different phenos I have observed. That one is looking fairly heavy on the Crazy Kush side hopefully the flower structure leans that way for you it was the better producer for yield.