Indoor Come visit Wild Bill's Medical Grow Room!!!!

First signs of flower
  • RUCU CUCU and CBD Skunk Haze got their bit of of the top dressing .

    RUCU CUCU Was trained but this morning she looks like I didn't touch her.

    CBD Skunk Haze got untrained! :yoinks:
    I undone all the pulls I have taken on her. I noticed an odd formation on one of the mains that I had a hard pull on. I haven't quite seen this reaction on a girl before. It was a fairly hard pull, pulling down and outward. It seemed like the branch stopped getting it's growth hormone. Instead of growing upward, it sort of bushed out with a tight group of bud sites. I know there's a couple of other branches exhibiting similar reactions, just not to the same extent. I'm gonna let her run unbridled for a few days to see what her reaction will be.
    It just seems an odd formation on a girl that is raging pretty healthy.

    CBD Skunk Haze
    Beautiful roots

    The odd branching at the end of a main branch. Note the small amount of upward growth after the pull point.

    Very similar structure on another main branch, but more upward growth after the pull.


    RUCU CUCU Showing first signs of flower. I tried several times to get a decent shut and this is about as good as it gets. Both girls in the tent exhibit the same degree. I expect Asian haze in the next couple of days to show it also.


    here's the 2X4 tent afterwards

    The outdoor girls got their bit of top dressing. Since this is the last time dressing these girls will get, I added a very thick layer of Alfalfa hay. I have plenty of alternatives to add to the water for their nutrition . Absolutely no signs of any bugs on them or has been on them.
    Both girls have turned around quite nicely and have reacted to the outdoors and feedings.
    Super Trainwreck got her training. I think she will react quite nicely.
    CBG ForCE Is showing nice growth and improved health.
    This particular location has very good light from roughly 10:00 AM till sunset. While not fully optimal, it is much better than the previous outdoor grow. Well their budget structures may not be perfectly ideal, they are going to be fresh froze and dry ice shaked. as I do with all my Medicinals. These are seven gallon pots I believe and should produce a fair amount of Bud.

    Has anyone used coconut water to Foliar feed their clones while they get rooted?
    SuperTrainWreck Showing first signs of flour
  • Checked on the outside girls just about the sunset. At least the spot that I have them this year gets the very last bit of the sun. It's funny too I go out there same time and the girls are like Solar panels with sun tracking ability and they have their leaves pointing to the sun and getting the last bit of it!

    I think I'm seeing that SuperTrainWreck is beginning flower!

    Another milestone of Project Asian Haze! The clones have been transplanted!
    I picked what I thought were the 8 best. Crazy S1 clones are not ready yet.
    Got all the other girls raised up and they are all seeing around 650. Clones are probably seeing right at 150.
    I don't know how long these things will stay in these bags. I think I'm going to be watering the hell out of these things! I don't think I can over water them!:rofl::rofl:

    I think I'll definitely consider retransplanting these into three gallon pots.

    On the left is where I'm forcing in the air into the tent.
    Flipped Asian Haze reversal clones and they got their first spray
  • I now have my two reversal candidates and my mom selected. The reversals are in the 4x4 tent and my selected mom is still in the 3x3 tent still in her One gallon bag. She's in the lower right hand of the picture.

    Some of the candidates! These clones did really well!

    I was gonna up pot what I could with the room that I have currently, but that's only gonna let them get that much bigger that much sooner. I don't need that right now. I'm gonna leave the reversal candidates in their small little bags. I have plenty of liquid nutrients that I can keep them alive in that size of bag. This will make it easier when it comes to fertilization. It'll make it easier to shake them on top of the other girls or rub them on them. That's what I did with Bloodstone.
    This afternoon I'll mix up the STS and then right at lights out the two candidates will get sprayed. I picked the candidates by their openness and ease of hitting the bud sites.

    I guess the best description is stable when talking about the 4x4 tent. The new growth still looks good and the Bud growth is still increasing pretty much at the same rate. Overall Color is not getting worse. There's maybe a slight improvement in AHZ as far as that part goes.
    It's a hard lesson learned. I knew I was going to be pushing it with the juniors. If I had just went ahead and took the cues from the root intrusion seriously and went ahead and remended when it showed that I needed to do it, I would not have had to resort to adding the liquid nutrients on top and then eventually screwing up the reservoir environment.


    Here's the two reversal candidates sitting in between the two juniors

    But that means no more photos in juniors. Juniors will work fine with most all autos. using regulars will be easier As far as keeping up with the nutrients. I'll still do two top dressings, but they won't be as big comparatively as in the juniors. Juniors or Regulars, it would be the same numbers in the 4x4 tent........... only two.

    I also need another rule that I'm going to abide by is no more topping of Sour Stomper. Now for her size, The current Sour Stomper made in the midst amount of bud in comparison to her size. I kind of think that from now on I'm just gonna let her grow naturally and open her up. I think the topping did help distribute the hormones to the other branches, but I think it also started flowering a little earlier and she put all the effort into making flowers instead of a little bit of growth along with it. She makes very beautiful buds grown naturally. Nice and rock hard and very frosty! I think grown in a junior again and not topping her would be more productive for this particular strain.

    And it looks like the stars are aligned for everyone to need to be watered this afternoon, maybe even the outside girls too.
    The mystery seed girl is gonna get another scope and probably putting paper bags tonight. Pink Panama will be the last auto left and she is still drinking pretty good, I expect her to continue her fattening up of the buds Anne Frost. I definitely expect her to be chopped before the donors will be swapped over into the tent. I think I will up pot about four days before I expect to make the move. This should give them plenty of time to adapt to their new container. It's still going to be pretty packed inside that tent. It should be entertaining though!
    Reversal Asian Haze clones showed sex
  • So in less than six light cycles, the Asian Haze Reversal clones has shown sex, at least one of them has.

    When I checked on them this morning, I was just going to show how much they've grown, but I decided to take a closer look.

    I guess I'll update this once we're able to upload pictures without getting server errors!!!!


    All good, 10 days is usually the sweet spot to start the spraying with the turned ladies, ofc each genetic is different and you need to know your ladies.

    Looking at how Sativa she is, she might be a bit slower to turn fully and produce actual pollen, so maybe 3 weeks (from the moment of spraying) before she is ready to drop pollen is more accurate? If the other one shows pistils after 6 days of flowering I think you would be still in the sweet spot, 10 + 6 = 16, so just a few days difference from 21, and to be honest its better to wait until the white pistils have developed a bit more, so the flowers look like round white haired buds, this way the pollen will catch so many pistils and your seed production is improved.. just sharing some thoughts :lildab:
    Looks like we're right on schedule!
    The two get another spraying tonight.
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    Flipped Asian haze flower and seed making clones
  • Well, I got all the girls moved around!:headbang::headbang::headbang::headbang:
    It was definitely an ordeal trying to deal with the pain levels I had yesterday for some damn reason!:face:

    I didn't get the new fan installed in the 3x3. It would have been a really tight fit for both the fan and the carbon filter all being mounted inside. And I think I'm just going to mount the carbon filter inside the tent and run a hose to the top vent and place the fan on top of the tent sitting on some thick cardboard or some thin Wainscoting that I have. It's just something that set the fan on.

    CrazyS1 is now in the 3X3 tent and with her is a CrazyS1 clone and a AHz clone. I have another CrazyS1 in the 4x4 tent and will move her into the 3x3 when the Crazy S1 in the earth box is finished or sooner it the reversal girls start to Drop pollen.

    And the 4x4 tent we have the two reversal clones and 5 AHz clones for the seed making. I did not get the chance to clean up any of the clones or add their top dressing and hay.
    It's kind of interesting on where the clone that is showing the most male parts, showed itself the most. Most of the male parts are on the lower part of the plant. Sprayed every bud on each one of the plants, quite thoroughly. A couple of the lower branches, all bud sites are exhibiting male parts. It should be interesting to see if the rest of the plant progresses in the same fashion. If you zoom in on the very center girl at the front you can see what I'm talking about. PAR figures for the Non-reversed plants is in the 700 to 800 range. With the reversed plants being so damn tall, I couldn't base my settings on them.
    If CrazyS1 Finishes soon enough, I will probably take one of the females and place it in the 3x3 tent.
    I really don't think it will be too long before the girls start to flower in earnest. Every single one these is showing signs of trying to flower. Just a few fine hair showing, mainly on the top bud sites.
    I may do my first indoor netting. This is what I just ordered.
    Amazon product ASIN B098QLGWPB

    The girls in the 2X4 tent got the reservoirs filled last night.
    Crazy Asian Haze Germination
  • Everyone except for the big potted girl got fully watered with the above witches brew. for a total of four gallons between them all.
    And look what I found in the 3x3 tent!

    I think it looks like a Crazy Asian Haze!!!:headbang::headbang::headbang::headbang::haha::haha::haha:
    So I'm taking that as a sign that it is time to take that girl down and harvest what seeds are there have after drying.
    I'll chop her which she needs watering in a couple of days and put her in the drying tent.
    Asian Haze Tester germination
  • Looks like we definitely have some viable Asian haze seeds!:headbang::headbang::headbang::woohoo:


    I'll do a microscope check on the 5gal pot girls in the 4x4 tent when I get back home from the VA today.
    I suspect tomorrow I will chop the seeded girl in the 2X4 tent and hang her too dry. I do think the seeded girl in the 3x3 tent will need a few more days.

    If the microscope check shows ripeness, I will probably take the top tier buds on the right hand front girl and the left hand back girl. I think I will just dry them With the four day. And then harvest the right hand rear girl and do the same. Any low tier buds will be Bagged and frozen.

    More than likely the big girl will be just taken down in one stage and all her top tiers will be dried and cured with the full 8 day process. Anything over the 2 pound weight limit for the unit will be fresh froze.

    Well one of the cats brought me a present this morning! I wish they would bring me more of these damn things!
    First day of hold Cannatrol.............. After full Dry and Cure Cycle
  • I like this BAS 3.0 media.
    Remember, this girl is seeing 12/12 and not 18/6. I think she's doing fantastic. I could call this test now and call it fully successful.


    But I want some more info. I'm curious as to what she will do when she matures and when does she show signs of her maturity.
    I guess I need to go back and for Threadmark when I noticed the germination of both of these girls.
    Asian Haze tester 25 days
    I think she looks pretty good for 25 days especially since she spent more time in the humidity dome than I would have normally ran . At the time of transplant she had roots going everywhere out of the puck .
    Crazy Asian Haze 31 days

    This thread mark will be first day of Hold
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