Dutch Passion Budster does autos, AutoBlueBerry, AutoBlackBerryKush & AutoEuforia in a SCROG under GN LED.

Need to do the ABBK very nice purp buds meet run is Dinafem Kush and cheese and critical + but definitely get round to that strain

She's definitely a looker, I haven't tried it myself but the high is supposed to be nice as well.
Should give a nice harvest in a few weeks time mate...:woohoo:

Thanks Duggy! I'm looking forward to it, I'll probably start taking them down in 10-14 days.

Looking excellent buddy!! The BBK and its purple buds are amazing!!
What is the smell on the ABB? Blueberry muffins? BB Perfume?

Yeah man, I really like color on the ABBK, I have had plants purple in the past but nowhere close to this. Looking forward to some purple in my stash :smoking:
The smell from the ABB is a deep sweet smell with a hint of blueberry muffins. I've noticed that the blueberry smell is most noticeable when you open the jar after a few weeks cure and just get a whiff of the smell. Then it's like taking a blueberry pie out of the oven.
It's not as strong smelling during flower as some previous ABBs I've grown. The ABB was the strain that forced me to buy new jars as it turned out the old ones where not 100% air tight and the ABB smell would get out. I had previously stored a few other strains in the same jars and it was fine.
In principle it was good that I found out that they were leaky as the buds might have gotten overly dry over a long time.

Nice work again @dirty budster! I am going to drop couple of ABBK seeds on rockwool after this weekend and give it a go also. I really like that massive bud on AutoEuforia too! Rockin' it!

Thanks MedGrower, best of luck with your ABBK grow. Hopefully you get a purple pheno too. The AutoEuforia has a really nice bud structure in general, also the side branches have long slender buds that are filling in well.

Missed the start of this, Glad ive just read it amazing grow everything looks so healthy and that purple cola is one of the nicest buds ive seen, subbed till the end

Thank you Pablo, I really appreciate that! I'm glad to have you along for the final days. Thank you for the like bomb and the rep as well.
Day 71

Happy 420 everyone!

I haven't spent so much time with the girls this grow as I've been otherwise occupied and I thought I would take the chance with it being 420 and all and spend some time in the tent. I started by vaping some CBD Kush and then I grabbed the camera for a little photo session. I posted up the pics below, I went for some close-ups this time. I hope you enjoy them!

The ABBK is ready for harvest in principle. I like to let them go long but it could easily be taken down at day 70, a true 10 weeker. The ABB is not too far behind but it's still kicking out a few more pistils than the ABBK, which only has a few white pistils here and there. The AE, however, will definitely go long, it's still kicking out lots of pistils. For this reason I figured I could let the ABB and ABBK go a bit longer as the tent will anyway be occupied for a while.
The AE is still getting fed with 1/5 bloom nutes and 2/5 PK plus 1ml/l Mg at pH6.5. The ABB and ABBK are getting tap water, pH around 7-8.

Since I haven't had much time for them I've optimized the watering procedure. Mainly skipping watering until run-off so I don't have to mop out the water below the screen. For this whole grow I haven't watered until run-off a single time. It doesn't seem to hurt them at all. Maybe it's not necessary for these short grows.



Main cola, short, stocky and rock solid buds as usual.



AutoBlackberry Kush


Main cola glistening with trichs.


Mostly cloudy with a few clear and I think I spotted an amber one or two.




Main cola, nice and long and it's still filling in. I have a feeling it will be a good yielder.


Day 71

Happy 420 everyone!

I haven't spent so much time with the girls this grow as I've been otherwise occupied and I thought I would take the chance with it being 420 and all and spend some time in the tent. I started by vaping some CBD Kush and then I grabbed the camera for a little photo session. I posted up the pics below, I went for some close-ups this time. I hope you enjoy them!

The ABBK is ready for harvest in principle. I like to let them go long but it could easily be taken down at day 70, a true 10 weeker. The ABB is not too far behind but it's still kicking out a few more pistils than the ABBK, which only has a few white pistils here and there. The AE, however, will definitely go long, it's still kicking out lots of pistils. For this reason I figured I could let the ABB and ABBK go a bit longer as the tent will anyway be occupied for a while.
The AE is still getting fed with 1/5 bloom nutes and 2/5 PK plus 1ml/l Mg at pH6.5. The ABB and ABBK are getting tap water, pH around 7-8.

Since I haven't had much time for them I've optimized the watering procedure. Mainly skipping watering until run-off so I don't have to mop out the water below the screen. For this whole grow I haven't watered until run-off a single time. It doesn't seem to hurt them at all. Maybe it's not necessary for these short grows.



Main cola, short, stocky and rock solid buds as usual.



AutoBlackberry Kush


Main cola glistening with trichs.


Mostly cloudy with a few clear and I think I spotted an amber one or two.




Main cola, nice and long and it's still filling in. I have a feeling it will be a good yielder.


These pictures should be on 420 mag/high times mag absolutly outstanding growing i expect to see these make onto joes blog Dutch passion website
Absolute savage growing my friend. Im glad you finally decied to go back to autos, you seem to have the skilzz for them in your set up.

Thanks Grim for those kind words. It turned out pretty well with autos as well. I was a bit concerned, after growing photos vegged for 3 weeks, if I would manage to fill the tent. Last time I grew autos I still hadn't dialled in my setup and was suffering from a Mag def and I couldn't manage to fill the screen with them.
I'm also really happy that despite me not putting that much time in the plants gave so much back.

Those are some gorgeous pics of those fat ass colas top job.bro

Thanks Bailey, I'm glad to hear it :biggrin:

That picture of the Blackberry Kush is just awesome. She's just a beautiful, beautiful plant with amazing genetics. I'm very impressed.

Thank you Nuggz. It turned out really well, I love the colors plus it's very easy to identify the colas belonging to it :smoking:

I don't think I mentioned this before but the AutoBlackberry Kush and the AutoEuforia seeds were provided by @DutchPassionTony

So thanks to Tony and Dutch Passion for giving me the opportunity to grow out these awesome genetics.

These pictures should be on 420 mag/high times mag absolutly outstanding growing i expect to see these make onto joes blog Dutch passion website

Thanks Pablo, I really appreciate that. I just really enjoy playing around with the camera in the tent and see what I can get. I just love to get a closer look at them :biggrin:.

okay that foxtail is real.. that pkplus is legit eh? where can i get this stuff at?

It works well together with the bloom nutes. It's nice to have the option to tweak the PK vs. N ratio. The Hesi phosphorus plus only contains P&K as far as I can tell, no secret sauce.
They're pretty common, in Europe at least and I bought mine at a local grow shop.