Dutch Passion Budster does autos, AutoBlueBerry, AutoBlackBerryKush & AutoEuforia in a SCROG under GN LED.

Thanks Grim for those kind words. It turned out pretty well with autos as well. I was a bit concerned, after growing photos vegged for 3 weeks, if I would manage to fill the tent. Last time I grew autos I still hadn't dialled in my setup and was suffering from a Mag def and I couldn't manage to fill the screen with them.
I'm also really happy that despite me not putting that much time in the plants gave so much back.

Thanks Bailey, I'm glad to hear it :biggrin:

Thank you Nuggz. It turned out really well, I love the colors plus it's very easy to identify the colas belonging to it :smoking:
I don't think I mentioned this before but the AutoBlackberry Kush and the AutoEuforia seeds were provided by @DutchPassionTony

So thanks to Tony and Dutch Passion for giving me the opportunity to grow out these awesome genetics.

Thanks Pablo, I really appreciate that. I just really enjoy playing around with the camera in the tent and see what I can get. I just love to get a closer look at them :biggrin:.

It works well together with the bloom nutes. It's nice to have the option to tweak the PK vs. N ratio. The Hesi phosphorus plus only contains P&K as far as I can tell, no secret sauce.
They're pretty common, in Europe at least and I bought mine at a local grow shop.
Is this the stuff u using?

I hear this stuff is magic doe.. hard to find n states... i wanna try this out.
Is this the stuff u using?

I hear this stuff is magic doe.. hard to find n states... i wanna try this out.

Yup, that's the one. In my opinion it's possible to get good results with just a bloom nutrient containing NPK and micronutes plus a PK booster during flower. I haven't really tried any other bloom boosters.
Yup, that's the one. In my opinion it's possible to get good results with just a bloom nutrient containing NPK and micronutes plus a PK booster during flower. I haven't really tried any other bloom boosters.
Yeah hesi products are great they do a wide variety of boosters n pk boosters there an awesome line of nutrients
Day 86

Autumn has arrive and all plants are on the supermodel diet, plain water only. I fed the AE for a bit longer than the ABBK and ABB since it looked to go longer.

The ABBK and ABB are more than ready to come down and I hope to harvest them in the next week. The AE will be last since it's still kicking out white pistils. With the impending harvest in mind I did a final photo session with the girls.


















Oh my your ABBK looks so pretty! Those tricomes really pop out from the red background and she looks like diamond encrusted ruby! AE is also pretty amazing but you are right! It still has some work to do. I think you are looking getting pretty decent yield bro!
