Dutch Passion Budster does autos, AutoBlueBerry, AutoBlackBerryKush & AutoEuforia in a SCROG under GN LED.

Sorry for the lack of updates I got a really bad case of the flu and was really ill for 2 weeks. I'm almost recovered now, still feel it in my chest and throat and I have a slight cough still. But I'm back to swimming 4-5 times a week again. I was going crazy sitting at home for 2 weeks.

Day 65

They've really swelled up since last time I posted and the ABB and ABBK are getting close to harvest. The AE looks like it will run a bit longer. It has really nice long colas and I think it will fill in nicely. In my half-dead flu state I just kept watering with the same amount of nutes as before without checking the plants too carefully. I went up to 2/5 bloom, 2/5 PK and 1ml/l Mg. I noticed some slight tip burn so I backed off to 1/5 bloom, 2/5PK and 1ml/l Mg. The ABBK and to some extent the ABB look like they would have wanted some more nutes, especially PK. Maybe 1/5 bloom and 3/5 PK would have been better. The AE seems pretty happy with what it got.

I think the ABB and ABBK will get one more watering and then I will start the flush. I like to let them go fairly long. They look pretty mature already and could probably be taken around day 70 but I will probably let them go 80-85 days.

Anyway I snapped a bunch of pictures today so let's get on with it.





Main cola, nice and chunky bud with a bit of foxtailing.




Main cola, I really love the deep purple. I have had some buds purple in the past but nothing like this. It looks awesome. Looking forward to filling a jar with this.




Main cola, nice and long, looks like it will fill in nicely. It sticks up a bit above the rest of the canopy so it's getting plenty of light. I think it will do well yield-wise.


Lots of white hairs still makes me think it will go a bit longer. I will definitely harvest this one last.
Sorry for the lack of updates I got a really bad case of the flu and was really ill for 2 weeks. I'm almost recovered now, still feel it in my chest and throat and I have a slight cough still. But I'm back to swimming 4-5 times a week again. I was going crazy sitting at home for 2 weeks.

Day 65

They've really swelled up since last time I posted and the ABB and ABBK are getting close to harvest. The AE looks like it will run a bit longer. It has really nice long colas and I think it will fill in nicely. In my half-dead flu state I just kept watering with the same amount of nutes as before without checking the plants too carefully. I went up to 2/5 bloom, 2/5 PK and 1ml/l Mg. I noticed some slight tip burn so I backed off to 1/5 bloom, 2/5PK and 1ml/l Mg. The ABBK and to some extent the ABB look like they would have wanted some more nutes, especially PK. Maybe 1/5 bloom and 3/5 PK would have been better. The AE seems pretty happy with what it got.

I think the ABB and ABBK will get one more watering and then I will start the flush. I like to let them go fairly long. They look pretty mature already and could probably be taken around day 70 but I will probably let them go 80-85 days.

Anyway I snapped a bunch of pictures today so let's get on with it.





Main cola, nice and chunky bud with a bit of foxtailing.




Main cola, I really love the deep purple. I have had some buds purple in the past but nothing like this. It looks awesome. Looking forward to filling a jar with this.




Main cola, nice and long, looks like it will fill in nicely. It sticks up a bit above the rest of the canopy so it's getting plenty of light. I think it will do well yield-wise.


Lots of white hairs still makes me think it will go a bit longer. I will definitely harvest this one last.
Awesome it doesn't seem that long ago I started following this thread how time flies.
Awsome use of space and great looking buds.
Awesome it doesn't seem that long ago I started following this thread how time flies.
Awsome use of space and great looking buds.

Thanks man! I know right, this grow went by superfast for me as well. The ABBK and the ABB are pretty fast, especially the ABBK, nearly ready for harvest at day 65, for some it would be ready already.
Thanks man! I know right, this grow went by superfast for me as well. The ABBK and the ABB are pretty fast, especially the ABBK, nearly ready for harvest at day 65, for some it would be ready already.
Need to do the ABBK very nice purp buds meet run is Dinafem Kush and cheese and critical + but definitely get round to that strain
Day 14

I gave them a feeding of 2/5 veg nutes, 1ml/l Mg and Rhizo at ph6.5, 1litre per plant. I also cranked the light up to 120W and it's now around 42cm away. The AutoEuforia is still noticeably smaller although they're all on the 4th/5th leaf set. It might catch up eventually.






They look so healthy bro