Dutch Passion AutoBrooklyn Sunrise, AutoColorado Cookies and AutoWhite Widow in a SCROG under GN LED

Hey dirtybudster, just found your latest journal, your plants always look A+ brother man.

I don't know why they're not filling in like usual.

Are all your intake/outtakes working full steam?

I know that indoor house air has decent co2 but I like to keep a sugar water+yeast jug around anyway. It seems extra co2 would work well at the temps and humidity you have there if the air from the jug is fed directly to the intake or circulation fan. I don't know what else to suggest but hopefully they'll kick it up a notch for you.
Hey guys, sorry for the lack of updates. I've been doing a really intense treatment with antibiotics and cannabis oil and it's been really exhausting so I decided to take a break from the forum for a while. Coupled with the fact that the grow didn't go very well I lost the motivation for a while. The good news is that the combination of antibiotics and cannabis oil seems to be working against this very persistent Bartonella infection I'm dealing with and my health is improving every week. It seems I have defeated Lyme and 5 other infections and now I'm left with the Bartonella only.
I've been taking cannabis oil from morning til evening every day for the past 3 months and it seems to be paying off. At large doses it initially makes everything worse and symptoms intensify but if you stick with it eventually subsides and then you can increase the dose again and the cycle repeats. I started at 0.5g of bud per day and worked my way up to 2g a day at the most. It was interesting as I started a particular antibiotic called erythromycin I became very sensitive to the cannabis oil so it seems to have a synergistic effect. I have previously taken up to 4.5g of bud in a day but once I started the antibiotic that became impossible due to the severity of the symptoms.
I've also started working again after more than a year on sick-leave. I'm only working half time at the moment so I have more time to recover and it's actually been nice to be back at work.
On top of that I have tried to spend as much time as possible excersizing and being out in nature and that has taken priority over everything else.

Anyway, back to the grow. I snapped a few shots before harvest and I posted them below. The buds were nice and sticky and the AutoBrooklyn Sunrise in particular has a wonderful sweet smell. I just wish there were more of them. The AWW was almost a complete bust and only yielded a few grams. I haven't weighed them in yet as they're still in jars curing. I will post up the final weight once I do so. I'm probably looking at 80-90g, about half my previous harvest.
It looks like I just had an unlucky draw from the genetic pool this time around. Hopefully next grow will go better.

Pre-harvest pics, day 75



AutoBrooklyn Sunrise



AutoColorado Cookies



In the mean time I also started a new grow, linked below, which seems to be going well so far so I'm looking forward to that.

Hey DB glad to hear you are feeling better and you are well enough to enjoy nature and exercise! Bit surprising to see AWW was more or less a dud. It seems to be you just got unlucky with your phenos bro, I bet we all have been there! I just hope that you can pull through with that harvest untill your next one is ready! Summertime always has taken a toll on my grows too due to the humidity issues and stuff. This looks beautyfull still though!
Awesome Grow! I think the Purple Plant is the Cookies and not the Sunrise.

Thanks man, glad to hear it! I'm close to 100% certain that the purple one is the Sunrise as I mark the pots before putting the seeds in.

Hey man, good to hear you're feeling better with the treatment, take it easy bro

Thanks Medi and thanks for stopping by!

Hey DB glad to hear you are feeling better and you are well enough to enjoy nature and exercise! Bit surprising to see AWW was more or less a dud. It seems to be you just got unlucky with your phenos bro, I bet we all have been there! I just hope that you can pull through with that harvest untill your next one is ready! Summertime always has taken a toll on my grows too due to the humidity issues and stuff. This looks beautyfull still though!

Thanks man, yeah it's been really nice to be able to enjoy things again after 7 years of doing and enjoying almost nothing. I just weighed them in today and the result was better than expected so I think I will be able to pull through until the next harvest. I was a bit surprised by the AWW as well I thought it would be the most stable of the bunch. Summer is always a bit rough, hard to keep optimum growing conditions. I hope you get enough to keep up with your medication needs.

Here is the result of the final weigh-in


The ABS and ACC were quite dense so even though it didn't look like very much in the jar they were still quite heavy. If the AWW would have turned out better it would have been a decent harvest actually. I'm usually satisfied with 50+g per plant.

When I started feeding the plants from my new grow veg nutes the first time I noticed that there were crystals at the bottom of the bottle. It seems they've gone bad. That might have contributed to the below expected result. I will definitely give them another try at some point. If I manage to fill up the tent with them they might yield really well.
I've seen a few small AWW's from DP. I hope it's just a coincidence and mine get big. Nice plants by the way.