Dutch Passion AutoBlueBerry, AutoEuforia and BlueAutoMazar in a SCROG under LED

Day 32

I just finished a major scrogging session. I let them go 2 days without training just to see which shoots are still growing and which ones have started to slow down. I think I'm nearing the end of stretch for the ABB and BAM, the AE still has some stretch left I think. The goal was to even out the canopy and also the density of the canopy. I moved one of the larger BAM side shoots from the lower left corner to the upper left corner and I think that will help fill out the somewhat empty upper left corner. This also leaves more space for the BAM and AE main colas,a win-win really. I was a bit nervous it might snapped but I managed. Right now it looks like a mess in there but in the next few days I will see how successful this session was. They're already starting to stiffen up and don't bend towards the light as easily anymore.

They're still getting a pretty light diet consisting of 2/5 veg nutes, Rhizo and 1ml/l Mg. As stretching is coming to an end I think I will switch them over to bloom nutes next feeding.

Just before the session I went for a 4 mile bike ride to a nearby lake for an evening swim. The weather was great today and I thought I would take advantage of one of the last summer days. I really enjoyed it, swimming around with the mountains in the background (I live in the Alps) as the sun is starting to set and the cannabis oil is starting to kick in. It's one of the most relaxing things and I had to resist the urge to take a nap afterwards :biggrin:



Hey DB,

Sorry im so late to the show. Im super busy right now so i will get back to your PM later, hope you dont mind. You plants are looking swell by the way. Nice bit of stretch going on already, is this something you are implying to do to help with your scrog?
Hey DB,

Sorry im so late to the show. Im super busy right now so i will get back to your PM later, hope you dont mind. You plants are looking swell by the way. Nice bit of stretch going on already, is this something you are implying to do to help with your scrog?

No worries mate, take your time. Thanks man, they're turning out pretty well this time, really explosive growth. I don't really do anything intentional to induce stretch. The only thing is I usually place the light a bit higher so that it's the right height when they've grown a bit.

Day 35

I thought the stretch was mostly over so I stopped the training and let them go. Well, I was wrong and they've kinda gotten away from me a bit as they've probably grown a solid 4-5 inches in 3 days. I raised the light as high as it will go and they're still pretty close at 40cm. Anything below 35cm and it starts bleaching and usually causes quite strong cal def on the upper leaves. So I will probably see a bit of that towards the end, not a big deal though, doesn't seem to hurt the yield.
The AE probably still has some stretching to do so some re-arrangement of the tops might be necessary. From this point on I'm using twist ties to position the tops where I want them. I can also push the taller tops down below the screen a bit and then tie the stem to the screen to adjust the height. I might have to do quite a bit of that if continues stretching much longer.

I switched them over to bloom nutes and last feeding was with 2/5 bloom nutes, Rhizo and 1ml/l of Mg.


Just found this thread mate sorry im late- but im here to see the best bit!
Plants are looking a lovely lush green. Love the scrog net too
Just found this thread mate sorry im late- but im here to see the best bit!
Plants are looking a lovely lush green. Love the scrog net too

No worries man, I took a little break from the forum so that's why I haven't been active lately. As you said, the good part is just getting started and it's nice to have you along.
Day 40

Things are looking great in the tent. They're a little taller than I'd like but that's a luxury problem really, much better than not filling the screen. It just doesn't pay off to grow them that tall, the buds anyway form at the top 4-6" or 10 to 15cm, it's just a lot of extra foliage and popcorn. I may do a bit of pruning later if there are leaves covering budsites. Depending on how the tops develop I might cull a few later on if it gets too crowded.
The BAM and the AE are still stretching. Especially the BAM shoots on the left side and in the back. The ABB is a bit shorter but I hope it gets enough light anyway. I'm a bit surprised the BAM is still stretching as there were a few days where it looked like the growth had slowed down but then it found a second wind and took off again.
Feed is still the same at 2/5 bloom nutes, Rhizo and 1ml/l Mg. Next feed I will skip the Rhizo and start adding in a little bit of PK.




This is the view that greets me every time I open the tent. At the bottom you can see the fan leaves below the screen dying off. It's time to clean up a little below the screen. Also visible are the pipe cleaners I used to pull the tops down. I used them to shift the main colas of the AE and BAM more towards the corner to really fill out the tent.


I noticed the AutoEuforia has a bit of an odd structure. The budsites are all stretching upwards. I'm curious to see what the final colas will look like. Maybe it will be a foxtailer.