Dutch Passion AutoBlueBerry, AutoEuforia and BlueAutoMazar in a SCROG under LED

Looks good, man, going to be a nice yield from the looks of things :thumbsup:

Thanks man and thanks for the like bomb :biggrin: I think it has potential for a decent yield. The closeness to the light might detract somewhat due to leaves getting fried but on the other hand the lower bud sites should get more light.

Yeah I'm really liking the way those things are stacking up[emoji269] [emoji268]

Thanks man! It's turning out pretty well. I hope they flower as vigorously as they vegged.

Looking awesome Buster, hope you don't mind if I grab a seat. I got an ABB yours are looking on point, I'm a few days behind yours.

Please take a seat, the more the merrier. I think you're gonna like the ABB, it's one of my favorites.
Day 71

Other than the proximity to the light taking its toll things are going well. I gave them a last feeding with 2/5 bloom nutes, 2/5 PK and 1ml/l Mg. From now on they will be getting straight tap water. The colas are pretty developed but they're still kicking out a fair amount of white pistils, especially the AE and BAM. I think I will let them go another 2 weeks before harvest.





The Blueberry has a nice purple tinge to it.



Blue AutoMazar

I realized it's been a while since my last update. I have been doing a lot better with my current treatment for Bartonella (contracted as a co-disease to Lyme disease) consisting of anti-biotics and cannabis oil. Due to that I'm back at work again and I'm trying to get back in shape and back into my life. So I've been busy with that and haven't had a lot of time to hang on the forum.

Anyway, everything went fine, I harvested all 3 around day 90. They're currently in jars curing, I haven't weighed them in yet but will try to do it this week, I'll let you know how it goes. They were some lovely smelling specimens, the AE was citrusy fresh and the BAM was a muskier fruit flavor. Blueberry was nice and sweet as usual. This time around the blueberry buds were surprisingly airy, they're normally rock solid little buds, must have been a different pheno.
I managed to snap a few photos before harvest as seen below:

Day 87






Some nice heavy purpling on the ABB.








BAM was the slowest, it was still kicking out pistils. It was the main reason I decided to let them go long.
Beautiful looking buds there @dirty budster especially that nice purple abb.
Glad to hear your back at work and too mate heres some rep and possitivity

Thanks Sang, much appreciated. I really I hope I can eradicate this infection once and for all. It's looking promising so far. I really liked the ABB as well. It's the most purpling I've seen on an ABB so far. It's buds are a bit fluffier than what I'm used to but it yielded pretty well none the less.

I just finished the final weigh-in:

ABB = 48.2g
AE = 50.7g
BAM = 74.4g
Total = 173.3g

I'm really happy with that as I was expecting 150-160g from the looks of it and it's also not far from my record of 180g. The BAM was especially surprising at 74.4g and is now the biggest single plant I've grown. To be fair I allowed it to take up a bit more space than the others as it looked promising already during stretch.

In the mean time I started a new grow that can be found here:

Hey budster! Great to hear you are doing okay these days. Hope you get rid of that infection asap!

Man you really did another awesome job on these plants!! Fantastic! I had better follow sanguines lead and hit you with a big old shot of rep. Well done as always!!
Thanks for the info guys! That's good to know. It makes sense since it only affects the top leaves. Unfortunately there's not much I can do about it, the light is already as high as it will go, I might be able to gain another inch if I forego the carabiner and zip tie the light to the top. I will also try to pull the branches down to the extent that is possible.
not trying to jump-in out of nowhere but this doesn't just happen with led lighting, I have 2 600w appollo hps/mh bulbs and they will do this exact same thing if they are to close. I burnt up several almost to where I couldn't revive them thinking it was nute burn or my ph was fluctuating badly but it was neither it was simply light intensity burn, not heat stress because temps were fine just actual to much light intensity for them to handle. moving the light solved my problems but caused bad stretch so I fount that having a dimmable ballast is way to go so that you can adjust your light intensity power.
Hey! It's been a while; still loving your white tent, great photos as always! Sorry I missed the whole grow, looks like it went really rather well. I absolutely love ABB and haven't had any in months, might have to rectify that soon.

Really glad to hear you're doing a better, hope things are still improving.
Hey budster! Great to hear you are doing okay these days. Hope you get rid of that infection asap!

Man you really did another awesome job on these plants!! Fantastic! I had better follow sanguines lead and hit you with a big old shot of rep. Well done as always!!

Hey! It's been a while; still loving your white tent, great photos as always! Sorry I missed the whole grow, looks like it went really rather well. I absolutely love ABB and haven't had any in months, might have to rectify that soon.

Really glad to hear you're doing a better, hope things are still improving.

Hey guys, sorry for the very late reply. The good news is that I've been doing much better lately, the combination of antibiotics and cannabis really seems to work. For the first time in years I think it might actually be possible for me to become healthy again. I haven't been posting lately as I've been super focused on my treatment and healing. I try to get 1.5-2 hours of exercise a day and between that and work (part-time) I haven't had much time for the forum. I also consume large amounts of cannabis every day and sometimes I'm just too tired to write:coffee2::biggrin: but I've missed the forum and wanted to do an update. I did an update on the grow I just finished here: https://www.autoflower.org/threads/...d-think-different-in-a-scrog-under-led.56537/

Derek, Thanks and nice to see you again, I wondered where you went. I hope you'll have another journal going at some point.

Also, since I've been very successful using cannabis as treatment and I've now ramped up from 0.5g per day to at the most 5g a day for 7-8 days in a row during the christmas holiday I've run into the problem that I can't grow enough. To rectify that I spent the last couple of weeks planning and building a second grow chamber in the form of a wardrobe. It's a bit smaller than my tent at 58x46 cm (tent is 60x60cm) but it should bump up my yearly production quite a bit hopefully. I created a new thread for that here: https://www.autoflower.org/threads/...utomazar-lst-under-180w-hans-panel-led.58048/

I'm also doing a grow in my tent with Auto Blueberry, Auto Night Queen and Auto White Widow but I won't journal that one this time.