Dutch Passion Budster does autos, AutoBlueBerry, AutoBlackBerryKush & AutoEuforia in a SCROG under GN LED.

Absolutely beautiful stuff dirtybudster, I think there's a BOM entry in here for sure, you particularly pleased with a particular one? I'd be happy to nominate that saucy BlackBerry Kush if someone hasn't beaten me to it.
:baked:Sure, well hey, @dirty budster , you got my nom this month. Well done, my brother!

I'm going to be out this weekend, but reply back here when you can, let me know if you're okay with the BBK going in, or if you'd prefer the BB or AE. They all looked great to me! Hope you got a killer shot of one of them for the comp, I want to nom the one you're most proud of, brother man.

I'll nom it Monday when I'm back, okeedokee? :bump:
Oh my your ABBK looks so pretty! Those tricomes really pop out from the red background and she looks like diamond encrusted ruby! AE is also pretty amazing but you are right! It still has some work to do. I think you are looking getting pretty decent yield bro!


Thanks MedGrower, I'm glad you like it. I hope to break 160g, hopefully a little more. 160g is about the best I've done with photos so I'm really curious to see how these autos stack up.

Those buds are fat with plenty foxtailing amazing grow bro

Thanks Bailey! Yeah the ABB seems to really like foxtailing. The buds are pretty short but they're fat and very dense.
:worship: Awesome work my friend one of the nicest purples ive seen in a long while!

Thanks sanguine. I'm really glad I got the purple pheno it just looks awesome, some great genetics at work. The buds are nice and solid too.

Oooooo!! Something special in this lot of plants! Amazing job buster! Loving the BBK colours...man the hairs in the AE are so long its like they want to reach out and give you a hug! :D

Thanks man! The AE will need a bit longer to finish but I don't mind I haven't had the time to cut it down anyway. I will probably take it down next week. I need to start prepping the next grow as well.
:baked:Sure, well hey, @dirty budster , you got my nom this month. Well done, my brother!

I'm going to be out this weekend, but reply back here when you can, let me know if you're okay with the BBK going in, or if you'd prefer the BB or AE. They all looked great to me! Hope you got a killer shot of one of them for the comp, I want to nom the one you're most proud of, brother man.

I'll nom it Monday when I'm back, okeedokee? :bump:

That would be really cool, thanks Medi! I think the ABBK is the winner among the 3 as far as looks are concerned.

If my BBK turns out anything like yours @dirty budster i will be very happy, she is one sexy plant/buds. Outstanding work

Thanks Pablo, I hope you get the purple pheno as well. If you don't, the high is supposed to be just as great with the green pheno. Looking forward to see what you can do with it.

The ABBK is coming down tonight, hopefully it won't take too long to get it trimmed. I recently started a new antibiotic regimen and I have some off days so my presence on the forum will be intermittent over the next few weeks. I'm just focused on getting the plants down and getting the next grow going.
As an experiment I put in a white sheet of paper to get some clean shots of the ABBK main cola with a white background. These are the 2 best ones, which one do you guys like best?



