Update on the battle photos
Everyone but the CBD are close enough I can start the harvesting process. My drying rack is pretty big but it still takes several weeks to get things down. Early smoke samples have me very pleased and excited for this year's crop. Possibly one of my best years quality wise in quite a while.

Northern Lights #5 has a citric pine and sweet gas flavor and a very relaxing stony effect

Wild Thing R2 has an interesting sour funky flavor and aroma with hints of gas. Super energetic effect. This thing has massive solid flowers.

Chocolate Bold Desire CBD S1 I haven't gotten the chance to sample yet as it still has about 3 weeks left to go but it has a great coffee woody aroma and I have sampled her sister and the effects are actually pretty strong high with a full body relaxation

This season has been amazing with plenty of fruits for my labor. I'm looking forward to the hash that's to come from the garden!
I took down a couple of buckets of this tasty frosty monster. The Rev which is Animal Mint Cookies x Straw Dawg FV did amazing outdoors for a Cookies cross it handled like a champ all season!
@KingRatt @WildBill the Petra Sprayer was out of commission and had it loaded with BT so all par for the course this fall I guess. Definitely not looking like a winning season.. but I’m two weeks away from the Mediterranean Cruise.
I totally understand, wishing you the best! Hope you stop those asshats in their tracks! And then have an awesome vacation!!!
Im skeptical and probably at 80-90% loss. Just going to salvage a little bud for us. The moths have been thick as thieves lately so the budworms came out harshly. I challenge anyone who says their stuff is mold/mildew resistant. Doesn’t mean shit to me. Autos autos autos for me outside moving forward. Because after September 1st it’s a Vegas Roulette wheel
:smokeit:Hey y'all, I'm out of trim jail on parole 'til Thurs.,...:rofl:
FMA5TC99a fully down, now @Jean-O MelonMadness x StrawDawg tucked into the rack yesterday :woohoo1:
The former had minimal trimming actually, no time, and like the Doors x Orig. Haze super Sati' I grew a few years back I find that with these types that have pretty light/no sugar on small leaves it's better to leave them on for "cushioning"/protection... though this one's buds are not nearly as open, a lot of strongly Sati'-dom's produce a lot of fine leaves, so better to take less beating now and just clean-up small reload batches as needed!

Jean, MMSD made a nice pile on that small funky frame = :thumbsup: ....bud is pretty compact and has a heavy solid feel. She resisted the Rots well, only at the very end did I start to get a few spots, and I had some very mold friendly weather at the worst time... RotBlock caveat applied, she's still well above average in resistance!
Aroma isn't loud, mainly complex woods and incense but now and again I get this whiff of melon -

Mason, what a fekkin' drag after all the effort and time :cuss:- I know that pain! The goddam 'pillers do NOT help either....
I've been battling them myself, worse than usual here, and I swear they are becoming immune to the Bt! It's helping but not as effective as usual?
I spray, 2 days later I see fresh munch marks and a non-baby 'piller snacking away :doh:

I agree, mold "resistance" is a rather relative term...:rolleyes1: ...of course nothing is "-proof" against it, but there are some that the guerilla growers (in UK especially) that seem to show genuinely strong resistance. I'll look into it further at the forum they are on, get some solid rec's and let you know- :thumbsup:
This FMA5TC99a held out very well, a couple wee spots, that's it...but the hitch is how unknown this cross is, no clue on pheno expression ranges or %'s, so no telling if a similar pheno would show again... The breeder is out of country still, but I'll ask when I can catch him again.

*** Phooey, it's work o'clock already 😬
The approaching typhoon has changed track.
Even before it's arrived, there is considerable damage.
But hope is not lost.
REMEMBER: the typhoon hasn't even hit yet, these two days are just a warm up...

SSSTN has split off a couple of the big colas right at the base.
(Thought I took a pic of this brutality, but can't find it now.)
I've taped them, but they were very major splits, so might be lost.
And SSSTN lost a couple of smaller colas too.
Maybe lose 40%-60% if that taping doesn't mend those tops.
But the biggest top and another really big one are still there, plus many smaller!

Grail x ThaiFrican pot, the taller pheno has snapped her main stem, about half way up.
I did another tape job, plus supported her with those two re-bar stakes I had earlier.
(Photos below. Trigger warning: it's pretty bad!)
Taller pheno also lost a couple of smaller colas, too.
She still has at least two really nice big side colas below the break, so there's that.
The medium pheno is fine, just lost a couple of side colas, but her main stem is no problem.

Grail NLD pheno is pretty good on the whole.
Maybe bent a couple of colas, but the big ones are all fine.
I gave her a taping up down low, to prevent issue that SSSTN had.
((Part of the problem is the way the re-veg stems grew out for the Grail and the SSSTN girls.)




I managed to drag those big floppy 2m + tall plants and heavy pots inside.
There's like a lintel coming in, so I had to pick up that huge pot to get it indoors.
Workout for the day, for sure!

They're all having a little family huddle in the corner now.
SSSTN pot back left, Grail x ThaiFrican in front, Grail NLD on the right.



When I say 'inside' and 'indoors', remember, this place doesn't have doors or windows.
So the wind will still certainly whip inside and around this area.
But it's got to be ten times better / safer than out on that balcony, for sure.

While rescue mission was my focus, lifting the pots and taping up, I had those buds flopping around me.
These ladies are otherwise looking absolutely fantastic!
Worst comes to worst and I lose maybe half these girls, there is plenty left.
Original plan was for a couple of 3 foot tall ladies, pull in maybe 4+ oz, keeps me going a long time.
Lose half of these girls, and there's still probably a half lb there, hahahaaaa!

Keeping it positive, my AFN crew.
Keeping it positive!
Thanks for everyone's prayers and good wishes, you helped make it happen!
Love you all!

So glad I managed to make it in to do this.
Typhoon really hits these next few days.

Namo Sri Sri Bhagavatyai!
@Waira wow buddy I was thinking the same thing on these caterpillars too. But the moths been thick as thieves and had the Petra been operational I would have normally crop dusted the entire acreage. It repelled all the other usual suspects this year. So the strain would probably do well elsewhere.

I know someone else on IG was raving about OGKB from deadpanhead as being moth/caterpillar resistant. The video looked pretty bad ass.