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I've been using mosquito bits for years, havent seen a fungus gnat in a long time.
Me too but with the way earthboxes work wicking the water up from below topdressing bits has no effect on them cuz they get down into the fill tube or fly up the overflow hole and lay eggs at the bottom of the pot vs up top! Gnatrol powder is BTI same as bits but its soluble so can add to reservoir refills too! Predator mites i would use cuz they hang around and keep them and other invaders at bay!
The worse weed overdose I ever saw was a small young woman who ate 9 servings of fries at McDonalds and then vomited in her boyfriends car.
It would have been funnier if I hadn't been the boyfriend. And the provider of the the weed. And the one who had to clean the car. I even think I payed for the fries.
But yeah, all these years later, I think that's something a young woman should do when she's measuring her future baby daddy.
Is he ready for the bodily fluids? Can he clean up with a straight face and still love the individual who sprayed his belongings in shit?
According to The University of Exeter, I'm in the greatest relationship ever! :rofl:

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Ground mustard you say?
Yeah, it's uh quite hot! It will kill the larvae and repel the adults. It must be used very sparingly, though.
I put mine in an old barbecue rub container and seasoned the top of the pot the last time I had gnats.
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