The approaching typhoon has changed track.
Even before it's arrived, there is considerable damage.
But hope is not lost.
REMEMBER: the typhoon hasn't even hit yet, these two days are just a warm up...

SSSTN has split off a couple of the big colas right at the base.
(Thought I took a pic of this brutality, but can't find it now.)
I've taped them, but they were very major splits, so might be lost.
And SSSTN lost a couple of smaller colas too.
Maybe lose 40%-60% if that taping doesn't mend those tops.
But the biggest top and another really big one are still there, plus many smaller!

Grail x ThaiFrican pot, the taller pheno has snapped her main stem, about half way up.
I did another tape job, plus supported her with those two re-bar stakes I had earlier.
(Photos below. Trigger warning: it's pretty bad!)
Taller pheno also lost a couple of smaller colas, too.
She still has at least two really nice big side colas below the break, so there's that.
The medium pheno is fine, just lost a couple of side colas, but her main stem is no problem.

Grail NLD pheno is pretty good on the whole.
Maybe bent a couple of colas, but the big ones are all fine.
I gave her a taping up down low, to prevent issue that SSSTN had.
((Part of the problem is the way the re-veg stems grew out for the Grail and the SSSTN girls.)




I managed to drag those big floppy 2m + tall plants and heavy pots inside.
There's like a lintel coming in, so I had to pick up that huge pot to get it indoors.
Workout for the day, for sure!

They're all having a little family huddle in the corner now.
SSSTN pot back left, Grail x ThaiFrican in front, Grail NLD on the right.



When I say 'inside' and 'indoors', remember, this place doesn't have doors or windows.
So the wind will still certainly whip inside and around this area.
But it's got to be ten times better / safer than out on that balcony, for sure.

While rescue mission was my focus, lifting the pots and taping up, I had those buds flopping around me.
These ladies are otherwise looking absolutely fantastic!
Worst comes to worst and I lose maybe half these girls, there is plenty left.
Original plan was for a couple of 3 foot tall ladies, pull in maybe 4+ oz, keeps me going a long time.
Lose half of these girls, and there's still probably a half lb there, hahahaaaa!

Keeping it positive, my AFN crew.
Keeping it positive!
Thanks for everyone's prayers and good wishes, you helped make it happen!
Love you all!

So glad I managed to make it in to do this.
Typhoon really hits these next few days.

Namo Sri Sri Bhagavatyai!
Namo Buddhya
Namo Buddhya
Wishing better weather for your girls and everybody else, also hope your gurls pull thru i have had completely snapped in two branches mend themselves back but it takes a ciuple weeks and you cant crush the stems or all is lost so be verya careful with how tight you tape. ❤️🙏🌱
I think that Green Poison is doing great!

That's disappointing to hear about Snow G.
If i didn't have jarz of medicine on hand i'd be a bit bummed out about SG. So it'z all good. :thumbsup:
Spring-Summer Grow -- Maria's Haze Heaven Hacienda!

Day 199: 135V + 64F

One thing with the typhoon, was that the old main gate got blown in.
So I could easily just go in from there rather than through the bat cave.
It's easier, and means I don't have to go through the mud in the bat cave.

Went up the stairs wondering what I'd see.
Would they have been hit hard by the wind even inside?
It's open on several sides, just not directly exposed.
Would those broken colas and main stem be dead already?
Would they even be dead and starting to rot or worse??
It was already 5 or 6 days by now...
I thought they'd be okay for water, but wasn't fully sure.

I was treated with a lovely surprise!
Not only were they still safe there, but all those broken colas seemed still alive and well!
Not even wilted or drooping!
This plant never ceases to amaze me, for sure.

Family huddle indoors

Front are the Grail x ThaiFrans, behind are the SSSTNs, and right is the Grail.

Left is Grail x ThaiFrican, back middle is SSSTNs, right is Grail.

Family pic back on the terrace

And here they all are back in their old spot.

Left: two re-vegged Super Silver Sour Thai Neville
Middle: two Grail (fast pheno) x ThaiFrican seed plants; seven very small SSSTN x ThaiFrican seed plants
Right: one re-vegged Grail (NLD pheno)

Two re-vegged Super Silver Sour Thai Neville


Both phenos looking very good.
Most fans gone, but still a few up top.

Two Grail (fast pheno) x ThaiFrican seed plants

Taller pheno first
Flowers popping out all over the place.
Already showing some foxtailing traits.


Medium pheno
More leafy in the buds.
Shorter stockier flowering.

Both phenos also lost almost all fan leaves.
Not a huge problem, as they're otherwise fairly green.
Just sativa flowering characteristics I think.

One re-vegged Grail (NLD pheno)


She also has lost most fans.
On the other plants the leaves drop off, but this girl they tend to yellow, then die, but don't drop as easily.

After the last damage, I'm amazed and very happy.
But we'll have to wait and see if they heal, or if the problem is just delayed a little.
Still some wind out there tonight.
Rain won't be good for the damaged stems -- no rain now, but probably in a couple of days.
Let's just wait and see.
I'll try to put in a better splint support on the Grail x ThaiFrican as soon as I can.
Maybe think about what's possible for the SSSTN splits as well.

Happy growing, my friends.
Stay safe! Blaze on!

Peace and Love,

I've been working on harvesting over the last week! Tons of work. The CBD will still be up for a couple of weeks but I'm hoping to have everything down by the end of October.
Northern Lights #5

Wild Thing R2

Northern Lights

Some of the colas off the Grim Reaper S1FV