Anyone want to guess if anything -- most likely the Grail x ThaiFricans -- will be done by the end of the comp, end of October?!
No worries luv, you have extra weeks authorized! Typically the Polls won't be up until after T-Day anyway...
While rescue mission was my focus, lifting the pots and taping up, I had those buds flopping around me.
These ladies are otherwise looking absolutely fantastic!
Worst comes to worst and I lose maybe half these girls, there is plenty left.
Original plan was for a couple of 3 foot tall ladies, pull in maybe 4+ oz, keeps me going a long time.
Lose half of these girls, and there's still probably a half lb there, hahahaaaa!
Keeping it positive, my AFN crew.
Keeping it positive!
Thanks for everyone's prayers and good wishes, you helped make it happen!
Love you all!

So glad I managed to make it in to do this.
Typhoon really hits these next few days.
Fingers triple crossed Maria!

...hoping it's passed by now, and the girls are still standing.... You deserve some green-love after all your efforts and resourcefulness!
@Waira wow buddy I was thinking the same thing on these caterpillars too. But the moths been thick as thieves and had the Petra been operational I would have normally crop dusted the entire acreage. It repelled all the other usual suspects this year. So the strain would probably do well elsewhere.
I know someone else on IG was raving about OGKB from deadpanhead as being moth/caterpillar resistant. The video looked pretty bad ass.
When in bloom, I'm leery of using other stuff like Lost Coast Therapy, even spinosad because they often burn the pistils... I did add some of the SNS209 to the Bt to see if that helped...
The hitch is how well you actually cover the surfaces, especially the underside of leaves which are no small challenge to do so with... And not totally saturate/"waterlog" the buds which of course risks taking you down that shitty road called Rot Blvd.!
OGKB- I hear her relative Platinum Kushbreath is a solid OD performer in suboptimal conditions... In other
limited feedback, felt otherwise about OGKB so maybe it comes down to who's version was tuned for this...?
After the last damage, I'm amazed and very happy.
But we'll have to wait and see if they heal, or if the problem is just delayed a little.
Still some wind out there tonight.
Rain won't be good for the damaged stems -- no rain now, but probably in a couple of days.
Let's just wait and see.
I'll try to put in a better splint support on the Grail x ThaiFrican as soon as I can.
Maybe think about what's possible for the SSSTN splits as well.
Aaaaand there's the good news I was hoping for!

Clearly the got shelter enough, and handled the rest on their own.. might be that little alcove became something of a wind eddie, swirly but not blasted....
Faith in their equatorial adaptations!
Ok still hanging in there
Only the cold holding her back mate, but I feel she'll finish well enough! Maybe a tad early would be fine anyway, perhaps a bit less narcotic/"dopey"
Biscotti, terrible pic as the wind is blowing today.
Looking frosty AF Pepe!

.... have you tried taking night+flash pics like I do? Those girls will shimmer like a sequin dress!
I've been working on harvesting over the last week! Tons of work. The CBD will still be up for a couple of weeks but I'm hoping to have everything down by the end of October.

Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho, it's off to trim jail you go!!

I agree my friend, you really crushed it this year, and your gear is showing the hard earned quality work you have put into them, much respect!
I mean
really, how many other cultivars would have left you nothing but fuzzy glop on stems after this season...

To that point, the MelonMadness x StrawDawg fared very well in some very mold friendly conditions here, only a few places tried to kick off at the very end, a couple days before harvest when the plant is weakest... Buds are solid, those colas tightly layered with budlets which the Rots f'ing love as we know all too well!
The NL performed like a true champ man, you hit gold for breeding with her... She has all the Goods!
Holy Cricket bats Hashman, those are some clubber tops from the GR -