Been thinking of you folks...staggering/up-potting some cherry tomato seeds from '23 and '24 (among other things) indoors in sets, a couple weeks apart while it gets to more proper temps outdoors soon. These are the first sets from earlier in the month:

20250201 Cherry tomatoes.jpg

@Mossy :thumbsup: Our Tomato season starts next month and I had to build a fence around my veggie patch as we get wild pigs during the mango season , I also have around 1000 ltr of soil I built , being the first year on the property I am hoping I picked the right spot , so I will be growing in very large pots in case I have to move it , and for a bit of fun we are having a tomato comp at one of the local pubs , -- largest tomato -- and as far as work goes too bloody much . I tend to get full rebuilds , not just mowing , I priced a job on Monday and put a big price on it because I did not want to do it and bugger me dead , he wants me to do it - :doh: