Some shots of my girls.... :pimp: LOL

>> FireMoBA5T x C99a -
her columnar build is a blessing, otherwise she'd be a shaggy beast! A lot of Haze/Thai expression here...

>>> Lavender/mixedPurps x C99a
- nice to have some color this year, it's been a while!

BTW, it's the same C99a used in all the crosses I've grown - :thumbsup:
Made 10+years ago originally I think by HighRise (now defunct), kept going in fine shape by others... He did a smashing job with it, many private breeders chose it specifically because of the solid quality and performance.

>>> Burmese Pure - turned out to be a nice boosh after all! A late trigger, but reported to be a fast bloomer so we'll see...

>>> MelonMadness x StrawDawg (Jean-O) - TV antenna build shaped up fine! She's well studded with buds, not a lot of small/short branchy stuff which is great....
So it looks like I’m gonna have to take the comp girl early… inspected this morning and found two more heads with spots of mold. Don’t think this cultivar was meant for our conditions. If I do I’ll take my official pics. Gotta check the weather…
So it looks like I’m gonna have to take the comp girl early… inspected this morning and found two more heads with spots of mold. Don’t think this cultivar was meant for our conditions. If I do I’ll take my official pics. Gotta check the weather…
Either that or I’m gonna have to piecemeal her. Just take the flowers that have mold and hope for another week or so…?
Super Boof
Someone posted about having issues with their plant. 3 fingered leaves if I recall right. I finally made it over to my neighbors to see his. His two plants look fine, 5 and 7 fingered leaves.

I'm off to my buddies camp in the UP for a few days of no cell service, internet or power! I'll post pictures when I get back.
Harvest Citrus Milf Day 120 (Comp Plant) New
Harvested the Citrus milf today… found more mold spots this morning and figured I had better or lose a lot. Well, about 2 oz of head buds had rot. I understand why! I am about 3 weeks early from earliest breeder time and those buds, all but the lower larf are dense! Got some hanging, and the rest are in the hanging dryer.

I will update later when dry and have final dry weight!
Harvested the Citrus milf today… found more mold spots this morning and figured I had better or lose a lot. Well, about 2 oz of head buds had rot. I understand why! I am about 3 weeks early from earliest breeder time and those buds, all but the lower larf are dense! Got some hanging, and the rest are in the hanging dryer.View attachment 1703720View attachment 1703721
I will update later when dry and have final dry weight!
JP i had an auto this summer that went total mold city in good weather.. pulled it up and buried it in the compost pile. PITA mold is :eek1: Better luck with your other plants :d5: late....:gassy:...I was in mourning for me Beautiful girls.... they were I was giving them another week to see if I could get some more fattening...
But....Red Flags started I took them down......



Lucky Dragon pot..on the right.......37 females......Drag-on... with them being leaf took me two minutes to take each pot down........


Pot on the left...Frogs....31 females...

:d5:. That's the way I grow 'em.......:biggrin:

Lucky....I remembered to pop the lids on the drying hissed down last night...... #JahBless ...:smokeit: