Spring-Summer Grow -- Maria's Haze Heaven Hacienda!
Day 186: 135V + 51F
Around 300 mm = 12" of rain last few days.
Probably some more to come.
Quite windy at times, too.
Was concerned that the weight of the water and wind would create problems.
Took a big ball of thick hemp twine / light rope with me.
Planned to at least set up a line in front of them to stop them falling south.
Family pic
When I arrived on site, this is what I saw:
Left: SSSTN girls
-- all standing tall and strong, no problem at all
Mid: Grail x ThaiFrican girls and L'n'L Jones girl
-- the main stem of big GrailxThaiFrican down 90 degrees, leaning on the medium pheno
Right: Grail girl
-- several of her bigger colas down 90 degrees
Lucky I got here in time.
Some of those branches are also broken...
I'll show a pic at the end of the solution situation.
The pics below are a combination of when they were down and after they were supported.
Re-vegged Super Silver Sour Thai Neville ('Sticky' pheno)
Pretty sure this girl above is 'sticky'.
These colas are just amazing, they are just nearing the end of the stretch though.
Re-vegged Super Silver Sour Thai Neville ('Fluffly' pheno)
You can see that Fluffy is a little more delicate.
There are several better colas of her I should have shown you.
The more heavily branching, fine delicate stems, that led to her rounded buds.
Grail (fast pheno) x ThaiFrican (medium pheno)
Looks like I didn't get any shots of the medium girl.
She's doing well.
Her taller sister was leaning on her a little, but I remedied that.
Good color, nice green, flowering still developing nicely.
Some aromas starting with her.
Grail (fast pheno) x ThaiFrican (taller pheno)
Rare chance to get close to this main cola, 2.3 m tall!
The rest of the now bent over plant is a mass of flower:
Some aromas starting to show for this girl now, too.
Two branches that broke off this tall girl.
One was a very nice big lower branch.
The other a smaller lower branch.
Pity, but sh!t happens.
There's a little rip on the main stem from the big branch -- hope it heals up!
That could have been a potential oz or two.
Poor little girl.
Hope she recovers soon!
One Lemon 'n' Lime Jones
I have a photo.
But I don't want to show you.
It's not pretty...
That wet period combined with her already poor state...
Let's just say I cut out the nasty stuff and put the rest to dry.
These denser more 'hybrid' types not so ideal for here.
Problem started when the bugs began nesting in her thick flowers.
Seven SSSTN x ThaiFrican seedlings
All this there.
All female! Wow, seven out of seven! Odds are 0.7% !
Various phenos, a lot of variation.
Not surprising given both parents are F1 crosses already...
Two F1 cross combined is an absolute mix of possibilities!
I like the idea of these possibilities, though, don't get me wrong.
Re-vegged Grail project (NvHz x Mullumbimby Madness F2) (NLD pheno)
Laying down, curling up to the sun, but otherwise looking great!
Stretch almost done here I think.
She is back up straight now, and looking very good on the whole.
Supporting ropes
I moved the plants back from the edge a few days ago.
Gets them out of the wind, if the wind comes from certain angles.
Prevents them falling right off the balcony if they fall south.
But it blocks a fair bit of morning and evening sunlight.
The stakes in the pots just don't work well.
The pots are too small / shallow, so the stakes can't go deep.
The plants then just pull the stakes right over.
So tied that light rope across the pillars near the front (south) of the balcony.
Move the plants up close to them, so the rope pushes them upright.
I also put a separate rope on the taller Grail x ThaiFrican, tied to the pillar on the right.
It gives her extra support, and keeps her from leaning on her shorter sister.
The taller Grail x ThaiFrican and Grail NLD pheno need this support most of all.
The medium Grail x ThaiFrican would benefit, but she's doing okay, not so tall.
The two SSSTN girls just don't seem to need it, they are very tall upright plants.
But that may change once their flowers put on weight and size, so good precaution anyway.
Doesn't that look
soooooo much better?!
Cut / broken branches on the ground, next to the big twine / rope ball.
The bat cave is very wet, muddy.
The bat guano is washing into the mud, too.
It feels like 10000% humidity in there, believe me!
Bats seem okay about things, though.
Happy growing, my friends.
Stay safe!
Peace and Love,