...getting to be that wonderful time of year!
I gotta get caught up here, get a late update done at my thread and here too, service the ladiez...

yup, drizzley night! We've had a week of mixed damp/cool weather, the kind that makes the butt pucker coz it's the kick-off for the Mold Wars....
Fortunately so far, only one tiny spot of the Collins Ave., the rest holding strong and/or are still not developed enough to be so susceptible, plus the Rot Block!
Jean my man, that NL just blew TF up!

...all of them have chunked up big time this last 10 days that I can see!
...very quickly, here's the MelonMadness x StrawDawg... hash-bats ahoy! She'll be done next week I think..?
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* Gang-- I'll try to reel in the slack here bit by bit today...