:smokeout: Mates- do pardon my lagging, it's been operation Batshit Cray-Cray for me the last week+! 😵‍💫

I'll try to reel in some catch-up line here shortly....
F' me, I've not even got my own thread started yet!
:smokeout: Mates- do pardon my lagging, it's been operation Batshit Cray-Cray for me the last week+! 😵‍💫

I'll try to reel in some catch-up line here shortly....
F' me, I've not even got my own thread started yet!View attachment 1689729 😅

Just ribbing you old pal!:haha:
If anyone knows what it is like, "when you want to get something done" but the world and his wife need you to do X,Y & Z before you can do your own chores, it's me!
I have kind of been reporting what I am doing but still no seed in the ground!
But I haven't been lazy, when I can do, I do. When I can't, I don't!
That will happen soon but home life is dictating my movements and there is a lot going on!
Take is easy, you will get there, just don't pile on the pressure on yourself!:pass:
So plans don’t work out like I want em…
Either way, @Waira , don’t know if this is a legal entry. But I have documented germ date and they have been living OD since last week.

And here they are from this AM

Pink tote is the citrus milf. Green tote is apple bottom. The green tote sat in the same spot since last harvest… it only had dr earth 4-4-4 and I’ll be too dressing with dr earth rose and flower. The pink tote is dr earth rose and flower (4-6-2) and earthworm castings with some organic humus and cow manure. Peat based soils.
So plans don’t work out like I want em…
Either way, @Waira , don’t know if this is a legal entry. But I have documented germ date and they have been living OD since last week.View attachment 1689847
And here they are from this AMView attachment 1689848View attachment 1689849View attachment 1689850View attachment 1689851View attachment 1689852View attachment 1689853
Pink tote is the citrus milf. Green tote is apple bottom. The green tote sat in the same spot since last harvest… it only had dr earth 4-4-4 and I’ll be too dressing with dr earth rose and flower. The pink tote is dr earth rose and flower (4-6-2) and earthworm castings with some organic humus and cow manure. Peat based soils.
Oh yeah, here’s another pic showing date
Thanks, I may top them. I have so much going on its hard to do much training. Most of my plants will be el naturel. 3 properties, 3 outdoor cannabis gardens, indoor garden and 4 veggie gardens keeps me busy everyday.
This SD is just like you describe. She will stank up a room as soon as you open the bag. The best of each year goes first and last years crop of SD is all gone up in smoke! We went through my notes and excel files yesterday trying to find who the breeder was. Sadly that info was lost in the fire, hopefully it comes to me in a stoner moment when I least expect it. I'll post some pictures of the girls I have going outdoors. We took clones yesterday of each to use to breed with. Who ever the winner is gets to have babies with an auto. :)
This sounds like a keeper alright! The breeder's name will pop into your head eventually, what matters now is the cut - :thumbsup:
Are you exploring any auto SD's to cross with? I wonder if karma has an auto version of his Sowah SD....

The 3rd Cream Cheeze F1Fv clone this one went put a couple of weeks ago as the other 2 transitioned into flower already and so is this one already. It was in vegetative growth indoors under 16 hrs of light which is roughly where we are at outdoors so I'm thinking the far red outdoors is putting her to bed a bit earlier than I was thinking... she's well over 140 days old now at this point possibly transplant shock forced flowering... this plant also flowered extremely fast indoors and was ready for harvest after 48 days
I think we're seeing a maturity level from their age combining with FV "hair trigger blooming" happening here.... The only way to test and maybe prevent it is keeping them at or under 14hrs light, or what ever it takes to have them going into longer light hours.
The drastic spectrum change is in play too no doubt, and likely the tight shoes had her at the edge already...
I also figured out what has been my problem and it’s the soil I’m using for the seedlings. I ran into this before and should have read my notebook notes. Going to pick up some seed starter soil next go round.
Borderline too hot?...what were they in before?
Getting this grow together has been a long drawn out affair but bit by bit, piece by piece, I'm getting there!
One upside is these purchases are done with, and now you're well outfitted:greencheck:
...got the PM mate, just getting caught up all over.... :rolleyes2:

Hi autolovers! :smokeit:
I have one novelty.Gorilla sherbet fast isn't fast verzion.It's semi auto❗She's in flowering! ⏩ She was biggest in grow box and I'm sure now,inasmuch biggest fast verzions in start grow are semi autos,no fasts.:doh::redcross:
But she is not small! :mrgreen:
Ah, Jean and I were just talking about this... part of an ongoing discussion over the years!
There's no real solid definition of a "semi-auto" that I've seen, but I'd say generally all "FV's" are semi's... they still need that drop in light hours to trigger blooming... But then you have what Jean has experienced this season, some going into bloom even with very little light hours change. this is what we mean by "hair triggered", meaning very sensitive to it. It appears certain red wavelengths also are influencing matters....
I think that when it comes to this FV/semi' thing, there's some grey area between semi' and fully auto'ing, especially at the F1 stage in breeding.
From what I've seen, there's more factors in play with this than just a simple Mendelian recessive/dominant inheritance thing controlling what we call "auto'ing"...
I've seen several instances of an F1 auto/photo cross show a full auto at this stage, very rare but it happens! Private breeders in particular...
Also keep in mind that auto'ing doesn't equal speed, really it just means that the plant will go into bloom under ANY light hour schedule.
When it does can be quite variable....

I feel that F1 FV's can produce true long cycle auto's with longer veg' times, and pretty variable in their ease of triggering into bloom...
Spotting them is tricky because you can't tell sometimes due to other changes going on at the same time, like transitioning to outdoors....

That GSFV of yours just might be one of those true long cycle auto's, an outlier in the mainstream of normal behaving FV's... That she went into blooming under the longest light hours of the season certainly begs some questions, yes? :jointman:

The pots have been reoriented....:headbang:

So I can get more in...:biggrin:....no..it a shadow thing.....


Every sunbeam counts...now we are on receding light pattern....,:biggrin:

The canna tatties I have given up on....I super cropped the tatties to give the canna some light..

But too little..too late....


One or two of the males made a dash for it...but .. scrawny females just don't cut it.....:headbang:

The mass germs are hanging in...


But... they are not growing as expected...then I realised... I've put them in a Hot pot.......:doh:..I amended the pot with worm compost. Then topped it with Universal compost.....and I never put my seed in Universal compost..coz I was getting too many stumpies...

I only germ into seedling compo..pfft.....:pass: