Man! I
know you can grow some Badass in that county. It grew wild alongside the Llano River at this one bend in the river. It was bottom land that occasionally got flooded with silt deposited there. Beautiful black soul was deep there and the plants roots could get into the rivers water table . Nothing but monsters!
I'd really like to see if I can get some cuttings just for S&G's.
I know who owned the property at one time and I know who it went to after her death. But being a woman the name has changed.

The old lady that owned the property tried to get me hooked up with her. She was definitely the looker!

But in my young stupidity, I thought she was a little too independent. Little did I know that is an outstanding attribute in a mate!
That young lady inherited untold numbers of
sections of land from her aunt!
I don't think you can do forensic tax property records searches online.
I might be able to find the place my Google Maps if the same buildings are there or pretty similar. I think I found it a few years ago....... Actually many years ago...... On Google Maps. I was able to pinpoint it off the river with a dam to the north and a bend close to the house.
If I can find it by Google Maps I could put the numbers in the search for the geolocation. I can then see who owns it currently.
It might be interesting. I know she liked me a lot.

But that's over 40 years ago! Although she was a Very inquiring person and maybe open to something interesting. She'd have to be canna friendly though.
Now wouldn't that be a cool back story To some sort of unicorn that could arise from the crossbreeding?