New Grower Orange sherbet & wedding cheese cake

Environmentals spot on temps between 24 -28 only fed heaven root juice vera an 0.5 per ltr boi grow beginning of this week. Week four now was looking so promising started off real quick then kinda stopped !
temps...this is done with a memory thermometer,or just when you stick yer head in ?
humidity ?
airflow...thats air in/out and circulation ?
biobizz say root juice week 1 and 2.................ofcourse they say you can use throughout the grow.but have ya seen the size of the bottle,and ya know the price.
an arsehole did an unscientific blind test and found no difference.another arsehole dont feed anything for 10 days.and thinks using root juice for 4 days is easier to forget than remember to mix heaven could go in the same boat.the npk numbers are like 0.1,0.01,0.1 so theres like 1% ingredients and 99% water.
seems a vey weak feed for day 21-27 ? what is week 4.quantities of feed and frequency.what size pots,what kinda medium ?
but dont answer here and gum up someones thread like this arsehole,start a new growers journal thread thing :pass:
good luck n keep er lit
Looking good friend! Crazy to see all the girls such different sizes. Gonna have your hands full, good problem to have.
There are definitely some variations in there.

The wedding cheese cake set up seems to be taking the lead at the moment. Wcc1 is exploding!
Although im cautious, last run I did 5 mephistos & the one that grew bigger than the rest looked to herm. I spent time every morning removing anything Dodgy looking for about a week.
In the end, it was nearly twice the size of everything else & easily the stinkyest girl (?) In the tent. Now im checking daily to make sure no nuts are developing.

The orange Sherbet are less developed & less on it. Maybe it's just that strain or maybe it's the soil mix they are in. @autobeast had some amazing results so i doubt it's the strain. (Os1) that was strait out the gate, all guns blazing, has whimpped out a bit now. One side of both os1 & os3's first node are mutanty dwarfs.
Os2 is small but is developing well.
A few are starting to show sex now.
I'm hoping to start tying things down this weekend & maybe upping the amount of watering they're getting.
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Thoughts for next week...
So tomorrow is the last day of week 3. This week they each had (of their respective schedule)
Sat: 300ml
Mon: 300ml
The only amendment to the schedule is I still haven't been giving the Orange Sherbet any Grow. OS2 & OS3 are still clawing & are a very deep green so don't want to add to the problem.
I'm going to skip tomorrow's feed with the intention of watering saturday instead & upping the volume to maybe 500ml per plant.
What do people think?
Also, Saturday is beginning of week 4 & I should be upping the nutrient dosage as well. I mentioned that os2 & os3 are showing signs of tox so I think I'll continue on without the grow nutes as far as they're concerned. OS1 has slowed right down. Os 2 & os3 have somewhat caught up with her. Shes not as rich a green as os2 & os3 so maybe worth giving her a little grow to nudge her on??
As for the wedding cheese cake, wcc2 & wcc3 are both small, compact plants. Both are a deep righ green. WCC2 has some very, very slight yellowing to a couple of her tips. They have been on 1ml per L this week, supposed to go up to 2ml from saturday but I'm not sure they need it.... ?
wcc1 is smashing it, growth wise so she'd probably welcome thr upped dosage.

Still a little unsure why just the 1 plant would get much bigger than the rest. I know "genetics" & all that but 2 strains, 6 plants & only 1 wants to go big? Hmmm..

Hope your gardens are all happy & healthy!
So tomorrow is the last day of week 3. This week they each had (of their respective schedule)
Sat: 300ml
Mon: 300ml
The only amendment to the schedule is I still haven't been giving the Orange Sherbet any Grow. OS2 & OS3 are still clawing & are a very deep green so don't want to add to the problem.
I'm going to skip tomorrow's feed with the intention of watering saturday instead & upping the volume to maybe 500ml per plant.
What do people think?
Also, Saturday is beginning of week 4 & I should be upping the nutrient dosage as well. I mentioned that os2 & os3 are showing signs of tox so I think I'll continue on without the grow nutes as far as they're concerned. OS1 has slowed right down. Os 2 & os3 have somewhat caught up with her. Shes not as rich a green as os2 & os3 so maybe worth giving her a little grow to nudge her on??
As for the wedding cheese cake, wcc2 & wcc3 are both small, compact plants. Both are a deep righ green. WCC2 has some very, very slight yellowing to a couple of her tips. They have been on 1ml per L this week, supposed to go up to 2ml from saturday but I'm not sure they need it.... ?
wcc1 is smashing it, growth wise so she'd probably welcome thr upped dosage.

Still a little unsure why just the 1 plant would get much bigger than the rest. I know "genetics" & all that but 2 strains, 6 plants & only 1 wants to go big? Hmmm..

Hope your gardens are all happy & healthy!

I see some of what you are talking about, but overall I think they look great. They do look pretty dark just like mine did around the same time, and tox seemed to be an issue. Some of your other symptoms look familiar, what do you make of that little it of edge curl on the larger plant?
I see some of what you are talking about, but overall I think they look great. They do look pretty dark just like mine did around the same time, and tox seemed to be an issue. Some of your other symptoms look familiar, what do you make of that little it of edge curl on the larger plant?
The larger one (wcc1) has shown taccoing since early doors but it clearly hasn't slowed her down at all. Not sure if that's the curl you're referring to though as it's not really visible in that photo. If you're referring to the tips then that's purely them coming up against the edge of the tent & not a symptom... hopefully.

I think miss management of the transition is one of the things that has hindered me previously so I want to get it right this time. Don't want to up the volume & dosage to find I have over watered & burnt plants but at the same time don't want to under feed/water and stunt them.... it seems it's a fine line to walk :D.
Also, I was thinking about the post Top l.s.t. I presume that a plant is more flexible after a good watering & less likely to snap. if I go ahead & skip fridays water to do it on saturday & also intend on doing first l.s.t on them should I water in the morning & train in the evening? Or, even postpone training until the day after? Or am I massively overthinking it & I should just do it when I water saturday morning?

Once tied down, am I best leaving it a few days before doing any defol/lollipop business or just getting it done in a one shot?
if i looked real real hard im sure i could pick a few bones......but but but we can read too much into things.if we see the plants multiple times everday,we can completely miss some things,see things that arnt there and all sorts.
they are in 8,11L pots ? plants have passed the point where 1 overwatering could leave them with trench foot for a week.
a tad to green/a smidge smaller/a touch of....tad/smidge/touch/slight is wee buns nothing to worry about.(its just a sign to warn you not to go crazy/keep the sensible head on)
give the big un 1L the others 500ml....if within a day or 2 the big plant pot is as light as the others....that means the plant needed the extra drink and it drunk it.
theres a bit of variation,but its sizewise not skinny leaves/fat leaves indica/sativa.
slight taccoing hmm a real fast growing plant can have a tacoo effect.a plant thats leaves are a lil cramped also tacoo look.but its overwatering can look like underwatering,subtle difference to the look that we gotta work out for ourselves.
growing learning to ride a bike.....sometimes growing we learn nothing much in particualar,but something all a sudden clicks,we get it,we cant describe it,but we slowly start to understand it.i learnt more about what not to do,or what to avoid.
transistion....seedlings like a lil puddle just round ther feet,a full grown plant wants the entire pot wetted.the maximum i can water my 6L pots is 1.5L water/feed.they get that every single day from week 5 ish.everyday when i go to water the pots are super light.
as water is something like .985g a L my pots are 1.5kg heavier after watering.
lift up pot is a great tech,it just takes a while to gauge.
topping/fimming/lst not sure before/after wateriing makes a difference.hw to lst,fim no idea i rarely tuck a leaf.
keep er lit
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Also, I was thinking about the post Top l.s.t. I presume that a plant is more flexible after a good watering & less likely to snap. if I go ahead & skip fridays water to do it on saturday & also intend on doing first l.s.t on them should I water in the morning & train in the evening? Or, even postpone training until the day after? Or am I massively overthinking it & I should just do it when I water saturday morning?

Once tied down, am I best leaving it a few days before doing any defol/lollipop business or just getting it done in a one shot?
Dont matter about water .ur plant is what it is.and when young there very flexible.u wana top ur lady when u feel she is ready.then do nothing else.leave her alone for 1 week.let her grow this time she will be big enough to tie down.ur defo over thinking it.chill bro.its all good.ever in doubt just pm ,or ask away on afn.lots of help available.happy growing;)