New Grower Orange sherbet & wedding cheese cake

pre flower = the first signs of sex. them first two hairs ya see pokin outa a caylx/lady bits/pert boob like things ya see where stems branch off from the main.
early flower = when the tops crown/go fuzzy.
mid flower = them fuzzy bits is getting bigger and turning into buds.
late flower = when they not really growing noticably any more/just building sparkles.
or thats my thinking.
ohh balls :frowny: most have had a few here and there......the odd grow we can find a few seeds from a lowers bud,,opps obviously missed plucking a bollock.not the end of the world,unless theres 20 balls mid/late flower then ya could have a room full of seeds.
i plucked 3 balls off a single lower branch month ago and didnt see no more.
front right is defo a diff pheno,neither good nor bad,just a different flavour.
what causes hermies ? 101 things.100%autoflower/100%female....tripe its more like 99.7%.if its not genetics,then its stress.stress can be anything from plucking a leaf to bending it.under/over watering and feeding causes some stress to.not playing them good music,or talking ill of them if they the sensitive type.
i threw my first hermie into the river not knowing any better.grew another thing for 9 weeks not knowing if it was male/female or both,till i had to take it a walk down by the river.
a fully seeded female will have a big impact on yeild,and do yer nut picking out seeds.plucking a few balls or finding 3 seeds in a bud/little to no effect.
i bent the shit outa this it didnt hermie or seem to mind forgotten cookies 3L day 67.JPG:pighug:
red/purple stems can be and more often than not genetic...DP abbk abbk 6L b day 43.JPGdark devil/lsd25 a lot of sweet seeds varieties with kush/red/purple pinks in the stems could be a def P i thnk maybe K.but again im shit at the defs/toxs game 4th opinion etc.
weather extremes.........when its cold..lights could go 24/0 slow the extraction fn down a heater 120w,a 500w oil filled is more W than my light so id rather shut down over winter.
hot..add an extra 6" fan to blow over the the cupboard door if im home. i wont buy a hum/de-demidifier,,,and i could have a 1 week old ,4 week old and a 7 week old plant in the cupboard perfect % humidity aint an shooting for avoiding the extremes. if its between 45-65% humidity and for 99% of the time it is,so i do nothing.having a temp/hum thermometer thing with a hi/low memory IMG_6013.JPG so ya know temps/hum % when ye in bed or work.
lookin good keep er lit

@void I had thought the reddening could be genetic but sure I'd read somewhere it could also be an identifier of some kind of deficiency. they seem happy in most other respects so I'm not really worried. Same as with the herm'. Like I mentioned, it happened last run .... freaked me right out but so glad I didn't bin her! Just need to keep on it this next couple of weeks & try not to miss anything.
yep you did read it somewhere...........looks up me bits
Deficiencies check chart.jpg

and it could be lack of P.
if i can remember i asked a smart person about it.they said something along the likes of (but i could be wrong)....(and so could they) if the stems have a two tone effect like an old two tone old car,,,purple on top green below then its P def.
but then again as you in moving into early flower,thats when the plant wants increase in P nutes.
maybe time to start adding bloom nutes.
i may have dreamt that shit about the two as allways 4th opinion needed.
good luck n keep er lit
yep you did read it somewhere...........looks up me bits
View attachment 1211315
and it could be lack of P.
if i can remember i asked a smart person about it.they said something along the likes of (but i could be wrong)....(and so could they) if the stems have a two tone effect like an old two tone old car,,,purple on top green below then its P def.
but then again as you in moving into early flower,thats when the plant wants increase in P nutes.
maybe time to start adding bloom nutes.
i may have dreamt that shit about the two as allways 4th opinion needed.
good luck n keep er lit

Yea man. That is a handy table to have!
I think it's just time for bloom nutes. Next feed is saturday. That's day 1, week 6. A good time to start with bloom, I think. All except OS1 who is still making her way into preflower. She's growing so isn't stunted... shes just doing her own thing.
Start of week 6. Yellow tips & cal/mag deff'?
So, day 2 of week 6. Most of the girls got their first bloom nutes yesterday & have now bounced back from that post meal lethargy.
I'm letting Os1 just carry on with the veg schedule for now.
WCC1 has started to lighten up significantly. A higher dose of Grow next time, perhaps?
Along with another one of the girls she also has yellow/white tips starting to develop. Maybe too close to the lights now they have stretched? AAAAAAND I noticed this rusty 2 tone effect start to appear on a couple of her leaves. Cal/mag issues perhaps? Doesn't seem to be effecting the others so far.
Humidity is still high but they're staying pretty happy looking throughout.

Yellow/white tips

Rusty spot towards the tip of the middle finger.

Stay green out there everyone!
all looks good to me :thumbsup: if i had to be pernickity,id say they a smidge light,so yes a lil boost of nutes next feed time.

yellow white tips...hmm too close to the light bleaches the topmost or nearest top/area like a proper bleaching/white out a plant grows it becomes less sensitive to light,kinda wants more of it as it grows/or can take more of it.ive had full grown plants less than 12" from lights,and i start my seedlings at about 75cm away.and i cant explain why i went imperial just now,so il fix it not 12" but 22 ish cms.aswell as the tacco ish effect.
good observation (krypton factor good) one or two spots can be put down to a random/even a bite mark or a hole if its just the one.a leaf resting againt the wall of tent can develop a lil sweat patch and go weird.but being one leaf thats ok,if its 3 think again and act if needed.
weather has turned a bit shit as of late.if ya have a dank corner,moss/molds/fungi type shit can grow on the surface of the soil on just 1 a micro climate.
tested temps and humidity of top/middle/bottom of tent ? an extra fan placed high or low could help even out the temps/hum.
space is a premium for me so fan is under a shelfIMG_6005.JPG another hangs at canopy level both on 15min on/off crappy annaloge timers cheap timer.JPG so as one is allways on.another fan pointed at LED heatsink on an inkbird to come on at 32c(a few hours a day for a week of that mini heat wave we had last month).other end of the inkbird on a 120w 2 foot tube heater at 17c.if its a bad winter id be better off packing up for 2 months as the cupboard struggles to get to 20c.i could add a 500w oil filled heater and run me central heating 24 hours a day.but me light is only 180w so is it worth it ?
an extra 0.5ml/L of cal/mag will do no harm (provided you less than 2ml) same goes for bloom nutes (theres still some N in bloom nutes) or 0.5ml of grow for the girl thats bottom right as its looking like that will be harvested a couple of weeks after the others.
this is where a schedule can kinda go out the window.or a 2nd schedule is needed for plants that go 14 weeks.same goes for that day 58/59 plant.
if yer off,yer only a whisker off :thumbsup: getting hairy with just that first sheen of trichs starting to come through :smokeit:
good luck n keep er lit
all looks good to me :thumbsup: if i had to be pernickity,id say they a smidge light,so yes a lil boost of nutes next feed time.

yellow white tips...hmm too close to the light bleaches the topmost or nearest top/area like a proper bleaching/white out a plant grows it becomes less sensitive to light,kinda wants more of it as it grows/or can take more of it.ive had full grown plants less than 12" from lights,and i start my seedlings at about 75cm away.and i cant explain why i went imperial just now,so il fix it not 12" but 22 ish cms.aswell as the tacco ish effect.
good observation (krypton factor good) one or two spots can be put down to a random/even a bite mark or a hole if its just the one.a leaf resting againt the wall of tent can develop a lil sweat patch and go weird.but being one leaf thats ok,if its 3 think again and act if needed.
weather has turned a bit shit as of late.if ya have a dank corner,moss/molds/fungi type shit can grow on the surface of the soil on just 1 a micro climate.
tested temps and humidity of top/middle/bottom of tent ? an extra fan placed high or low could help even out the temps/hum.
space is a premium for me so fan is under a shelfView attachment 1212487 another hangs at canopy level both on 15min on/off crappy annaloge timers View attachment 1212494 so as one is allways on.another fan pointed at LED heatsink on an inkbird to come on at 32c(a few hours a day for a week of that mini heat wave we had last month).other end of the inkbird on a 120w 2 foot tube heater at 17c.if its a bad winter id be better off packing up for 2 months as the cupboard struggles to get to 20c.i could add a 500w oil filled heater and run me central heating 24 hours a day.but me light is only 180w so is it worth it ?
an extra 0.5ml/L of cal/mag will do no harm (provided you less than 2ml) same goes for bloom nutes (theres still some N in bloom nutes) or 0.5ml of grow for the girl thats bottom right as its looking like that will be harvested a couple of weeks after the others.
this is where a schedule can kinda go out the window.or a 2nd schedule is needed for plants that go 14 weeks.same goes for that day 58/59 plant.
if yer off,yer only a whisker off :thumbsup: getting hairy with just that first sheen of trichs starting to come through :smokeit:
good luck n keep er lit

Yes yes @void Always wanted to be on the krypton factor ;) things have progressed slightly over the last 48hrs & there are now roughly 15 leaves, towards the top of the canopy, with definite "rusting".
Fed this morning I increased cal/mag to 1ml/L (from 0.5) & gave her 2L... we'll see if this helps.

Not sure how easy it is to see from the picture but her lightness only seems to be affecting the upper canopy. The lower canopy is a much darker green. I had assumed her lightness was a low N warning but if that was the case, surely we'd see the lower leaves lightening first?

Temps have been ok recently. Humidity still on the high side but dont think it's an issue this early into flower. Just hope the dry weather returns for late flower :D

ohh crap i obviously didnt press the enter/send button :shrug:
calcium is immobile (i am shit at the defs toxs game) normally starts/stays at the top of plant.tiny rust spots,turning to blobs.
N is mobile starts at the bottom of plant and works its way up/and or from the tips to the centre of leaves.
i think i see the light to dark contrast in the last pic.
top half of plant being lighter than bottom is fairly rare.surfur springs to mind :paleo: epsom salts is the cure for that................but has a side effect of raising ph.never used it meself.
unlikely to be iron.its more newer growth,could the ph maybe a smidge high for iron ?
4th opinion i think :thumbsup: its getting to the point where im guessing...............and guessing can do more harm than hate to tell anyone the wrong thing :frowny: general hints and tips,sharing my under/over stories is one thing :pass: diagnozing issues......hmm i just do tea n joints :coffee::smokeit:

what to do when ya not sure ? look down the bottom see whos been here
lucky dip some @'s ya might find some that know a thing or two :greenthumb:
obviously nobody wants to read 10 pages if they dont have to,but looking at the last few pics n posts from op.whats ya general thinkings ?

@autobeast @Bigg Al @DMHeights @hope2grow @Need4Weed @St. Tom :pass:
good luck n keep er lit

Start of week 7
Easy now.
Hope you're all growing well :)
6 weeks done & 4ish left to go.
Still got mad high humidity in the tent.... I guess that's what happens when you have so many ladies transpiring in such a small area. Move the fan fro. Above the lights to move air around below the canopy.
Buds are starting to thicken up a bit :jointman:
The light/dark issue seems to have resolved itself with the recalibration of the Ph pen.
The rust spots on wcc1 have darkened in colour but don't seem to be spreading anywhere else.
OS1 is still trying to get over the line & actually into flower
No serious complaints or issues really this week.

@void seems i did the same as you & didn't hit send. Seems that happens to me fairly often
Thanks for the suggestions. Thankfully it looks like the ph pen was just a touch out. Fortunately, what ever the deficiency was that was starting obviously hadn't progressed very far & they look to have recovered well.
Keep it green out there, peeps!


Wcc2. Her buds are the most developed of all the girls. The only one with orange pistils & she is by far the smallest. She's stood on a box to try and keep up with the other girls Reckon she'll be the first to harvest.