New Grower Orange sherbet & wedding cheese cake

Start of week 6. Yellow tips & cal/mag deff'?
  • So, day 2 of week 6. Most of the girls got their first bloom nutes yesterday & have now bounced back from that post meal lethargy.
    I'm letting Os1 just carry on with the veg schedule for now.
    WCC1 has started to lighten up significantly. A higher dose of Grow next time, perhaps?
    Along with another one of the girls she also has yellow/white tips starting to develop. Maybe too close to the lights now they have stretched? AAAAAAND I noticed this rusty 2 tone effect start to appear on a couple of her leaves. Cal/mag issues perhaps? Doesn't seem to be effecting the others so far.
    Humidity is still high but they're staying pretty happy looking throughout.

    Yellow/white tips

    Rusty spot towards the tip of the middle finger.

    Stay green out there everyone!
    Start of week 7
  • Easy now.
    Hope you're all growing well :)
    6 weeks done & 4ish left to go.
    Still got mad high humidity in the tent.... I guess that's what happens when you have so many ladies transpiring in such a small area. Move the fan fro. Above the lights to move air around below the canopy.
    Buds are starting to thicken up a bit :jointman:
    The light/dark issue seems to have resolved itself with the recalibration of the Ph pen.
    The rust spots on wcc1 have darkened in colour but don't seem to be spreading anywhere else.
    OS1 is still trying to get over the line & actually into flower
    No serious complaints or issues really this week.

    @void seems i did the same as you & didn't hit send. Seems that happens to me fairly often
    Thanks for the suggestions. Thankfully it looks like the ph pen was just a touch out. Fortunately, what ever the deficiency was that was starting obviously hadn't progressed very far & they look to have recovered well.
    Keep it green out there, peeps!


    Wcc2. Her buds are the most developed of all the girls. The only one with orange pistils & she is by far the smallest. She's stood on a box to try and keep up with the other girls Reckon she'll be the first to harvest.
    Day52 - Week 8
  • Greetings one & all.
    Sorry I haven't been on it this last week. Had loads of work on!
    Most of the ladies are looking lovely. Wcc1 seems to have fully recovered from whatever was going on with her. Obviously the 'burnt' markings haven't gone away but they also haven't progressed & the full canopy is an even green again :)
    Wcc2 is almost there. Probably another 7 -10 days is my guess. Shes the smallest girly in there & raced ahead when she hit flower. She's probably 60% orange hairs & the sugar leaf trichomes have started to amber.
    More good news, os1 has decided to slide into full flower and is looking pretty happy with herself :)
    It's not all a bed of roses though...
    OS2 started to show the same signs as wcc1. Green lower canopy, lighter higher canopy & rust spots starting to appear. As with the issues with wcc1, I checked the ph pen (it was fine) and upped her cal/mag dosage from 1ml & have stuck with that for the last 2 feeds. Added a little extra grow last feed (as I did with wcc1) to try & green up the top canopy a bit but doesn't seem to be having much effect.
    Fed this morning & noticed a few (what I assume are) fungus gnats. Not a massive infestation but I've just ordered some sticky traps.... considering they should all be done in the next 3 weeks (except os1), should I be putting more pest control measures in place??
    Thanks for stopping by & as always, stay green!


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    Day 60!
  • Sorry for the recent lack of commitment. I've had a sick dog on my hands & loads of work to catch up on!
    Excuses excuses, I know..

    So, day 60
    Where are we up to....?
    Wcc1 is stealing the show. Her buds are swelling up beautifully. She's so top heavy now several of her stems need supporting. This is a first time for me so I'm pretty chuffed with that :)
    Wcc2 is the same pheno as wcc1. Her buds are long and elongated but are yet to seell like her big sister.
    Wcc3 is a different pheno. Shes the smallest girl in the tent, the closest to harvest & her buds are alot more dense & round. Really, I should have stopped feeding her by now I think...
    Os1 is finally towing the line & is putting buds out but shes at least 2 weeks behind everyone else. She's always been the lightest shade of green in there but I just noticed a couple of rust marks so I upped her cal/mag & gave her a little boost of grow.
    Os2 has stalled somewhat. Her issues haven't progressed but they also haven't gotten any better.
    When she first started showing signs her & os3 were at similar stages but now...
    Os3 is swelling up real nice & giving her final push. Unfortunately, she to has started to show some slight rust. Upped her cal/mag on this morning's feed.
    All in all I think 3 or 4 of them will be ready by the advertised 70 days wcc2 might take an extra week. Os1 will definitely need at least 85days.
    Group shot! They've been moved about a bit so their positions don't tally with previous photos... soz.

    Wcc1. The apple of my eye :D

    Os3, putting some calories on!

    Os2, still feeling pretty sorry for her self.

    WCC3. Nearly there!
    Week 10
  • Not much to update really.
    Everyone is plodding towards the finish line.

    I chopped 0s2 yesterday. I'm about to run out of smoke & she was never going to truly fulfill her potential so she got the early chop & is now hanging to dry.
    The rest of them are enjoying the extra space :)

    Os1 has greened up & is looking happy in flower but she's likely to be at least another 3 weeks.

    There's only os1 receiving nutes now. Everyone else is on plain water.

    Stay green out there!
    day 76. we nearly there yet?
  • Everyone except os1 has been on plain water for the last 10 days & they're showing lovely colours. wcc1 & os3 have been stacking on last minute calyx towers & throwing out plumes of white hairs making it hard to judge when to chop.

    spotted a "nanner" on wcc2. she'spretty much ready now, nice amber trichomes, so she's coming down tomorrow/saturday.

    os2 is dry & jarred up. she only gave 35g of fluffy buds but she was the sickly runt of the litter so I'm pretty happy with that





    damn nanner.



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