New Grower Orange sherbet & wedding cheese cake

End of week 4 ... lady-boys??
Greetings growers.
Week 4 has come to a close. All bar one of the girls are in pre flower/ early flower (where is the line between pre & early??).
Os1 is showing sex but isn't really in preflower yet. Shes different to all the rest. She's all whispy & squat... shes been a bit weird all the way through but hey-ho, we'll see what see does.

Most of the girls are really stretching up now.
I have gradually increased volume & dosage this week but dosage of GROW is still less than my schedule suggests. Feels right for now though.
Not started bloom nutes yet..
Have been watering/feeding every other day & whipping a few leaves off here and there while I'm at it.

Had them all out to water this morning & noticed something concerning.... pretty sure 2 of them have hermed. Check the photo below. Have removed everything suspicious & will be keeping an
eye out for any more nonsense :D

Stay green out there!

Greetings growers.
Week 4 has come to a close. All bar one of the girls are in pre flower/ early flower (where is the line between pre & early??).
Os1 is showing sex but isn't really in preflower yet. Shes different to all the rest. She's all whispy & squat... shes been a bit weird all the way through but hey-ho, we'll see what see does.

Most of the girls are really stretching up now.
I have gradually increased volume & dosage this week but dosage of GROW is still less than my schedule suggests. Feels right for now though.
Not started bloom nutes yet..
Have been watering/feeding every other day & whipping a few leaves off here and there while I'm at it.

Had them all out to water this morning & noticed something concerning.... pretty sure 2 of them have hermed. Check the photo below. Have removed everything suspicious & will be keeping an
eye out for any more nonsense :D

Stay green out there!

Which plant is in the front right of your tent? Is that the OS1? She looks so much lighter, as well as structurally different. I am sorry to hear about your herm, I have yet to experience that misfortune myself. Any idea whay may have caused it? Other than that, looks great! I love how clean your training looks, something for me to work towards. Keep up the good work friend.
Hermy for sure bud :thumbsup:
Just keep plucking them before they pop

Ive never had a plant herm before, will it just continually produce sacs throughout the grow or will it stop at a certain point? I would imagine yield would be impacted as well? I have lived my live thinking that if it showed sacs it was hardly worth growing out, I acknowledge that this may have been erroneous on my part.
Not too sure,
I have had it happen once, my first indoor grow this winter, it only produced maybe four pollen sacs with in a less than two week span right at the start of flower like Benji

Plucked them off and it seemed to not really affect anything, still got 3oz at chop about four weeks later
Must have missed one though as a few lower buds had some seeds so I've got about 15-20 I'll use for testing soils and such haha
As I thought :)
I'm not too worried... I had this happen last run with one of the mephistos. I just checked every single node when I had them out to water & removed owt suspicious. As @DMHeights also noticed it only went on for a couple of weeks. For what ever reason, the herm ended up being the biggest, the highest yeilding & the strongest smelling of the bunch... really glad I decided not to chuck her out :D

Not entirely sure what has caused it. My environments haven't spiked too far out of range & they all seem happy enough with the nute schedule.

@Dis yes, bottom right is os1. Of the 6 plants in there, you'd think she was the only one of a different strain. Whilst the other 2 Os have shown slight signs of N tox throughout, os1 hasn't. I started her on a little Grow last week but will up the dosage with tomorrows feed.
I've also noticed some slight reddening to to the ridges of the main framework & some of the leaf stems are also showing red. Is this something to do with P or K levels?
Midweek update. Week 5.
Greetings all.
Outside temps pretty low this last week & the weather has been very wet. Humidity has been HIGH the whole time & there's little I can do about it. That being said, apart from the odd herm sack that has needed to be pulled off, the girls seems to be fine... loving it, actually.

Dont want to jinx it but it looks like I have so far avoided the transition problems I've had on previous grows.
Having said that, I do have some red leaf stems...

This weeks feed schedule has looked like this:

Feed 1 (sat)
Wcc1 1.5l /2ml
Wcc2 1l/1.5ml
Wcc3 1l/1.5ml
Os1 1l/1.5ml
Os2 1l/0
Os3 1l/0

Feed2 (mon)
Same as feed 1 for all except nothing for 0s1. Still wet from feed 1.

Feed3 (wed)
Wcc1 1.5l/2.5ml
Wcc2 .75l/1.5ml
Wcc3 .75l/1.5ml
Os1 1l/1.5ml
Os2 .75l/0ml
0s3 .75/0ml

Ml is per L. I have just included volume & Grow dosage as everything else is as per the schedule.

Think I will start bloom nutes this Saturday (day 1 week 6) for at least 3 of the girls.
Os1 is still trying to get into pre flower ... no idea what her game is hahaha.

Greetings all.
Outside temps pretty low this last week & the weather has been very wet. Humidity has been HIGH the whole time & there's little I can do about it. That being said, apart from the odd herm sack that has needed to be pulled off, the girls seems to be fine... loving it, actually.

Dont want to jinx it but it looks like I have so far avoided the transition problems I've had on previous grows.
Having said that, I do have some red leaf stems...

This weeks feed schedule has looked like this:

Feed 1 (sat)
Wcc1 1.5l /2ml
Wcc2 1l/1.5ml
Wcc3 1l/1.5ml
Os1 1l/1.5ml
Os2 1l/0
Os3 1l/0

Feed2 (mon)
Same as feed 1 for all except nothing for 0s1. Still wet from feed 1.

Feed3 (wed)
Wcc1 1.5l/2.5ml
Wcc2 .75l/1.5ml
Wcc3 .75l/1.5ml
Os1 1l/1.5ml
Os2 .75l/0ml
0s3 .75/0ml

Ml is per L. I have just included volume & Grow dosage as everything else is as per the schedule.

Think I will start bloom nutes this Saturday (day 1 week 6) for at least 3 of the girls.
Os1 is still trying to get into pre flower ... no idea what her game is hahaha.

Looking great! I have some of that reddening of leaf stems as well, intense color from leaf to stalk only. Cant wait to see that beautiful canopy thicken up.