New Grower Orange sherbet & wedding cheese cake

Day52 - Week 8
Greetings one & all.
Sorry I haven't been on it this last week. Had loads of work on!
Most of the ladies are looking lovely. Wcc1 seems to have fully recovered from whatever was going on with her. Obviously the 'burnt' markings haven't gone away but they also haven't progressed & the full canopy is an even green again :)
Wcc2 is almost there. Probably another 7 -10 days is my guess. Shes the smallest girly in there & raced ahead when she hit flower. She's probably 60% orange hairs & the sugar leaf trichomes have started to amber.
More good news, os1 has decided to slide into full flower and is looking pretty happy with herself :)
It's not all a bed of roses though...
OS2 started to show the same signs as wcc1. Green lower canopy, lighter higher canopy & rust spots starting to appear. As with the issues with wcc1, I checked the ph pen (it was fine) and upped her cal/mag dosage from 1ml & have stuck with that for the last 2 feeds. Added a little extra grow last feed (as I did with wcc1) to try & green up the top canopy a bit but doesn't seem to be having much effect.
Fed this morning & noticed a few (what I assume are) fungus gnats. Not a massive infestation but I've just ordered some sticky traps.... considering they should all be done in the next 3 weeks (except os1), should I be putting more pest control measures in place??
Thanks for stopping by & as always, stay green!


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so thats 1 of each strain has gone a bit wonky.1 each of the types of soils.and 1 each of the sizes of pots..............i was hoping for some kind of clue but :shrug:
and it was 1 plant 2 weeks ago,and just 1 plant this week....again looking for a clue a connection of sorts :shrug:
the law of averages and all that,you cant being doing much wrong....or if you were all plants,or the same 3 should have the same/similar ailments and not just the 1.
mixing up 1 or 2 batches of feed at a time,again if something goes wrong there id expect more than 1 plant to show something :shrug:
i had bugs not intirely sure what they had probably cooled a bit.more than likely was raining for days.i got lazy didnt lift the pots out,jusrt carried on pilling in the water.after a few days i took em out(pots was still heavy) stagnat water in drip trays,and the tiniest of things floating about.ya cant see nowt on the surface of the soil,but if ya stare at the one spot for long enough something will move out the corner of yer eye,whitish but microscoptic even to someone with good eyesight.(3 days for pots to dry out and they was all dead)
fungus gnats feed on dead stuff,you keep a tidy tent so they aint got much to eat.pic possible ?
damp dog smell from the arse of the pot is a bit of a no saying thats whats wrong,jus sharing a story.
if ph was off....again id expect 3 or all to show something.
os1 a tad light,but its the slowest.os2 has the top half light thing going on that was wcc 1 the other week.
i was on a thread a while ago mixed cal/mag def and hum % must link it.on the page before that theres a link to the biobizz knowledge base thread from ducky that i can never find,lots of good infos there.and the biobizz website itself used to have a real good faq's page.
a q and a Andi had with biobizz 3rd or 4th post
good luck n keep er lit
Thanks again @seven of nine , your input has been so valuable throughout this grow!
It's pretty intriguing though, right? different strains in different pots, different soils with different feed schedules & 2 weeks apart :D
Also, with wcc1, she was back on track after 2 feeding cycles where as os2 has carried on on the same path.
I have just noticed the slightest onset of rusting with os3. Her crown hasn't lightened yet like the others though...
I'm pretty sure the bugs are fungus gnatts as they apparently tend to live in the top layer of damp soil & my environment has been a lot more 'moist' this run compared to previous ones.

The only thing that has massively been off is the humidity. Its hasn't really dropped below 75% since flower started and is often up in the 80s. I'm sure this isn't helping with the bugs but not sure about the leaf issues.
As you said, you'd expect multiple plants to be showing signs at the same time..

I'll have a wade through the biobizz articles you linked me & see what I can come up with.
Thanks again.
Stay green out there :)
first time i really studied the vpd chart.dunno what the numbers n shit means but i imagine we aiming for the orange bit vapor_pressure_deficit_relative_humidity_chart_small.jpg or at 75% thats 25-29c.(sorry to be vague/lazy but every time i look at my IMG_6013.JPG min/max hum is 45%-65% been like that for years so back of my mind)
same goes for thermometers/hygros as ph pens

which ones right ? or which ya think is closer ?
but does that tell the whole story ? dont think so as 75% in flower is mold/budrot territory :yoinks: my only budrot was when hanging been flaffing about and turned a fan off,didnt turn it back on = top cola budrot budrot (2).JPG all them lovely sparkles and a big shit in the middle of it :frowny:
whats the hum in the room the tents in ? is there a way to lower that ? would putting another ext. fan in the tent cause a hurricane:pighug: and sides to implode ?
i used a cheap speed controller cheap speed controller.JPG on my ext. fan in the winter when it was 6,7 years id have been better off shutting up sho[p for 2 months in at least 2 of them winters.
have ya got black out curtains,can ya open tent door,alternate plant waterings ? ditching a plant will help (but not a big enough % to warrent ditching it,so dont do that just yet)
good luck n keep er lit
@Dis yup, I have 4 hygrometers & they all read different :D

Unfortunately, I think the humidity is something I'm just going to have to try & live with this time... The amount of vegetation in there that's constantly transpiring is just overkill, I think.
The tent is in a smallish 'dormer', like an upstairs bedroom added to a bungalow, if you can picture it. It's really changeable with the weather. In winter it's cold, in summer it's hot :D
this run I've had the window open 24/7 as it gets proper stuffy in there, especially with the tent exhaust. Can't really leave the tent open with the window open, I have fields behind me & I'm pretty sure the tent would be full of bugs real quick.

My tent doesn't have a spare hole. It only has 2 large enough. One is the extraction port for the carbon filter, the other is an active air inlet.
The humidity in the room is consistently lower than the tent (window is always open) but not super low and even with the active air in, it's not enough to reduce the humidity enough.

I tried to be so on it with VPD in my previous 2 grows. Neither were anything like as productive as this one though. Humidity control may be very important but it seems tightening up my watering/feeding routine has had a far greater impact, on yield at least.

Stay green!
Oh, and these guys!
I put sticky traps on each if the pots last night.
Looks like they are mainly concentrated in os3.
my grow is in the box room bedroom of an old house.the cupboard is built in or bricked up,its just above the stairs so i loose 2 feet from the bottom of it.the door is on the narrow side and only 40cm wide.the cupboard is 50x100cm.4" ext fan venting through the plasterboard ceiling of the cupboard into the attic space.
yep slanty roof sticky out window.trapped hot air got nowhere to go.
im guessing fan/filter is ontop of tent recirculating air in the roof ? could ya feed some ducting into a cupboard and into the loft ? out the window would be better,but :yoinks: in the window to,but :yoinks: or trail a lenght of ducting downstairs to get a lil more cool air,but again :yoinks:
if theres only a few bugs,and if they of the harmless variety :shrug:
good luck n keep er lit
@Dis i keep having Mcguyvor thoughts about what I could do :D the issue (or one of the issues) is we have a 16yr old lad. He started smoking recently & while we're ok with that, it could be potentially disastrous if he cottoned onto what is happening in the spare bed room for that reason, I can't really have ducting trailing about or have new holes turn up in walls.
I thought about maybe a bigger extraction fan & filter. Might be able to exhaust to the window that way.... but the spare bedroom is also my mrs' 'office's. it took a bit of nagging to get a tent in there in the first place, not sure she's gonna go for industrial ducting trailing across the floor
Day 60!
Sorry for the recent lack of commitment. I've had a sick dog on my hands & loads of work to catch up on!
Excuses excuses, I know..

So, day 60
Where are we up to....?
Wcc1 is stealing the show. Her buds are swelling up beautifully. She's so top heavy now several of her stems need supporting. This is a first time for me so I'm pretty chuffed with that :)
Wcc2 is the same pheno as wcc1. Her buds are long and elongated but are yet to seell like her big sister.
Wcc3 is a different pheno. Shes the smallest girl in the tent, the closest to harvest & her buds are alot more dense & round. Really, I should have stopped feeding her by now I think...
Os1 is finally towing the line & is putting buds out but shes at least 2 weeks behind everyone else. She's always been the lightest shade of green in there but I just noticed a couple of rust marks so I upped her cal/mag & gave her a little boost of grow.
Os2 has stalled somewhat. Her issues haven't progressed but they also haven't gotten any better.
When she first started showing signs her & os3 were at similar stages but now...
Os3 is swelling up real nice & giving her final push. Unfortunately, she to has started to show some slight rust. Upped her cal/mag on this morning's feed.
All in all I think 3 or 4 of them will be ready by the advertised 70 days wcc2 might take an extra week. Os1 will definitely need at least 85days.
Group shot! They've been moved about a bit so their positions don't tally with previous photos... soz.

Wcc1. The apple of my eye :D

Os3, putting some calories on!

Os2, still feeling pretty sorry for her self.

WCC3. Nearly there!