New Grower Orange sherbet & wedding cheese cake

@void much love for the guidance. Really great knowledge! I know I'm picking everything apart... these are some of the little questions I had during previous runs that I didn't ask, they just floated around in my head. Decided to let them out this run to help tighten things up a bit.
Pot sizes are 12l & 15l
Copy on upping the volume of water/feed.
The plants in biobizz light (wedding cheese cake) that are just very green but no real signs of tox, should I up their grow to 2ml/l as the schedule suggests or maybe stick with 1ml/l for the first half of week 4 & see how they handle the extra water?
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i know a colour blind grower that dont know yellow from dark green :shrug: ...their only way/method of growing is to keep the plants with a hint of tip burn.
some growers like to push plants hard(pump shitloads of nutes in) they be the darkest greens.
id call your plants a good green,not a dark i would probably up to 2ml.(but at the same time ya shouldnt do something just because someone else does (allways get a forth opinion)
hmm well if you only change the one variable this time,up the quantity/leave the strenght as is.reavaluate mid week and go +/- from there ?
or go with your gut :pass:
keep er lit
I think that's part of finding "your" grow style as well, you see people running 20mL/L grow juice yet the next guy uses 5mL yet both plants look great :shrug:
Happy growing buddy:goodluck:
i know a colour blind grower that dont know yellow from dark green :shrug: ...their only way/method of growing is to keep the plants with a hint of tip burn.
some growers like to push plants hard(pump shitloads of nutes in) they be the darkest greens.
id call your plants a good green,not a dark i would probably up to 2ml.(but at the same time ya shouldnt do something just because someone else does (allways get a forth opinion)
hmm well if you only change the one variable this time,up the quantity/leave the strenght as is.reavaluate mid week and go +/- from there ?
or go with your gut :pass:
keep er lit
Talk about a hindrance! Man, never thought about that but being colour blind must suck.

Think I'm gonna go with my gut & it's telling me to up the volume & keep the dosage the same. Except for wcc1 (the big lass). I'll up her dosage to 2ml/l & we'll see where we're at a few days later.
Talk about a hindrance! Man, never thought about that but being colour blind must suck.

Think I'm gonna go with my gut & it's telling me to up the volume & keep the dosage the same. Except for wcc1 (the big lass). I'll up her dosage to 2ml/l & we'll see where we're at a few days later.

I think thats what Id do, I personally want my plants to have all the N they need without a hiccup in the supply line. Same potency, greater volume is my vote, but my experience is limited.
I think thats what Id do, I personally want my plants to have all the N they need without a hiccup in the supply line. Same potency, greater volume is my vote, but my experience is limited.
Thanks for the video @Dis ! Makes sense. We'll see where they're at once they've dried out a bit. Can amend dosage next feed, if need be.
It's been crazy hot here the past few days. Lookimg forward to the lower temps due after the weekend.
Hope you're girls are loving life!
Wall to wall...
So here we are, day 1 of week 4. They've just had their first l.s.t. I always think plants look terrible strait after initial lst but I know in just a couple of days they'll fill back out & look natural again.

As I was putting them back in the tent I though, 'shit, these ain't gonna fit' :D

Feed wise I went with my gut & ...
Wcc1 got 1L of week 4 nutes, full strength.
Wcc2 & wcc3 got 500ml of week 4 nutes but with reduced Grow (1ml/l not 2).

Os1 os2 & os3 each got 500ml of week 4 nutes but still with no grow added. Os2 & os3 still showing slight signs of tox. not too sure what os1's plan is at the moment :D
Os1 & os3 have only got 6 main stems now. Their bottom stems ended up being runty little no Hopes so I whipped them off this morning.
Keep it green everyone x