New Grower Orange sherbet & wedding cheese cake

autobeast and vapo69 to name a few plant trainers :smokeit:or plant trainers like bendz spelling could be off lordgreenwood is a fan :pass:
keep er lit
This is 1 orange sherbert auto.fastbuds.topped young and later lstd.she is huge.beware things could get crowded in ur small space.genetics are doubt there.all the best from me

Happy growing every1;)
@void Thanks for the tip on threadmarks! Still getting the hang of this journaling :D like you say though, deffo better than the paper records I'd been keeping previously.
I'm not too worried about the watering right now. My veg cycle has been good in previous grows watering this way. It's the transition to flower where I get stuck & growth stalls. I've been reading through some of @autobeast s threads & I think I've got an idea what I'm doing wrong.

Firstly I think I've been giving bloom nutes way too early. I dont think I've waited until post stretch & that's had a massive effect on final plant size & yield?? Previous runs have never really gotten above 12inches & I've been growing "big strain".
Come to think of it, I was probably giving grow nutes too early as well.... the slight clawing in the photo above has been a constant theme through other grows I've done using Bat Special & I've just kept giving them Grow from the start of week 3.

Secondly, due to the fear of overeating I think I've underwatered previous grows through flower.
Lots to think about going forward....

For now here's a picture of the girls on day 18.
They were all topped on day 15/16. My first time topping. in for a penny...
They seem to be responding well so far! I've just done a bit of leaf tucking & they'll be getting tied down this weekend.
WCC1 (top right) is the monster so far.

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Your doing great.very happy ladies;)thanks every1 for the mention and kind words.i didnt get no notifications even tho tagged?''.just seen this thread in new posts.i got a few fastbuds autos going at the moment.all big ladies;) ur gna do very well I of luck from me and happy growing every1;)
@autobeast incredible work, as always! It must seem mad that I have so many plants in such a small space hahaha :D serious though, my plants have been tiny in the past... I'm hoping this is the run where everything "clicks" & I have to sacrifice a couple of the smaller ones So the rest fit :D
Thankyou my 2 fastbuds original.jack.herer autos.same treatment there big girls.but the orange sherbert on her own is nearly is big as both the jacks combined.there new releases and the jack herer id recomend to any grower.these plants grow fast and trouble free.a joy for any auto grower;)

Happy growing every1;)
Thankyou my 2 fastbuds original.jack.herer autos.same treatment there big girls.but the orange sherbert on her own is nearly is big as both the jacks combined.there new releases and the jack herer id recomend to any grower.these plants grow fast and trouble free.a joy for any auto grower;)

Happy growing every1;)

I've run RQS, mephisto & fastbuds so far. Had the best results from FB without a doubt!
overwatering is a concern early on (first third of grow) last third of grow overwatering is fairly hard to do.some plants will drink everything ya give them.move into a real hot spell and some folk gotta water twice a day.
some give bloom nutes as soon as flower,some wait till vertical growth has all but stopped,some inbetween.
bat special points to shit and high npk numbers.
theres next to no nutes in biobizz lightmix soil,im guessing id see more defs than toxs.
did ya pull apart the pots from last grow ? an inspection of roots after grow can sometimes tell us things.
for day 18 they rocking
keep er lit
Nice one @void
Think I've been starting the bloom during preflower/when they're showing sex. I dont know.. I'll hold off on the bloom until after stretch with this run, see what happens. Last 3 grows have rocketed during veg, like these are now, then stall for a couple of weeks in early flower resulting in stumpy little plants that offer up 15-30g at the end.
Definitely need to up the water intake during flower though, that's a solid call!

The Wedding Cheese Cakes in biobizz have been on grow nutes this week but the bat special pots are gonna go without for at least another week, I reckon.
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Well overtaken me mine have froze done nowt for a weeknot filled out arrh look healthy than last run feel like taking down an starting again ..
Environmentals spot on temps between 24 -28 only fed heaven root juice vera an 0.5 per ltr boi grow beginning of this week. Week four now was looking so promising started off real quick then kinda stopped !