New Grower Orange sherbet & wedding cheese cake

@Dis I figure that if I jot everything down as I notice it then I can trace any issues back should I need to :smoking:hopefully I'm still this dedicated to the journal at week 10 :biggrin:

Definitely, I just started journaling my latest grow in hopes of improving as a grower. I have never journaled, in life, for a grow, in private or public, so we'll see if I can stick with it. I find its easier to keep updating, when folks are engaged, helps me stay more accountable. Keep up the good work, I'm tuned in.
@Dis I hear ya. It's all about moving forward as a grower & I think learning in public with a journal is a great way to do it! What's the link for your current journal?? I'll have a look :pass:
@Dis I hear ya. It's all about moving forward as a grower & I think learning in public with a journal is a great way to do it! What's the link for your current journal?? I'll have a look :pass:

That would be great, I'd love to hear what you think. I'm running 2 grows in 1 closet right now, but Im going to build a cabinet for the 3L experiment in the next week or so, hoping that those 4 Daiquiri Lime fill out.

4x Dutch Passion Daiquiri Lime

3L Seedsman Purple Kush 1:1 Auto
Ok. That's the end of week 2 & this is how the girls are looking:


The Orange Sherbets in the Batspecial are still clawing so I held back on giving them their first macro nutes today. Other than that, I've stuck to the schedules.
Still some slight taccoing on wcc1 but she's also, by far, the biggest girl in the tent so I'm not too worried.
Pictures of the individual ladies:

One of each strain had enough room between node 4 & 5 to whip their heads off. OS2 & WCC2 (both number 2... spooky) have been topped & I think I'm going to do the rest in the next couple of days.
I'm still only watering 250/300ml every 2-3 days but the bags dont feel light at all! I'm just topping up the presoak. Think I'll wait until they really take off before giving them any serious amounts of liquid.
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ever so slight clawing...........minor issue in the bigger picture,you was right to back off feed for a bit(no big gains to be made by pushing them this early).clawing = nitrogen toxicity,can be accompanied by very dark green leaves.they all a similar ish shade of green,looks good to me.
i used to keep my schedules,even half filled in put them somewhere safe,then never find them again.a jounal saves the looking.
whang in a few threadmarks in such as born on x,first feed,showed sex,end of week 4,found a funny looking leaf,trich check,first harvest,x grams,plant 3 x grams,smoke report etc. to make it even easier to find the finer deatials.
when how much to water/feed is probably the trickiest bit about growing................i mean everything under the sun is wrote about in books,and talked about in podcasts.but whatering is pretty much a (you will just have to find that out for yourself kinda thing) its more FEEL than anything.
good luck n keep er lit
Midweek update
@void Thanks for the tip on threadmarks! Still getting the hang of this journaling :D like you say though, deffo better than the paper records I'd been keeping previously.
I'm not too worried about the watering right now. My veg cycle has been good in previous grows watering this way. It's the transition to flower where I get stuck & growth stalls. I've been reading through some of @autobeast s threads & I think I've got an idea what I'm doing wrong.

Firstly I think I've been giving bloom nutes way too early. I dont think I've waited until post stretch & that's had a massive effect on final plant size & yield?? Previous runs have never really gotten above 12inches & I've been growing "big strain".
Come to think of it, I was probably giving grow nutes too early as well.... the slight clawing in the photo above has been a constant theme through other grows I've done using Bat Special & I've just kept giving them Grow from the start of week 3.

Secondly, due to the fear of overeating I think I've underwatered previous grows through flower.
Lots to think about going forward....

For now here's a picture of the girls on day 18.
They were all topped on day 15/16. My first time topping. in for a penny...
They seem to be responding well so far! I've just done a bit of leaf tucking & they'll be getting tied down this weekend.
WCC1 (top right) is the monster so far.

