I got around to giving the volunteer pot her witches brew.
Just under 1gal mixed up of warm water.
A dash of surfactant
Quarter teaspoon of Rootwise BioPhos
5 ml Rootwise enzyme
3 ml of Fermented Plant Extracts FPE
10 ml Blue Gold flower
Just under a tea spoon of Build A Bloom
A tea spoon of Coconut water extract
One third of a teaspoon of aminos
No additional calcium or Big 6 Micro nutes
Naturally I didn't feed her all of the water. After the scope I went ahead and gave the remainder to Asian Haze tester. She would have been ready for watering tomorrow but I'm looking at chopping her within the next two to three days after scoping her.
The little volunteer pot is still just trucking along! She's still growing upwards. A few moments ago she read at 1100ppfd. I'll move the light when she tops 1200 . Probably sometime tomorrow.
All in the pot look very healthy! Kind of wish I would have started this force feeding a little earlier, but I guess I probably had to have a little ugliness to spur me on to hit them like I am.
The youngest side
The oldest side
Asian Haze tester is getting close!
I should probably clean her up, but she's going to be chopped in the next couple of days.
Scope pics
The first few were of the oldest Crazy Asian Haze. I didn't differentiate between the Two girls I scoped. It really didn't matter since neither were ready. I do think the Crazy Asian Haze is just slightly less mature than Asian haze. She's close enough that I will chop both at the same time.
All I'm waiting for is minimal clears on Asian haze. I do think it says something about modern cannabis genetics, when I can honestly say that Asian haze is not a particular frosty girl, and then you see these microscope pictures.
I do think both girls love the new light setup! I think the Autoseeds Girl I put in here is really going to flourish quite nicely in her 15 gallon pot under this light! I think I've settled on Sweet CBD to go in here!