Indoor Come visit Wild Bill's Medical Grow Room!!!!

While I have no conclusive evidence, I'm fairly sure that I can rule out soul PH and certain nutrient deficiencies with all the media in this entire grow is exactly the same. And they got the same amount of top dressings and waterings with feed closely to the same as possible with all the other pots. I try to be consistent as possible In my applications of top dressing, feeds and watering.
But that definitely doesn't rule out changes that could occur in each individual pot. I'm tending to think it is individual strain related as far as how sensitive they are to the UVA.
I think what I have planned for the UVA use in the next grow should make a difference.

I appreciate the input!:headbang::headbang::headbang::pass:
Most of the time, purpling is genetic.
RUCU CUCU and Mack N Crack are trucking along in doing their thing quite nicely!
I can't decide which one smells better! They both smell absolutely delicious!
Mack N Crack We'll definitely get a earthbox or a big pot the next run. It's kind of a crying shame to see her there in that small pot! She's a pretty girl!
With Chic-lit at day 72 , I think I'll break out scope and see what we got!
Knows Candy is showing signs of getting ready! Rock hard nugs!
Well, ALL the Twenty20 girls in here have rock hard nugs!:biggrin::headbang::headbang::headbang:

Well., mid-afternoon, I checked and there are some ambers but a lot of clears.
All girls are just crazy frosty frosty!
Knows Candy, again, Is gonna be a solid frosty performer!
Vidamints is frostying up as normal and is just gonna be some good meds again. I was thinking about letting her go a little bit longer and Amber up more than the last run, but I think I'm just gonna take her at the same stage. Damn good live rosin point! And that's it! The last three pictures are of her.

The first few are Chic-lit. Then a few of Knows Candy. The girl with actual ambers in many places is Strawberry Biscotti In the big pot. Imagine she'll be the first I take. I think I'm gonna make live rising out of my three tester girls. I think they'd be fine for flower, but I REALLY wanna see what kind of rosin they'll make!

I'd love to make live rosin outta Knows Candy, But her flowers are already powerful enough!
Just got home from making a medical delivery trip to the Metro Mess.
Naturally one of the first few things I do when I get home, I check my girls. The 4x4 tent is the only one that is on cycle currently. My flowering cover crop in Chic-lit's pot catches my eye first. Strawberry Biscotti's flowering cover crop tower has fallen over. That one has pretty violent flowers.
The girls are getting close so I'm paying real close attention. Vidamints get my attention and I try to capture her colors of her buds. I hate the camera, but maybe you can get an idea how pretty The buds are.

So while I'm trying to catch her prettiness, I thought I'd capture the other buds of the girls.
I wish Santa would bring me a really nice camera!
I can leave out some really nice brownies!! :eyebrows: :eyebrows: :eyebrows: :cools:


Chic-lit top cola


Vidamints............................ The two top colas, if you wanna call them that. My improper topping resulted in this. The lesson learned!
I do love how this girl does seem to wave at you with her fan leaves!


Strawberry Biscotti's flowering Cover crop

Stinky Knows Candy:bong::holymoly::what?:......... another winner for sure!...................AGAIN!
Well with the lights on, it was time to take a look at the other tents!

Walter White and Aunt Jeannie's Elixier!
The fade has begun in earnest. It correlates with their slight decrease in water intake.

RUCU CUCU and Mack N Crack


I accidentally let RUCU CUCU grow into the light a bit too much before I pulled it up . She was seeing right at 1200 there for a couple of days on a couple of the tops. Hence, the yellowing of the lower older Fan leaves. It's been a few days, so I think she'll be fine. And she's really packing the buds on too!
And she is extremely sweet smelling................. Pretty much the most sweet girl I've grown so far.
All the girls in the 4 X4 tent got watered yesterday. They all got fed, even though the Twenty20 are short-lived at this point. I gave them a decent hit of Blue Gold Flower.
The girls in the 4 X4 tent will get scoped. I expect to see some more Amber in Strawberry Biscotti and hopefully Chic-lit. The nugs on those three girls are all rock hard. I'm still kinda on the fence of what I want to do with them. It would be an easy dry and a pretty easy trim up for some very nice flower and probably pretty damn potent.

I'll have Walter White, Knows Candy, RUCU CUCU and Mack N Crack for flower. RUCU CUCU Is the only one that will be easy to trim into flower the way she is looking now. Walter White has more of a sativa bud structure and will require a little bit of attention. Knows Candy Really won't be that bad, but I will have a bunch of sugar leaves in my trim! Nice hard nugs on her too!
I think Strawberry Biscotti and hopefully Chic-lit are destined for Live Rosin. That is Twenty20 Adam main intent with these girls is hash production.

Aunt Jeannie's Elixier and Walter White got their reservoirs filled at 10:00 AM. Both are still draining the reservoir within 24 hours, but taking little longer to get to the lightness in the dry down. Both still have quite a bit more to go.

All things being fully optimal, RUCU CUCU Should have probably had her reservoir filled just before lights off. I felt that she was still slightly heavy when I went to bed last night. It is one thing that will have to consider with the longer lights out time with photos during flower in my later grows.f+

Well since I started doing something else and didn't post this I took some scope picture. Well, little bit more time is needed. 5:00 o'clock I'm gonna scope Walter White