I checked the route intrusion into the nutrient mound of RUCU CUCU last night. Her feet are roots really hadn't got into the top of the nutrient bound enough to warrant additional amendments. So she got her reservoir filled last night
Mack N CrackAnd all the other three gallon potted girls got watered with a bit of

J in the water with a touch of aminos.
Aunt Jeannie's Elixier and Walter White continue to bulk up the buds. Walter White is definitely going to put on a color show. Both have definitely slowed down on water intake. Both of them will get their reservoirs filled before noon.
Knows Candy Is starting her own version of the color show! All of her tops have begun to show so it's gonna be a really pretty sight.
Definitely gonna be looking for Amber Lamps again today! I'm fully expecting to chop the Twenty20 Tester girls today.
If I do chop them today, the big pot girls will get fully reamended for the next grow. I'm going to use Craft Blend and Lobster compost with some volcanic fluff mixed together for this first round. I'll measure out the Craft Blend for the pot size and mix that with the compost and then water it all in. I don't have enough EWC to add at this moment. I am gonna use some of mine that I have going right now, but I'm gonna add worms at the same time. Worms just do not like Craft Blend.................. Unless it's been in the media for a bit.
I was handing craft blend to a pot when I saw the worms have a very violent reaction when they came into contact with it. It even lasted after I got the sprayer out and washed the stuff down. I don't know if it killed Them or hurt them, but they definitely had a reaction to it! I think I'll give it a week to settle down before I add the worms. I think I'll add my straw after reseed some of the cover crop.
Speaking of words, I've gotta see if I can get these boogers to move into their new home. I'm gonna pull all of the food on top, what little is left, and set it aside. The top section that I'm adding has like tunnels that project into the by the media to give the worms the pathway to come up to the top section. I've never used this style of worm bands so we'll see.