Indoor Come visit Wild Bill's Medical Grow Room!!!!

Something for all you organic nuts!

Jeremy of BuildASoil is offering a new product for growing cannabis. It looks great and I'm quite sure it will work extremely well, but I'm going to let him run it in the next series before I buy it.

Up until about an hour ago, the only cannabis I had had today was leftover canna coffee from last night.
I just finished up giving Knows Candy A bit of a trim to open her up a little bit better and define things. She looks much better now.
I'm looking over at Strawberry Biscotti after I finished with Knows Candy. The Knows Candy I had just vaped was well in effect! I'm thinking to myself, why is she so wilted? I even pick her up and she's still heavy. Then my stoned ass realized what time it was. It was about 30 minutes before lights off!:face::haha::haha::haha:

I still find it pretty odd that Knows Candy, VidaMints and now Chic-lit, just don't show any signs of getting ready to go to sleep!

At first light I took a gander at RUCU CUCU. I think the stretch has began. As soon as I finish my little meal, I'm gonna pull out and set her on the table that I now use to trim and train the girls that I can pick up.
I think her tentmate is gonna get the same treatment tonight also.
Worms absolutely love cannabis!
Worm food!

I've had this worm been running for 42 days now . They have bred. I saw tiny babies today when I fed them the above.
That will be gone in about three days.
I sat there and chopped it up with my scissors while watching TV.
With as much food as they have eaten so far, I think I'm gonna let them clean up what I have in there currently and then add the second tier. The bedding material is getting pretty hefty . Each tier has the little holes at the bottom so that the worms can move up through.

That restaurant that I ate at last month didn't have any oyster shells that they wanted to share .
Since I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow, I will stop off at Wally's world and get a few of some ceramic containers I saw that would work great. They are about three inches square and about two inches deep. This is what I'm going to put my homemade 'worm chow' In and place the containers in my big pots and put one in my worm bin.
Still nothing from my photo girls! I wish I had taken pictures early this morning.
I hit RUCU CUCU hard with training and a fair amount of defoliation. She's well recovered and looks quite nice.
Am I gonna have to hit these girls with 11/13 Light schedule? They have been on 12/12 since last Friday!
Still nothing from my photo girls!:oops1:
In the auto tents I'm shooting for 1.2 to 1.3 VPD
RUCU CUCU After she recovered from her training. I need to go ahead and give her her flower dressing now, I've gotta mix some more up since I used quite a bit of it on the big potted girls the other day.


Walter White and Aunt Jeannie's Elixier got their flower top dressing with some bokashi on top.

I watered it in with a shortly brewed concoction of BuildABloom, Recharge, And Rootwise With a splash of molasses for the microbes.

Aunt Jeannie's Elixier got :naughtystep::naughtystep::naughtystep:

And here is gorgeous Knows just Candy ............ just because!:eyebrows::eyebrows::headbang:
I lowered the light a little bit to raise the light intensity. She's seeing right at 800ppfd. The others are seeing roughly 750 to 700
I also put the carbon filter on The exhaust fan in the 4x4 Tent.
She's starting to get her funk on!:headbang::headbang::headbang:
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Just gave Knows Candy a tap watering of the same solution I was using last night for the earth boxes. It continued to brew overnight. Little over half a gallon was left I like that soak in 10 minutes.
I then sprayed another full gallon on top of that. In that water, in addition to my normal humic acid and surfactant, I added a half a teaspoon of blue gold flower And the teaspoon of molasses.
I'll go back in 30 minutes after soaking and bottom water what she'll take up.
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Alright! After a good wait. I came back and the first round was 1500 milliliters. I waited 10 minutes and came back with another 1000. I waited 15 minutes and the bottom was completely dry so I had another 500. She soaked that up so I just got through adding another 500. Beating on the sides of the pot Give me the impression that this should be the last.