Thank you pepe. Your on the same exact page as I am with these. Your also correct on the efficiency part. 30% on paper but the 20% blurple spectrum is very poor overall and terrible in comparison to the enhanced white. 93cri amare vs who knows in other panels. I just wish there was an easier way to get the word out. Not everyone has the money for these either and that poses a whole new problem. Well the ones who take the time benefit and they deserve it.
Thank you pepe. Your on the same exact page as I am with these. Your also correct on the efficiency part. 30% on paper but the 20% blurple spectrum is very poor overall and terrible in comparison to the enhanced white. 93cri amare vs who knows in other panels. I just wish there was an easier way to get the word out. Not everyone has the money for these either and that poses a whole new problem. Well the ones who take the time benefit and they deserve it.
The differences in growing under the two lights isn't hard to see at all. It's very apparent in the stretch phase of these auto's life. When those GG's hit the stretch, I was in awe, I knew I made the right choice in a light then. The power of Google for those who search and I imagine most smart folks study before they buy. I just searched Solar Eclipse SE450 and this review is 8th in the list. I think its just a matter of time for the word to get out about these awesome lights.
You're right @iampepe ... The difference is very obvious! Your comparison grow should make that plain as day

You've got one of the greenest thumbs I've ever seen btw!
It really is, the C4's are starting to put on some weight under the cobs. :jointman: I'll have to pull them out tomorrow for a photo shoot. My lady and I are going to start harvesting the GG's tomorrow, they are eating their leaves quickly, it's time.

Thank you for the kind words @Eyeoftheworld I come from a long line of farmers out of Germany into the States around 1750, we've grown potatoes, peanuts, soybeans, wheat, oats, corn, tobacco and hemp. The green runs through my veins.
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