Picture time
Start off with the smallest of the three, she started off life with a dead water leaf and a damaged first leaf. It stunted her but she powered through and is making some nice flowers. I'd say shes 10 days behind in maturity.
Picture time
Start off with the smallest of the three, she started off life with a dead water leaf and a damaged first leaf. It stunted her but she powered through and is making some nice flowers. I'd say shes 10 days behind in maturity.
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some nice buds on there brotha, looks to be a nice haul!
Looking great pepe how much longer to go on that one?
I think a couple weeks. I have not checked trichomes lately on any, I'll have to do that this evening. The C4's are swelling nicely. I just had a World of Seeds Amnesia finish a few days ago, smoking it now, this stuff is really good. I'm about stupid right now and I think I'll return to post the other pictures in a bit. lol wow i'm brain dead...
Lol pepe's tanked. Don't start feeding or transplanting till your back on earth my man.
lol a bit better now, I seriously got stuck on stairing at the screen not having a clue to what I was doing. Thinking about absolutely nothing. Lmao!