I did start this thread in the mephisto section to get some more traffic but the respect goes to Amare. Updates may be a little slow but I will keep them coming. Day 20ish? No clue and really don't care lol. Sit back and see what these girls do in the next 2-3 weeks. I promise not to disappoint you.
First feed tonight. 1/4 tsp root juice 1/4 tsp calmag 1/4 tsp bioweed 1/4 tsp bio marine 1/3 tsp flora duo. 600ppm total which is pretty low considering the usual. All but 1 is happy and healthy, the one that's not has been a droopy looking hag since she put on leaves. I really hate inconsistencies!
Tons of love for my amares.

Not a problem or issue at all but I mixed up some strains. The center is sour stomper and not hubbabubba like the rest. Reason for the shorter plants. Rest is on target, bright and bushy tailed.

I'd say another 2-3 weeks and they will be chopped and more in their place.


