You have a one of a kind wife if she wants a solar spec Pepe. Your 1000% correct. On an even better note the increased yield vs a standard blurple will pay for it in one run. Have you ever talked to Victor about the lights besides an order? He is so passionate about these lights and the plants we grow. The whole industry even. On our conversations he seemed liked he was pretty well off and retired. Well he had to be to invest the money he has on this company but came from retirement with an idea for these masterpieces and his main goal was to help take the poor lighting industry back. Even notice how there are very few claims? He always says I like to let the lights and customers prove their worth. That's how we met a few months ago. Exactly how it's meant to be. Not some over advertised inferior panel. Happy customers spending hours of their lives promoting them because they work. Damn that was long and probably in the wrong place but your a good guy Pepe I can tell.:cheers:
You have a one of a kind wife if she wants a solar spec Pepe. Your 1000% correct. On an even better note the increased yield vs a standard blurple will pay for it in one run. Have you ever talked to Victor about the lights besides an order? He is so passionate about these lights and the plants we grow. The whole industry even. On our conversations he seemed liked he was pretty well off and retired. Well he had to be to invest the money he has on this company but came from retirement with an idea for these masterpieces and his main goal was to help take the poor lighting industry back. Even notice how there are very few claims? He always says I like to let the lights and customers prove their worth. That's how we met a few months ago. Exactly how it's meant to be. Not some over advertised inferior panel. Happy customers spending hours of their lives promoting them because they work. Damn that was long and probably in the wrong place but your a good guy Pepe I can tell.:cheers:

lol yeah she's a keeper :hump:

There is a huge difference vs blurple, I'll be showing it once these girls get some nice flowers. I have a journal with C4's under the blurples in the Fastbuds section. Honestly I was quite happy with them because I didn't know any better. I proved that in one of @A-Train journals when I learned of the pricing. I realized I knew nothing and started studying LED's. It didn't take long for me to choose Amare. The Amare efficiency, light spectrum, white light, cri, par, heat output or lack of, high quality parts, customer support; it all adds up to one awesome grow light.

I really haven't talked to much with Victor, it's been all emails and PM's. What I can say is there was a bit of trust between us that you just don't find anymore. One of a kind awesome dude, I owe him a couple brewskis and a dooby he says. :biggrin: They (Amare) say they are committed to creating and maintaining strong relationships with their customers. That without any doubt is 100% fact. I'll be getting a plane ticket to pay up as soon as I can...

I owe you a fatty too, your first journal here helped make my decision...:pass:
I've just e-mailed them iampepe, I can't keep reading your enthusiasm regarding these lights and not look into them further!!!
Awesome and Welcome to AFN! @AMARE-TECH-Vic will treat you right and so will his lights. I hope you get one and journal your experience, let us know if you do.

The only problem I have had so far is 5 isnt enough. I would be satisfied with 2 of each.
2 of each? I'd be in heaven! Hey @BigSm0 do you know of any journals using the Pro9?
Trichome production is for real, these girls are glueing up! The flowers are noticeably larger every time I take a peak. Started to get a little leaf tip burn on all three girls, so I gave them plain water 2 days in a row, light nutes tonight.

I love my light!
Grow on...
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