Good Morfnoevight All you Caturday Stoners.
Anu says Happy Caturday:
View attachment 1494433
That is a good study. It was conducted in soil-less media. There would be no silica available until some was provided to the Metro Mix 360. So adding some really validates the value of silica to enhance nutrient uptake regardless to the source. I read it and many other scholarly articles on the subject. I have had a serious re-look at DE. I did not know that it has different characteristics depending on where in the world it was mined. It also has more silica available to the plants if the PH is over 6.0 than I thought. I would definitely consider to include it in my TLS if I grew that way. I find other sources better for my Hydroponic operation.
NPK Industries Silica is 45% soluble, Epsom Salt = Mg, S, Soluble Gypsum = Ca, S and of course Calcium Nitrate = N, Ca; all provide more readily available and titratable nutrients in my system.