Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '22

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wow, 2241 PAGEZ, 213K VIEWZ!! :yoinks: which now holdz 4th place in all-time high page countz for LS, woot! :yay: funnee, cuz i was tellin suki jus the other day that i predict this edition would hit "about 200 shy" of the all-time high....and lo & behold, that'z exactly what happened, lol :rofl: :doh: nothin speakz more for community spirit & u've def done LS proud, so bravo! :bravo::cheersmate: award urselvez a dozen xtra smoke breakz & 2 dozen cookiez, cuz u def dezerve it :thumbsup: but alas, all good thingz come to an end, so hop on over to the new edition, so we can roll out the year with an even higher record, eh-? that'z the ticket! :headbang: ppp


For everyone who Done us Proud.
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