Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '22

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I'm not trying to be a prat.. But I don't why anyone wouldn't plant their beans direct in the final pot. I haven't used the paper towel or soak method in decades, lol. Pre soak the soil, add a little Myco in the hole, and plant the bean.. Most of the time it takes 3 days tops for them to sprout.
I only done it this way. My buddy does the soak and whatever. The last time I seen him struggling with planting with tap roots and it was painful to watch. And it took a couple days to even have them pop the soil. I see no reason for all the extra work.
Will pick up one of each and see what works better, but without the air domes. My plan would be to use a super soil and top dress with Craft blend and Build a bloom. Maybe toss some worms in and mulch whatever is pruned off the plant. Does that sound like a decent starter plan?

Thanks again for the advice so far!
That exact method always worked for! Down to the same worms and topdressing! ;)
Didn’t I ask u if u had these near u recently? Heard a story on the radio about them couple weeks back!
Think you did, this was the first news report I saw on it.....they pop back up every so often and the affected counties go to war......don't need anything like the lovebug situation again...
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