Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '22

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Good morfnoevight Al You Happy LS Stoners!

Woke up to my autopot's res's ph @ 4.5ph.. that molasses is no joke, it is becoming work to keep 5.8-6.5

Normal @Mañ'O'Green ?

I only use Molasses one time input to the reservoir. It still will mess with the PH. I just deal with it.

What is allowed then? i see people growing with a huge ass saucer under the cup, roots do the same thing, grow into the saucer and i bet they just cut the roots off at harvest time :crying:
Cheating like that in a competition can end your participation in future events, permanently. Really where is the fun in that.
The Girls are dancing for us.

If it’s a competition it won’t be allowed. The entirety of the root ball must be in the cup. @St. Tom is the man to talk to, and I assure you he ain’t letting any BS through…
thanks frank I also think going forward rules will be set in stone
i sure hope so i would want GIF pics of the solo cup lifted up each week or you fail! if he manages it i'll trust he keeps it fair. not worried now.
hi bro yours with the roots even coming out especially if you have the bottom of the cup in foil or another cup would be void and in competitions I do check everyone's cups and if root were allowed outside its not a solo cup grow its a dwc so people could grow huge plant also here's mine for comparison
my 2 fastbuds girls banana purple punch and gorilla punch are at day 57 and getting close to done



Wtf it wouldn't let me login with my new phone....this Samsung s22 is a bad ass phone.....I'm ready to see what the pictures will be like .....but my babies are sleeping....
Better pictures, hell yeah! Other than that whats it do better?

thanks frank I also think going forward rules will be set in stone

hi bro yours with the roots even coming out especially if you have the bottom of the cup in foil or another cup would be void and in competitions I do check everyone's cups and if root were allowed outside its not a solo cup grow its a dwc so people could grow huge plant also here's mine for comparison
my 2 fastbuds girls banana purple punch and gorilla punch are at day 57 and getting close to done




Couple quick question for you while your in here please @St. Tom are you saying you want a picture of the bottom of cup before harvest? And drip irrigation systems are allowed correct as long as roots stay in cup? Thank you in advance:thanks:
thanks frank I also think going forward rules will be set in stone

hi bro yours with the roots even coming out especially if you have the bottom of the cup in foil or another cup would be void and in competitions I do check everyone's cups and if root were allowed outside its not a solo cup grow its a dwc so people could grow huge plant also here's mine for comparison
my 2 fastbuds girls banana purple punch and gorilla punch are at day 57 and getting close to done



nice you just top water them and let the runoff go into the autopot res, smart. well i don't see me winning anything like this so i'll just forget about the idea of solo cup growing since pros like you have it mastered :thumbsup:

Thank you for explaining the rules :)
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