Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '22

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If it’s a competition it won’t be allowed. The entirety of the root ball must be in the cup. @St. Tom is the man to talk to, and I assure you he ain’t letting any BS through…
St. Tom be bringing the religeous canna smackdown on yo candy asses.
Wtf it wouldn't let me login with my new phone....this Samsung s22 is a bad ass phone.....I'm ready to see what the pictures will be like .....but my babies are sleeping....
What is allowed then? i see people growing with a huge ass saucer under the cup, roots do the same thing, grow into the saucer and i bet they just cut the roots off at harvest time :crying:
I've got a sort of sip going where I have a wick going into a jar. Since the roots are growing into the cup--illegal. Too bad, the first solo I've had that is growing "decent".

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