Sweet Seeds Hot Fun in the "Sweet" Summertime w/ Red Poison

"Sorry for the poor pic quality, I had to stay out of sight from a neighbor's house about a 100 yds away and I couldn't get out of the shadows."

So the neighbours still have the restraining order in place I see.
I tell you he's out there!

I never grown a coloured one good luck pal, all looking good
"Sorry for the poor pic quality, I had to stay out of sight from a neighbor's house about a 100 yds away and I couldn't get out of the shadows."

So the neighbours still have the restraining order in place I see.
I tell you he's out there!

I never grown a coloured one good luck pal, all looking good

Thanks @hairyman I did grow an auto purple and the funniest thing was it didn't purple up until I took it outdoors one day in full summer sun and I swear that thing purpled up right before my very eyes. It was halfway through budding and within 30 secs I brought back inside to keep it from getting burnt. :pass:

looking happy and healthy.

Yeah that's been kind of rare for me this year, as I've fuked up several times already. Anywho, thanks for stopping by @archie gemmill :pighug:

Iooks like you got a red and a green pheno there the shorter one will be a near black one

Thanks @sanguine I have to pick one of them for my entry in the outdoor contest. So sounds like I should enter the short one? :shrug:
Well the green one will prob be a bigger plant- but everyone loves coloured bud
Sorry @sanguine I didn't notice your post. Actually, the green one is starting to color too. I'm getting ready to mix some nutes, but still trying to hold off flower nutes hoping for some more stretch. :shrug: Anywho, I'll post some pics and so an update later! :peace:
Nice work bud! Both are looking good so far!!
Thanks @912GreenSkell Actually, I've been fuking up all year. My auto entry got a little water logged and now I think I see a little bit of rust in her leaves. I had brought both indoors the last couple of days to dry out under my marshydro after they got too wet. Fabrics dry out pretty quick with a strong fan pointed at the pots. Anywho, I foliar feed with 1 ml of GO Cal/mag in a 1 liter spray bottle and added 3 ml to approx. 2 liters of water. I'll post some pics tomorrow. :peace:
Update Day 33
Here's a pic of both girls.

I'm worried about my entry for the outdoors under the sun contest, because I was thinking I was at the beginning of a calcium/magnesium problem. First thing I did was to check the pots ph with my trusty Accurate 7 ph tester, which read between 6.8 and 6.9. A little on the high side, but shouldn't cause a lock out. Here's some more pics of the problem child.

See the rust on her leaves? Her color has been on the light side from the git go. Anywho, I'd feel bad if I didn't post a solo pic of sissy, besides she's starting to color up too.

As always, questions, comments, criticism and especially rants are welcomed and encouraged! :baked:
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I forgot to add that another reason I thought Cal/mag, was because this is the first time I've been using rain water, and what I guess would be distilled water some of the time. Not 100 % distilled, just what I've been catching under a window air conditioner mixed with rain water. I've been using molasses, but it's "animal grade," which basically means it's hasn't been cooked down like regular molasses. In other words, it's runny! I've been meaning to check the ppm of regular molasses and this animal grade stuff, by mixing a table spoon each in two separate gallons of water. If anyone knows anything about this "animal grade" molasses, please chime in. Btw, I got it at Kelpforless. :peace: