Mephisto Genetics 2x GWK and Auto Livers

@Need4Weed killed it with the GWK man! she's huge! :cheers: great job dude
Thanks for the kind words @Froot n Fuel :pighug:
Good job bro. I told ya that GWK is devastating. Super happy for ya...that's a bomb looking creep.

I forgot to mention something, tell me if you have this same effect: When you take a couple good tokes, especially in the afternoon, the Kush shows it's teeth and you get this narco like high. It lasts about 3 hours and you will probably pass out. It's like lights out. When you wake up, you'll still feel it through your body. It's almost like you did some drugs...kinda dreamy like. Maybe a little like a real opium high. I have had this phenomenon happen at least 20 times now off GWK and it's quite nice. My boy's little brother sold a similar strain of Kush back in the day...this phantom guy know only as "Dave" was the mystic grower behind this dope. He would say "I gotta see Dave after work if ya want to stop by later." I sure do bro....I sure do. Let me know if this happens to you as well. Also, be careful with letting it get too amber with any Kush least from my experience. It gets REAL swampy. Afghani does the same thing too, something about super greasy indicas and fucking mind blowing narcotic effects.

THEY'RE called KAAAAHBS Joe's dad's stuff
Thanks for dropping by @Dr.Bubbles :d5: I'll know a little more after she gets jarred and cured, but I do agree with the narcotic effect and I've smoke a little black tar before, (my ex roommate had a glob in tin foil that lasted for 6+months). I'll do a smoke report when the time is right! :headbang:

She looks like she was a beast to trim, what was the bud density like?
Looking forward to a shot of the trimmed buds too :smoking:
She seemed heavy, but hard to tell when wet and I didn't try to check cause the stuff is so sticky! :headbang:

Hey nice grow Need! She’s gorgeous! :slap: Well done!

I am gearing up for the trim myself. Does anyone wear gloves? I have them, never worn them yet though but this stuff seems greasy. Almost seems like they’d get in the way.

I got the nonstick fiskars trimmers and the damn spring broke gonna take another $20 with shipping to get new ones here, may as well get a whole new pair, damn I hate that. Even with the “nonstick” feature they still get pretty coated, not sure they’re worth the money.
Thanks for the slap! :pighug:
I could have used gloves, especially when plucking off the leaves, (which was the easiest way to trim). I've never used the nonstick fiskars, but seeds like the non-stick part would get scrapped off by the razor blade used to get the sticky icky, (unless you use something else???) :headbang:

Trim these ultra sticky strains dry. It goes from nightmare to cake. Hang the whole plant upside down till the leaves are a little crispy. Also helps dry slower for better flavor.

THEY'RE called KAAAAHBS Joe's dad's stuff
I thought about that @Dr.Bubbles but I had help there, so we had a trimming/smoking party! :smokeout:
Hey guys! Sorry for neglecting this thread, but I've had 3 different family issues come up and I've been really busy! Anywho, I smoked my first pinner joint of the GWK a little while ago and I only got half of it smoked! :baked: That shit is fire! :hump: I haven't weighed her up yet, but I'm guessing around 4 zips from pass experience. I'll get some pics up in the next few days! I will say that the buds don't seem very dense, and not much bigger than a normal bic lighter. However, I'm very happy with the buzz! :eyebrows:

Auto Livers is getting near harvest and I was wrong about correcting the cal/mag issue, but she's so close I'm not going to worry about it! Here's a crappy tablet pic and I'll post pics of the other 2 ladies shortly! :headbang:

Here's the Berry Bomb from the Bomb Seeds battle. She's on day 90 something! :headbang:


and GSC from the AutoSeeds battle! Day 90 something . She's getting close to harvest time as some of her leaves are starting to fade! I already fed today, (low ppms), but I'll get my scope out tomorrow and have a look see! Buds are so heavy that the walls on 3 sides are holding them up and I hung a hoop in the front to hold those! Here's a couple crappy tablet pics! :headbang:

