New Grower CKS Random and Red Poison

It's day 50. Its not unusual for fans to start the process of dying. Unless it stunts growth or hits your whole plant suddenly, just sit back, relax and observe. [emoji106]

Fire one off for me [emoji108] HG

Ya, thanks, I was sorta thinking that way as well. That’s why I haven’t take my any major actions at all. Stay the course! Flowers are coming along nicely.
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Looks like a cal-mag def,Might want to add a bit more in your feeds as leds tend to make the plants use it up quicker :thumbsup:

Thanks, I’ll give it a bump on my next few waterings.

Interesting, a few branches on the Red Poison look to be starting to preflower and stop stretching, where a couple have kept going, and not the main stalk.

Hey all, Rando is on Day 58, buds are filling out and the leaves are yellowing more and more. I’m wondering how much time it has left and whether I should be stopping nutes. It only had 2 feedings of bloom nutes since I switched though, seemed to flower quickly.

Here are a few of the better pics I could get of the trichomes, to me there looks to be about <10% Amber, 50% clear and 40% white. What does everyone else think?



Red Poison is on Day 43 and is full into bloom nutes. Its getting more and more of the purple colour in the flowers which is pretty cool! Still there are two side branches who still believe it’s in the vegetative state and has continued to stretch and has no purple flowers yet...odd..but I’m sure they’re close to flowering.


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Hey guys, I could use an opinion...
Here is my rando at day 61
The leaves have been yellowing but have also been getting a purple/red hue to the leaves. I thought this may have been natural from the end of life flowering process but after some searching it may be a phosphorous deficiency. Have I been under feeding by flowering plants? I’ve been overly cautious trying not to burn them but maybe I should have been upping feed more? Additionally, should I even bother trying to feed now as I’m getting closer to harvest? Or just finish out, Harvest, and then keep this is mind for the Red poison and future grows?

You should try to look at the trichomes on the calyx and not the leaves , then youll get a good idea if you should start flushing or not. If you you want post a picture of that here aswell , from the look of the plant they have atleast 2 weeks left to go.
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Wouldnt start introducing nutes this far, just ride it out imo. Sure looks like underfeed, but don't worry really. Buds looking good, still got couple weeks to fatten up.
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You should try to look at the trichomes on the calyx and not the leaves , then youll get a good idea if you should start flushing or not. If you you want post a picture of that here aswell , from the look of the plant they have atleast 2 weeks left to go.

Thanks, I’ll have to try to get some good shots of them. Though I am thinking similar to what nico suggested. I actually have to travel for Xmas coming up so I might give it an early chop so i can get things dried and curing. I know I’m going to lose some yield because of that, but the other option is to wait 3-4 weeks to harvest and that is probably way too long.

I’ll keep with just water for the remaining few days and try to not underfeed the Red poison and my future plants
We made it! Harvest time! Well, at least for Rando. On Day 65 I decided to give it the chop so I can get it dried and started curing prior to leaving for a bit. I probably lost a bit of yield but oh well.

Here it is with all the larger fan leaves removed


A nice close up of a cola


And finally all lined up after the wet trim.
I put up the divider between sides in my Grow tent and have them hanging in there. Roughly 45-55%RH and 18-20C. Judging from what I’ve read, it should take 5-6 days with those conditions to dry out.

By the time I get back, the Red Poison should be almost ready for harvest, happy New Years indeed!
Hey all, it’s been a while since I concluded the grows in this journal but I wanted to close it out with some pictures. Hopefully it may help someone down the road in some way.

To recap, the Random seed from CKS was harvested before Xmas in my previous post. It was dried and has been curing since. It ended up yielding 25g which is decent for me, but still a lot of room for improvement. It vapes nicely and gives a full body high that hits hard and fast.

Moving on to the Red Poison from Sweet Seeds.
I had set up some Blumats to keep it watered while away and came back to a beauty just waiting to be chopped.

Day 72

Here it is in regular light with some of the fan leaves left after a bit of trimming

And here it is just before hanging

My tent was about 20C/45%RH so I left it for 5 days and jarred it up.
Unfortunately I may have overdried as it was about 57% after a night. I immediately put a 62% Broveda humidipak in and have been curing ever since

Here’s the jarred pic, yielding 32g dry weight.

So far I’ve really been digging the smell and taste of the Red Poison better than the Rando, doesn’t hit quite as hard,but it’s nice to have some variation.

So that’s it guys for this journal. I currently have 2 more underway. An amnesia auto from Canuk seeds and a Black Cream auto from Sweet Seeds. Both on day 18 and so far I’m still suffering from slow starting seedlings. I’m really gonna have to figure this one out as I think it’s likely why my yields have been on the small size.

Anyways, happy growing everyone!
Look at the colour on that red Poison, very nicely done! Congrats!

My first auto grow I only ended up with less than an OZ on each plant. I think my main issue was watering too heavy during the early/seedling stage. I switched from soil to a lighter medium and also was a lot more stingy with my waterings in the beginning. My second grow is still in progress (CKS WW & Early Miss) however the WW has been harvested and I ended up with 2.5 oz's. I attribute a lot of that to my change in watering. Not sure if this could be the same problem you are running into with your slow starts however I figured I'd mention it anyways.

If you do another journal for your current grow make sure to tag me in