Sweet Seeds Hot Fun in the "Sweet" Summertime! w/ Speed Devil #2

Oh yeah, I will use copper scrubbers and slug bait for slugs of course, :peace:

Uhhh, slugs! I found a few munching on my Oriental Poppies yesterday. I put down some epsom salts for a deturrent. Seems to have worked so far. Slugs are not my usual problem, but this year has been really wet. What do you use for slug bait?
Also, any problem with aphids?[/QUOTE]

Hi @cayennecuervo and thanks for dropping by. For slugs, (which are really bad around here), I use a combination of copper scrubbers, (cut apart with scissors and tied around base of plant), cheap beer in bowls buried as surface level near plants and snail and slug bait.

Garden Safe Slug and Snail Bait, 2-Pound, 4536

Sold by: Amazon.com LLC

I never thought about using epsom salt, but makes sense as I've sent a many a slug to their death with table salt. Aphids you ask? I hate fukin aphids!!! They killed 2 out of 6 plants last year just as buds were setting and severely damaged 2 more. I used Azamax in a desperate ploy to save my crop, but I hated using it, never spraying buds directly. This year I'm going to plant a few marigolds with each plant and see how that does. Also, I'm going to see about getting some lady bugs too! :peace:
I was wondering about the copper, I have read about that. Nice to know it works. I know the beer works and burying the bowl is an excellent idea. I have never seen a snail out here, yet...
Aphids are every gardener's nemesis. I saw an ant carrying the "cow" aphid to an emerging asparagus tip yesterday, and they are starting to attack my mini-rose bush too. Last year I had French Marigolds (yes there is a difference) planted between the asparagus, tomatoes and had no aphid problems. My companion planting books also recommend garlic. I have lots of ladybugs naturally, but it is the damn ants that ranch aphids like cattle that are the real problem. I am going to try to flood out the nest first, then use Tarro outdoor ant traps if that does not work. I do not like the idea of spraying anything (even neem) on something that I am going to consume.
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Hey @cayennecuervo I left a like on your post, but forget to reply. My bad bro! Anyways, yeah aphids suck, but I've never had much trouble with ants except for in the house. I got rid of mine by mixing boric acid and sugar in a wet mix poured into little cups i made out of tin foil. But I don't think boric acid would be good around mj plants just by the sound of it being an acid.. I don't know a lot about chemicals or much anything else for the matter, lol BTW Thanks for stopping by, I appreciate it bro! :pighug:
Update day 18
Girls are growing fine and they have had ferts 2 times now. I may have to move up the transplant day by a week or two. I'll have to check the weather the next few days to be sure! :peace:
Update Day 24 (no pics)
The girls, (minis 1), were transplanted outdoors early this morning and will probably face strong/severe storms the next day or so. As they were beginning to pre-flower, I didn't see where I had a choice. Also, I gifted one of the girls to a friend as they were gifted to me. My friend is cancer survivor, but still suffers with a lot of pain and he's also a new grower too! Anyways, I will try to get some pics up after the extended weekend. :peace:
Update day 29
The forecasted storms didn't happen, but the girls did get plenty of rain. Since they were stunted, (my bad), I planted them both in the same hole to save space. They were also top dressed with worm castings yesterday,, since it's been too wet for teas. I don't expect much in terms of yield, but since I'm almost out of smoke any bud will help! :peace:

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