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I think the younger volunteer girls liked their feeding!:headbang::headbang:
I think they're showing Some darkening.

It's funny how the second oldest is now flowering in earnest.
Well, this ongoing experiment keeps on doing quite well, I think.

I don't think she looks too bad for 51 days from Sprout.......... And with 8 of those days sitting in the humidity dome before I planted her.

I do think the Crazy Asian Haze volunteer pot liked the feed. The eldest girl still looks a little rough but she is definitely putting on some bud and stinking up the place .

@Jean-O What is the normal firing time for Crazy S1? The oldest volunteer is right around 60 days from Sprout. Her buds are maturing And I think she probably has another three weeks left.

The second oldest volunteer is really getting after it in the flowering department. I think I need to go through the thread and see how she is.

This little experiment is going so well that I think I need to do my best to make sure both pots will survive my little Christmas vacation to see my son and family.
Now I already have the blue mat items ordered for the watering system in the 4x4 tent for the beginning of the AutoSeeds grow at the first of the year. I do think that the preset long carrots that I have for the big pots in the 4x4 probably won't work that well in these small pots. I'll make a call in the morning to BAS and ask that question.
I think that I'm going to go ahead and order a another setup for the 3x3 and 2X4 tents along with probably the two shorter carrots.
When I get back from Christmas, I think I will move these two girls into the old 2.3 X2.3 Tent that will be in the walk-in closet. I'm not going to delay the beginning of the AutoSeeds run to let these two pots finish out.
If I set that tent up permanently in the walk-in closet, it's just gonna be utilized the cool months.
I only have two goals for today.
The first one is to get the girls watered and fed. I got blessed with some rain water last night, so I am warming it at the moment in a five gallon bucket. With the two pots needing totally different things, I'll have two witches brews.

The next is to put together my Quick Jack Scissor lift. Then hopefully test it and then maybe replace the transmission pan with one with a drain hole and do a fluid drain, but not a flush or anything like that.

Both girls got fed and fully watered. Their witches brew was pretty similar, with the smaller pot getting a little bit more Blue Gold flower and touch more aminos.
For each gallon:
A splash of surfactant and a hair less than an 8th teaspoon of humic acid as with all my watering
One teaspoon of Build a Flower
One teaspoon of CowCal............. Calcium
One teaspoon of aminos
5ml of Blue Gold flower.............. Little pot got 7
2ml Rootwise enzyme
1/4 tsp each of Rootwise Complete and BioPhos.................. The little pot definitely needs the bioactivity To help process everything!
2ml of Fermented plant extract........... Stuff is very potent!
And all the leftover witches brew got combined and given to my little magnolia tree.

I do think the little ones are thoroughly enjoying their upped feeding! It also does seemingly look like the newest ones will stretch somewhat!

I can definitely see two different pheno expressions. The two girls surrounded by the blue look like the mom, Crazy S1. The leaves are quite a bit more bulbous. The slightly older girl in the Yellow more like Asian haze with more pointy leaves.

The more pointy one does have the Overall same structure of the Asian haze as you can see here.

And here is the Asian Haze tester. She just keeps packing on the buds! She's still growing upwards with her now seeing 925ppfd at the very top. I'm gonna leave her like that for a little bit, but I know I'm gonna have to move the lights here pretty soon within the next couple of days. I do think that I'm going to put a single bamboo right alongside the main stem and then bring up the outer branches just a little bit. That should get them a bit more intense light.
I think we're at 53 days from Sprout
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I took Asian Haze out and strapped her up!:naughtystep::crying:
She is ridiculously greasy right now and definitely putting on the funk!

I know you guys can't really see it from this shot, but the volunteer pot is just plain blowing up with the little ones.
I think that if I see any Amber on the oldest girl before I leave for Christmas, I'm gonna chop and freeze her or I might just chop her and put her in the Cannatrol. More than likely I'll just put her in the freezer since she really is not a whole lot of buds.
I just love how growing this little plant is a constant source of amazement!

The little girls in the "Auntie Style Volunteer Orgy Pot" are just doing their little thing with style!
Three of the younger little girls are in a 'Let's see who can get the tallest' grow mode.

They are almost as tall as their older sister, which probably has less than two weeks left in her.


Well, since I really want to keep these girls going best as possible during my little Christmas hiatus, I'm going to go ahead and install The Blue Mat system on these two girls.
Since I had to order different carrots for the small pots, I went ahead and made the commitment to go ahead and get another full system for those two tents. I went ahead and ordered the proper size carrots for the larger pots that will go in there in the next grow along with the rings.

So instead of just having the automated water in the 4x4 tent, I will have full automated water and all my tents!
I'm currently warming the water to feed the girls!

The volunteer pot is definitely going to get hit pretty hard! I think it needs it with all the growth that's going on in such a small pot! I think before I apply any water feed, I'm going to give them some more compost and some bat guano. She'll be getting teaspoon each of build a flour and aminos. I don't think I need to give another dose of calcium and definitely not any more big six. 10 milliliters of blue gold flower is a pretty heavy hit but I think the pot occupants can take it. I think I'll add a bit of coconut water along with another dose of the RootWise Biophos. The Biophos is a bit overkill with the recent dose but it's not going to hurt.

I think Asian Haze will be fine with a simple Build a flower and a little bit of aminos. She definitely doesn't need anymore nitrogen so no guano.
Sometimes a grower has to be the harbinger of death.

I really wish I had a place to put these or someone to give them to. But I had to face it, there's five there .
Now there's only one big girl and three other smaller girls in a three gallon pot. :gassy::haha:
It'll be good though that at this age, I can detect the two phenos that I know are here.
@Jean-O If you want to do a hunt you should be able to detect the two phenos pretty easy Early on.

When I open the tent, I got whacked with some stank!:gassy1: It smelt like Asian Haze, but there was more.

So I grabbed me a little feel of Crazy Asian Haze!:eyebrows:

She smelled a whole lot like Asian haze, but with a bit of sweetness and then a little with something else that I can't put my finger on. It's funky AF whatever it is!

Well, I have got to make a decision on what to do with these girls here. I know they're going in the Mars Hydro 2.3 X2 .3 X tent And it's going in the walking closet. The CaliforniaLightWorks SolarFlare160w light is the only light that will fit.................... Matt Mars Hydro SP6000 is not gonna fit !!:rofl:
I think it's a very good veg Lite, but it doesn't finish buds very well. It's also 140 watts less than what I have in the current tent.

So here is the solution!

And the surprises just keep coming with this little volunteer pot! This is the youngest girl of the pot. She is now higher than her oldest sister and her other siblings.
She definitely has a wider node spacing. Now, I don't know if that is because of being a different pheno or she really liked the feed that I've been giving with all the biologicals. Or that she was on the verge of flowering when I started adding things and she didn't have the flowering to take some of that energy away from upward growth.

Whatever it is, she sure is jumping like crazy!

Here is her older sibling and you could see the difference in these spacing and growth height.

I turned the pot around so this particular girl will get some light from the HLG along with the Mars. She's currently seeing 850ppfd.
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