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Just a little bud action from the 2X4 tent of RUCU CUCU and CBD Skunk Haze


CBD Skunk Haze

I've got a silly question. :biggrin: :eyebrows:

I know that when you say reversing, you're not really changing a female plant into a male.

But does the plant take on male plant grow characteristics ?
These things are just becoming tall and lanky
Maybe it's just the lighting conditions I have these plants under, with them just getting what's coming through the canopy between the two earthbox juniors.

Here They are this morning! Big one in the back is almost at the same level as that cola in the back And the one in front is higher by inch and a half than it was yesterday and now is above that bud.
I guess it's a real good thing that they are going into the new Gorilla tent with its increased height.

So now we are 12 days from flipping and the first spraying and we are 6 days away from showing first sex. The one thing the spray hasn't done is stunted these plants! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :funny: :funny: :funny:

I have been seriously thinking about taking two of the clones still in the 3x3 tent And placing them in the 4x4 tent and/or 2X4 tent, just before the reversed start making pollen. There is a very distinct possibility that the 4x4 tent may be opened by then. If it does workout that way I'm just going to throw each one in a regular earth box and flip them .
I'll still have a mom and I will still have two girls to make seeds with. The ones that I put in the 4x4 tent will probably be finished about the same time as the seeded girls. And I will have some more Flower in a fairly short turnaround.

I went ahead and broke down and ordered a AC Infinity 6 inch smart fan with the controller. That way I can take the 4 inch with its controller and put it on the 2.3 X 2.3 tent that will be keeping the moms in. As soon as the reversed females start making pollen I will put the carbon filter on.
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CrazyS1 and RUCU CUCU got their reservoirs filled. The two other girls were just too heavy.
All the clones got fully watered and the two reversal girls got sprayed again.

Now the reversal girls are getting tall and they are definitely showing further signs of flowering.
Was also in need of a reservoir film The outside girls got fully watered. It was about 2:30 in the afternoon and it was absolutely ridiculously hot!
Found a tiny inch worm on CBG force so I'm spraying with BT at sundown.

My indoor girls are a bit confusing this evening. :oops1:
It seems that Asian haze has slowed her water usage For some strange unknown reason. That's two evenings before lights out that she did not need water! I have no idea what's going on with her.
Crazy S1 wanted her reservoir filled again. That's a 24 hour cycle for her. Her leaves look like crap, but she is drinking the water !
CBD Skunk Haze was definitely in need of a drink.
RUCU CUCU, surprisingly, was also in need of a reservoir filled.
A check of. the 4x4 tent soon. after lights on, showed Asian Haze still heavy. I am pretty clueless with the abrupt. change.:shrug:
Maybe she has just coped this long with the problems I caused earlier in the grow. I thought she was holding her own. I don't think there is any water in the reservoir for me to take a sample. I guess the only thing to do is monitor her and maybe pull out the scope and look at the trichomes. If I do not see any improvement by tomorrow, I'm just going to harvest the buds and freeze them.
And if that happens, it opens up a nice opportunity. I have some very very pretty Asian haze Clones just waiting to go into a Regular Earthbox. I think one in a Regular Earthbox would just blow up. I don't know for sure but I think crazy S1 probably has roughly two more weeks. I need sit down and figure it to. I could give that Asian haze the whole tent. And I might need to throw in a net. But maybe I can actually recover from the initial screw up in this grow.
I think I got a little problem. I don't think I'm going to be able to keep a mom! :face::wall::gassy::oops1:

It seems that little "Rudy Alice Jean"*** is finally showing its head.:shrug: On a couple of the clones I have in the 3x3 tent on an 18/6 light schedule have a couple of signs of trying to flower.

Well, I guess that's just another change to the plans. I guess that's just to be expected in and grow! Especially on ones you've never grown before or in that condition.

I'm just going to Go with the flow! I guess it's a good thing I like lemonade!:biggrin::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:

It'll be interesting to see what everybody's water consumption is today.
I think I'm seeing the beginning of a fade on CBD Skunk Haze. She might be one of those early flowers at 8 1/2 to nine weeks. Today is day 43 from flip, so she has just short of three weeks left. If she just keeps the status quo, there should be a substantial increase in Bud.:eyebrows::eyebrows::eyebrows::woohoo:

The reversal clones will get another spraying at lights out. Geez they are getting tall! :growing:

*** Rudialis Gene:biggrin::biggrin:


All right!
That's enough of this damn Hee Haw Luck!!!!!!
:face: :face: :face: :face: :face: :face:

I woke up at 3:30 this morning with a lot of pain........................ and it kind of went downhill from there.:gassy:
Check on my bud drying................... And found mold again.:gassy::wall::face::face::face::face:

I caught it in time and I'm trimming it out and then I'm gonna wash it, dry it and freeze it,

I was gonna do all that tonight and squish it. I called the grocery store and had the assistant manager go check to see if they had dry ice. He went and checked and came back and said he has plenty. Well what Doodyhead had was empty bags! He had plenty of them! They were empty!
Normally I'd just blow that off. But that was going to be my last stop before the house. I had other things to do and I hurried through them to get there in time and back to do what I had to do before lights out. I was rushing through the stores to pick up what I needed and pushing myself. When I push myself like that I know I'm going to have to pay for it. At the time, I thought the price was worth it!:grrr1::grrr1:

I just turned around and walked out of the store without saying a word or anything. I was just way too upset and didn't want to take the chance of someone give me a line of bull instead of just admitting they screwed up.
Asian haze is still too heavy!:shrug:
The other girls were just slightly too heavy but should be fine in the morning. I don't know about Asian haze.
Hopefully that's all the Hee Haw Luck.................... At least for a while.......... Please?

Hopefully this is a good sign that the Hee Haw Luck is gone. I don't really think I can capture it well at this stage with the camera, I do think I'm seeing the first signs of reversal. I am seeing a swelling in the center of the buds that would be a precursor to male parts. With the Growth rate that it is currently going through, tomorrow or the next day should show signs more positively. If anything, the buds are becoming more defined.
I guess the Asian haze will get a reprieve for at least a couple of days. She is light enough this morning to be able to fill the reservoir. The two girls in the 2X4 tent should be ready before lights out to get their reservoir filled.
I say for a few days because I may move around some plants. I still may not chop her. I'm gonna examine her trichomes this morning and check their condition. If they look like they are maturing, I may just put her outside. If they have matured then I'll just chop her.
Either way, this would allow me to move the clones into the 4x4 tent and move Crazy S1 into the 3x3 tent and let her finish out there. With that auto gene seemingly to show its face under 18/6, that leaves me with not being able to save a mom.

And this is why I need to do that. I plain and simply need the room!


Now I could see doing something alternatively. I could pull Asian haze, whether to chop or just placing her outside. Leave crazy S1 where she is and move in at least two clones from the 3x3 tent. I think I do need to up pot them to something bigger than a three gallon pot.

If I do it like that, I can have clean unseeded buds in the 3x3 . That would also allow Asian haze to spend more time in the tent. I think that will probably be the best route to go. Any input?

Today is day 15 since flipping and spraying the reversal clones. @Antonio_DutchPassion @BCBudlady
Given the Bud development above, what do you think about how many more days I should go before I flip the clones in the 3x3 tent to start them to flower? Maybe another 3 or 4 days, maybe sooner if I see definite male parts?
I guess the Asian haze will get a reprieve for at least a couple of days. She is light enough this morning to be able to fill the reservoir. The two girls in the 2X4 tent should be ready before lights out to get their reservoir filled.
I say for a few days because I may move around some plants. I still may not chop her. I'm gonna examine her trichomes this morning and check their condition. If they look like they are maturing, I may just put her outside. If they have matured then I'll just chop her.
Either way, this would allow me to move the clones into the 4x4 tent and move Crazy S1 into the 3x3 tent and let her finish out there. With that auto gene seemingly to show its face under 18/6, that leaves me with not being able to save a mom.

And this is why I need to do that. I plain and simply need the room!

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Now I could see doing something alternatively. I could pull Asian haze, whether to chop or just placing her outside. Leave crazy S1 where she is and move in at least two clones from the 3x3 tent. I think I do need to up pot them to something bigger than a three gallon pot.

If I do it like that, I can have clean unseeded buds in the 3x3 . That would also allow Asian haze to spend more time in the tent. I think that will probably be the best route to go. Any input?

Today is day 15 since flipping and spraying the reversal clones. @Antonio_DutchPassion @BCBudlady
Given the Bud development above, what do you think about how many more days I should go before I flip the clones in the 3x3 tent to start them to flower? Maybe another 3 or 4 days, maybe sooner if I see definite male parts?
From the time you begin noticing reversal, you have approximately 2weeks before party time so 3-4 days sounds about right.
Hopefully that's all the Hee Haw Luck.................... At least for a while.......... Please?

I did say please. :shrug:

A visit to the outdoor girls shows a change from yesterday and it wasn't for the good. It seems that Super wreck has Bud Rot. It sure as hell wasn't there yesterday!:wall::face:

Well the Rot block that I have is several years old. I did pick off a couple of worms, so they may have done the damage and that's where the rot started out. I would cut it out but it's in several places. I think it's just going to be a total loss and not worth trying to save. I think I'm just going to fight myself. Damn shame too, her buds are very frosty and greasy.
I'm still gonna hit the other girl with Rot block. I hear her pretty hard with some BT and then in the morning I'm going to spray another round of Rot block.
Yes, that answers the question of whether AHz goes outside or not. And that ain't happening.

Well here she is in her glory and with the zoomed in bud rot
Well I think Friday is Asian haze last dazes! :gassy:
I think it's what would be best for the grow. I'm just gonna fresh freeze her and add her to what I have currently frozen.
I've already ordered some cheap Vivo sun Five gallons fabric pots with handles. I should be able to take them to harvest pretty easily in that size of bag with my current media and top dressings.

I transplanted one of the Crazy Clones into a 3 gallon pot. I left her in the 3x3 tent to veg a little longer. When it's time to play musical cannabis plants, she'll go into the 2X4 tent in middle of the other girls.

All Earth box juniors got their reservoirs filled.

All clones got fully watered with a little bit of amino acids added. All the big clones are now to the point where they need watering every day. I'm going to keep the reversal plants in these small bags. If need be I can feed them mega crop.

Reversal girls got another spraying! These Bud sites are getting quite prominent!
Here's some nice flash bud porn that maybe will offset some of that damn Hee Haw Crap!

I pulled RUCU CUCU out of the tent to take a closer look. She looks absolutely fine and I did not do anything to her.

I moved CBD Skunk Haze around but left her in the tent. She looked fine also and I did nothing to her.