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Random AHz clone! They're definitely getting their roots underneath them!
Both girls in the 4x4 tent had dry reservoirs, but I wanted to give them a bit better dry down this time.
First thing in the morning, I will give them rainwater with a little bit of EM 1. I did turn back the light to around 850ppfd.
The girls in the 2X4 tent got their reservoirs filled with plain rain water.
They also got the light raised. And that's it for the current configuration! I cannot move the light up anymore. I can take the ratchets off for a little more height and then I can actually zip tie the light to the top bar but that may not let it dissipate heat enough.
CBD Skunk Haze just keeps on stretching!:face::haha: Her highest bud was seeing just under 1400!!!!!
The next time I grow her, aside from the obvious flipping earlier, I'm going to need to add some netting. She is swaying underneath the fan now.

RUCU CUCU Is just a stout girl! She's very consistent too! She's flowering up just like the last time and going to have fairly sizable colas on the ends. I hope she has the same fade as the last time!

I probably need to get the microscope out and take a look at the girls in the auto tent. Sour Stomper is really the only one that is that close.
Just a chunk! Be it a frosty chunk!:eyebrows::eyebrows:
The bad thing is I'm just not gonna be able to dry her whole. There's just way too much bud right there in the center! And naturally they are just hard as they can be!

Mystery seed, Knows Candy, is fairly close and she's very chunky also.

Pink Panama is relatively close too. I don't think she's quite as frosty as most Mephisto strains are but she is pretty funky! Maybe she's one of those real late bloomers. She'll be good smoke nevertheless!

I went out and purchased some more bamboo for the outdoor girls. I was going to give them their first dose of rot block and set up some bamboo, but it's been raining off and on ever since I got back.
Both girls in the 4x4 tent got their reservoirs filled with fresh rainwater, humic acid and EM1. I decided not to add the enzymes and try to go with something to help the overall plant. I guess I'm just not all that convinced on the effectiveness of the Enzymes. Maybe I need to run some experiments with some clones to see if I can see any difference. That might be a pretty good test later on down the road.
This next water cycle should be telling. I think I am seeing improvement in the new growth. I think I can see a slight improvement in overall color.
I don't really think it is affecting Bud building much at all. They are definitely getting after that at a nice pace.

In the 2X4 tent, the girls were praying their butts off as usual. I do know what my next seed making endeavor will be and it will most definitely be RUCU CUCU! The first run of her was great, when I realized she was a photo!:face::haha:
She has been absolutely fabulous in this run, again! I think this girl would be a very good base for playing around with some genetics.

With my check of the auto girl tent this morning, I definitely think I need to get out the scope and then a trichome check. I'm gonna need some room! These AHz Clones are on a rage! If I were just going to make a run of these clones, they would get up potted in three gallon bags and probably flipped within a week to 10 days.
I don't want big plants and I don't want root bound plants. That's not going to really make me harvest my plants early. Now I may not go for as much amber as I normally do, but I tend to go more amber than most.
As you can see in the prior post, they are definitely close.

Going to go outside here in a bit and build some bamboo support for Super Train Wreck. The CBG girl will get her first round of training.
I was going to do a little top dressing to the outdoor girls, but the hay was just too wet. All I was going to do is knock it down into the subsurface through the hay, but I can't do it with it wet.

Both girls got their training and STW got a little bit of bamboo in prep for her crazy growth I expect.

Super Trainwreck

The 3x3 tent gave me a few surprises last night.
Sour Stomper and Pink Panama needed watering. Both got fully watered along with all the clones . The mystery seed was still pretty heavy.

Sour Stomper is going through a water cycle in 48 hours still at this stage from such a small plant.
The scope revealed that Sour Stomper could be taken, but given how much water she's still drinking, I think the buds could mature a little bit more. Naturally, she is definitely piling on the crystals!

Mystery seed, Knows Candy Has slowed her drinking. She has a vast majority of cloudy trichs. I think I'm gonna wait a little bit on her and probably just take her with the others or with another.

Super unique Dark aromatic coffee esque to fruit plum Musk.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, That's how Mephisto describes the smell of Pink Panama.:rofl::shrug:
I think the only part they got right was the Musk! She is funky!:gassy1::gassy::backside:
It's what hits you when you unzip the tent! It's especially prominent since I have products of pressure going in a tent! And it's getting louder! Hopefully she's going to get a bit frostier. If you're looking for an odd terp, this could be the one for you. I think I'm going to like the facial expressions of people when they open the bag!:funny::funny:

The clones are just plain crazy! And then I'm going to be in for a surprise from last night when I go look at them in a little bit.
So I potted up one of the Crazy S1 that was showing roots. There's another one that's showing roots but it's only like two. Crazy S1 didn't really want a clone very easily.

I don't know, I might go ahead and take Sour Stomper and Mystery Seed When Stomper is ready for a reservoir fill. As you can see in the pictures, these clones are going crazy.

Well duh, I think I found the solution here just thinking about it. I don't know why it wouldn't work.

Couldn't I just flip the tent now to 12/12? The autos really don't have that much longer to go and I can begin my reversal process.


What do you guys think about that idea?

Yeah, they're going crazy! CrazyS1 looks ridiculously tiny! :funny:
I think I forgot to document the last time the girls in the 2X4 tent got their water.:face::shrug:

Anyway, they got their reservoirs filled and so did Crazy S1. She is improving in her consumption. Asian Haze was still too heavy. She'll get her watering first thing in the morning.
So I potted up one of the Crazy S1 that was showing roots. There's another one that's showing roots but it's only like two. Crazy S1 didn't really want a clone very easily.

I don't know, I might go ahead and take Sour Stomper and Mystery Seed When Stomper is ready for a reservoir fill. As you can see in the pictures, these clones are going crazy.

Well duh, I think I found the solution here just thinking about it. I don't know why it wouldn't work.

Couldn't I just flip the tent now to 12/12? The autos really don't have that much longer to go and I can begin my reversal process.


What do you guys think about that idea?

Yeah, they're going crazy! CrazyS1 looks ridiculously tiny! :funny:
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Go ahead and flip. The autos won’t really take much of a hit, and the photos will be manageable in flower.
Go ahead and flip. The autos won’t really take much of a hit, and the photos will be manageable in flower.
Let me run this by you and any other interested people.
I'm thinking about a timing issue in the reversal. Should I take a couple of these clones that I'm going to reverse and put them in the 4x4 tent to flip them and began the spraying process.
The other Clones would remain in the auto tent for roughly 10 days to two weeks. This will give the reversed the time to develop the nice male parts. I would then put them back in the tent with the other clones and flip that tent.
I'll have to go back and look, but I think these girls started showing flower at 6 days. With this delay I want the females to be exposed to the pollen as early in development as possible so that I can have more mature seeds by the time chop comes.

Any opinions?