I've been battling the dreaded Septoria which started on my tomato plants then moved to the Cream Cheeze F1Fv clone #3 which has spread like a wild fire to the Rev and CBD which are its closest neighbors. I've been battling septoria for years now in the garden it's manageable but I haven't found a way to eradicate it totally.
I think it's a snowball effect Jean.... season after season of host-desirable plant starts to build up the spore load locally...?
It's ubiquitous, so it never really "fucks off" and stays there- :rofl:
Like most fungal wars, it starts with prevention, namely, foliar sprays that put the beat-down on spores and active fungi before they get established.
A quick look: DefGuard (General Hydroponics) looks to be similar to RotBlock, using Bacillus amyloquefaciens; SNS244 systemic (SierraNaturalScience) or the DC product... not 100% they work on septoria but pretty sure they do...
Neem oil, at least during veg', which will coat the leaves and last... Lots of possibles out there, but bottom line is retreatments as new growth develops. I wonder if the DefGuard and SNS are a compatible 1-2 punch? Might be worth an email to SNS to find out :thumbsup:


Hey Pep', how ya doin'?
...photo girls are super lush!...maybe too lush? Do you do some nip-and-tuck, prune back nodes, etc. to facilitate the plant putting more juice into fewer, bigger budding? I am SOO over the kibbles & bits and larfy stuff anymore... Ditto for big fat main colas, which usually get f'ed by mold anyway -:doh:

Wow, real deal Death Star! Hard to believe that's considered an oldie but goodie these days - LOL
Holy crap, that's beastly for even an F1photo/auto cross :vibe:
How old is she? ...vigor aside, it takes some time to throw on those inches!
Other than 3 funerals in 3 weeks I'm doing well thanks. I did meet up with an old friend at one of the funerals that still had some of my seeds I made 10 years ago or so. Seeds I lost in the fire. I had worked a northern lights, green crack and a couple Kush's to auto, he gave me what he had. 5 NL and 3 GC seeds unbelievably all popped!

To lush, i don't know maybe, I've added tons of organic material to this sand box I live in. My sour diesels have a few leaves yellowing like they need some N. The sub zero is fading a little too. I lollipop them all to minimize the larfy airy flowers. I agree about the kibbles and bits, maybe I should clean up the inner branches and bottoms more. I've removed so many leaves Im tired of doing it. That septoria is a pain in the rear!

Death star was a favorite a few years ago, $100 1/4 oz, I bought many. :) I met a guy a couple years ago on the east side of Michigan who's kept it going and got a couple clones from him. I just had to try and turn it to auto, hopefully she turns out good. I started them in March and planted them outdoors first week of May. The tallest is over 12' now. She's clean on the bottom 5 feet of stem, hopefully I'll end up with some moldy free flowers. They have a strong skunk smell, which I like. We'll see....
Take care my friend
@Waira update on the outdoor photoperiods
Northern Lights #5 starting to throw some pom poms!
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Wild Thing R2 a bit further behind in flowering but looking amazing
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Chocolate Bold Desire CBD S1 just starting to throw some pistols but looking very strong.
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I've been battling the dreaded Septoria which started on my tomato plants then moved to the Cream Cheeze F1Fv clone #3 which has spread like a wild fire to the Rev and CBD which are its closest neighbors. I've been battling septoria for years now in the garden it's manageable but I haven't found a way to eradicate it totally.
Damn I was hoping you'd give a few tips on how to keep that fungus in the ground and not on the plants. I was wondering if a heavy/thick cover crop with no bare soil would help. Plants are looking great though!

Sub Zero

Frosted Truffle Pie

Got a bunch of hummies flying around today.
I think it's a snowball effect Jean.... season after season of host-desirable plant starts to build up the spore load locally...?
It's ubiquitous, so it never really "fucks off" and stays there- :rofl:
Like most fungal wars, it starts with prevention, namely, foliar sprays that put the beat-down on spores and active fungi before they get established.
A quick look: DefGuard (General Hydroponics) looks to be similar to RotBlock, using Bacillus amyloquefaciens; SNS244 systemic (SierraNaturalScience) or the DC product... not 100% they work on septoria but pretty sure they do...
Neem oil, at least during veg', which will coat the leaves and last... Lots of possibles out there, but bottom line is retreatments as new growth develops. I wonder if the DefGuard and SNS are a compatible 1-2 punch? Might be worth an email to SNS to find out :thumbsup:


There must be a way, I have a few large outdoor cannabis farms a few minutes from me. I'm tempted to stop in and ask what they do to combat it.
Weekend Update
Well the Black Dog is in the yard waste as it turned out late to be male. Down to one plant!

Cherry Banana is doing well and got some extra support following the thunder shower's yesterday. Getting plenty of top dressing for flower… will she be finished before my trip October 16th?????

@Jean-O sorry to hear the fungal battle. Hang in the and you’ll figure out something. I’ve been using lost coast on everything in my yard. But damn never dealt with the septoria before.
Spring-Summer Grow -- Maria's Haze Heaven Hacienda!

Day 153: 135V + 18F


Left: two revegged SSSTN (Sticky and Fluffy phenos)
Middle: two Grail (fast) x ThaiFrican seed plants and a much smaller hidden Lemon 'n' Lime Jones girl.
Left: one revegged Grail Project (NLD pheno)

Tallest is about 200 cm, and most of the other bigger ones about 175 cm.

Middle pot also has seven very small seedlings of SSSTN (Sticky) x ThaiFrican (same father as the father of the Grail x ThaiFrican seed plants). One of these small seedlings is shower pistils, so I'm guessing the rest will be showing sex fairly soon! I just want one or two males out of these little seedlings, especially to back pollinate to their mother, the SSSTN 'Sticky' pheno. Though I will pollinate every female plant I can!

The Grail x ThaiFricans are furthest into flowering of the bigger plants, the 'medium' one moreso than the 'tall' pheno, apart from the chunky Lemon 'n' Lime, which has been flowering all summer!
The Grail is starting to show her stretch and flowering shape.
The SSSTN girls are taking their time a little bit.

I topped up the pots with a little more potting mix, coco, organic 3-5-5 amendments, and kelp powder.
Just trying to maximize that root space as best I can.

These girls are getting big!
Can now say these are the biggest plants I've ever grown!
Well, the taller Grail x ThaiFrican sure is.

Happy growing AFN Crew!
Thanks @Mossy !
I had to stake them up today.
Not sure why, but they were leaning south, maybe recent heavy winds, because it's not like they are heavy with flower.
They weren't broken or snapped, just some front branches and the whole 'medium' Grail x ThaiFrican leaning over.
I had some stakes and zip ties (not ideal!) on site, and added a nearby branch to prop them up.
Will do a better job next visit.
If they are leaning over now, they're going to have issues once those flower start packing it on.
Damn I was hoping you'd give a few tips on how to keep that fungus in the ground and not on the plants. I was wondering if a heavy/thick cover crop with no bare soil would help. Plants are looking great though!
I usually have a fair amount of grass and clover for a cover crop and it hasn't seemed to help. I think next year I'll move the tomatoes further away seeing it started on them the last few years. Best tips I have is spray fungicide weekly and remove all infected areas to slow it down. Michigan seems to be full of the septoria, I get it pretty much every year at least a little bit no matter what though. It doesn't seem to effect the growth of the plants much nor the quality of the flower.
I usually have a fair amount of grass and clover for a cover crop and it hasn't seemed to help. I think next year I'll move the tomatoes further away seeing it started on them the last few years. Best tips I have is spray fungicide weekly and remove all infected areas to slow it down. Michigan seems to be full of the septoria, I get it pretty much every year at least a little bit no matter what though. It doesn't seem to effect the growth of the plants much nor the quality of the flower.
These are two products that I use to fight the fungus. I use the Monterey weekly for foliar and I drench the entire garden area a couple of times as well. I use the copper spray locally when I see mildew and when I remove something infected. I still get septoria every year but it can be kept at bay. Some cultivars are less resistant than others. That being said I pulled 2 plants last month that had severe septoria, a real bummer after 150 days of growth.



T20 Smell of success on the left and Trainwreck on right-